
CMPT 225 – Assignment 4 A Retail Stock Keeping System

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In this assignment you will implement a StockSystem class modeling a simple retail storefront
inventory. The data storage of the StockSystem class will be supported by a RedBlackTree class.
Please review the general submission and coding style guidelines on the course website.
Red-Black Tree Description
A documented declaration of a Node template class and RedBlackTree class is provided in
redblacktree.h. Please refer to the comments in the header file for the definition and functional
requirements. A subset of the RedBlackTree functions has already been implemented for you in
rbtreepartial.cpp. It is highly recommended that you study the completed functions to become familiar
with their operation. You are required to complete the implementation of the remaining functions in
 CopyTree
 RemoveAll (private helper function)
 RBDeleteFixUp
 CalculateHeight
 constructors, destructor, operator=
 Insert
 Remove
 RemoveAll
 Size
 Height
Please note that this implementation of Red-Black Tree is not to store duplicate values.
StockSystem class
The StockSystem class supports some simple functions for managing a retail store. A RedBlackTree
object is used to store records of the stock catalogue. The StockSystem class is to achieve its
operations using calls to RedBlackTree methods only. Please refer to stocksystem.h for the class
definition and functional requirements.
Geoffrey Tien CMPT 225 – Assignment 4 2
Testing Tips
The StockSystem uses only a subset of the available RedBlackTree functions. Both classes will be
thoroughly tested during grading – it is highly recommended to write a custom test driver or add your
own code to the provided test driver to invoke all class functions and all their special and general cases.
If you wish to test the structure of your Red-Black Tree, you may make use of the GetRoot() function.
Performing a pre-order traversal starting from the root node and displaying both the node contents and
node colour will allow you to analyse the structure of your tree.
e.g. For the following tree,
A pre-order traversal which outputs the node contents and colour may return the sequence:
5* 3* 4 9 7* 6 12*
Performing insertion of the above sequence into an ordinary BST will replicate the structure of the
original Red-Black Tree. You should write your own pre-order traversal in the testing driver which will
output this structural information to you for verifying the structure of your tree.
Include the following deliverables in your submission as a ZIP archive titled submitted to
 Title page listing the information of all contributing group members
 redblacktree.cpp
 stocksystem.cpp