In this assignment you will create a program with the same functionality as pa1, but now in C. You will again create a List ADT module and use it to alphabetize the lines in a file. Another goal of this project is to make sure everyone is up to speed with C, especially pointers and structures, and to build an ADT that will be re-used in future assignments. Be sure to read the two handouts “ADTs and Modules in Java and C” and “Additional Remarks on ADTs in C” before proceeding, paying special attention to the second handout. As before the executable file for this project will be called Lex, and will be operated by doing % Lex at the command prompt %. The program FileIO.c on the class webpage shows one way that file input and output can be accomplished in C. Program operation and file formats for this project will be identical to those described in pa1. As before your List ADT will be a double ended queue with cursor (possibly undefined) underscoring a distinguished element in the list. The underlying data structure for the list will be a doubly linked list of Node objects. You may use the examples Queue.c and Stack.c as starting points for your design. Your List module will export a List type along with the following operations. // Constructors-Destructors ————————————————— List newList(void); void freeList(List* pL); // Access functions ———————————————————– int length(List L); int index(List L); int front(List L); int back(List L); int get(List L); int equals(List A, List B); // Manipulation procedures —————————————————- void clear(List L); void moveFront(List L); void moveBack(List L); void movePrev(List L); void moveNext(List L); void prepend(List L, int data); void append(List L, int data); void insertBefore(List L, int data); void insertAfter(List L, int data); void deleteFront(List L); void deleteBack(List L); void delete(List L); // Other operations ———————————————————– void printList(FILE* out, List L); List copyList(List L); Function newList returns a List which points to a new empty list object. Function freeList frees all heap memory associated with its List* argument, and sets *pL to NULL. Function printList() prints the L to the file pointed to by out, formatted as a space-separated string. This function plays roughly the same role as the toString() function in Java. The operation of the other functions, and their preconditions, are described in the pa1 specifications. Note that the int type in C will stand in for boolean in java, with 1 being true and 0 false. All of the above functions are required for full credit, but you may add the following function whose operation is described in pa1. List concatList(List A, List B); As in the Java version, the above methods allow the client of List to iterate over lists. A typical loop in C iterating from front to back in C would be moveFront(L); while(index(L)>=0){ x = get(L); // do something with x moveNext(L); } and as before, a similar loop could be used to iterate from back to front. Your program will be structured in three files: a client program Lex.c, a List implementation file List.c, and a List header file List.h. You will also turn in three additional files: README, Makefile, and ListClient.c. This last file is posted on the webpage and will be submitted unaltered. Thus you will turn in 6 files in all. Note that these file names are not optional. Points will be deducted if you turn in wrongly named files, or extra files such as data files or binary .o files. Each file you write must begin with your name, user id, and assignment name. Your Makefile will create an executable called Lex and will include a clean utility that removes all object files, including Lex. A simple Makefile for this assignment is posted on the webpage under the examples section. You may alter it as you see fit. The webpage contains links to some good Makefile tutorials. You can also go to my webpage for Spring CMPS 12B, follow the lab assignments link then read lab assignment 1 which contains a section on Makefiles. Note that the compile operations mentioned in the above Makefile call the gcc compiler with the flag -std=c99. It is a requirement of this and all other assignments in C that your program compile without warnings or errors under gcc, and run properly in the Linux computing environment on the UNIX Timeshare provided by ITS. In particular, you should not use the cc compiler. Your C programs must also run without memory leaks. Test them using valgrind on by doing % valgrind program_name argument_list. Submit your project to the assignment name pa2.