CMPS-012M Lab 9 • Generic code using void*


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1. Overview
In this lab, you will impement a generic sorting routing using the void* parameter
declaration. This is similar to the C library function qsort(3). You will also review
your knowledge of Makefiles and header files. Begin by studying the example programs in wk09a-cqsort/. Also study misc/voidstar.c.
2. Programs to write
Write the following programs and files, each as described here :
Write a Makefile with the following targets, and in each case, provide the appropriate actions.
all: should build the two binaries numsort and linesort.
numsort: depends on numsort.o and inssort.o.
linesort: depends on linesort.o and inssort.o.
%.o: depends on %.c. All C compilations should be done with the command
gcc -g -O0 -Wall -Wextra -std=gnu99
Note specifically the use of the -c and -o options from previous
ci: depends on all source files and runs both ci and checksource.
submit: depends on source files and submits them.
This utility reads in double numbers from stdin, sorts them, then prints them.
(i) Write a program which will create an array double array[1000] and use
scanf to read numbers into this array.
(ii) It stops reading when the first of the following happens : end of file, any
invalid input not recognized by scanf, or the array is full.
(iii) The numbers are then passed to the function inssort, along with a suitable
comparison function. The numbers are sorted in increasing order.
(iv) The numbers are then printed one per line using the format “%20.15g\n”.
This utility reads in lines from stdin into an array, sorts them, then prints them.
(i) Allocate an array of 1000 pointers to character strings, read in each character string from stdin and strdup each line into the array. Plug the newline
at the end of each line with a ’\0’, but don’t error out if there is no newline.
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Use char buffer[1000] as an input buffer. The program stops at end of file,
or when the array is full.
(ii) It then calls inssort to sort the strings using a suitable comparison function. The lines are sorted into increasing lexicographic order.
(iii) The lines are then printed, one per line of output.
This file is the header file to be included by both numsort.c and linesort.c and it
is important that both of these programs call the same function. Do not write a
separate double sorter and a separate char* sorter. Using proper style, provide
file guards and necessary #includes to prototype the following function :
void inssort (void *base, size_t nelem, size_t size,
int (*compar) (const void *, const void *));
The parameters are as follows :
(i) base is the base address of the array,
(ii) nelem is the number of elements (length) of the array,
(iii) size is the number of bytes used by a single array element, and
(iv) compar is a comparison function which produces the usual results, i.e., a negative number if the first argument is less than the second, zero if equal, and
a positive number of greater.
Before beginning your program, you may wish to use the library function qsort(3)
to debug your main programs, but be sure to delete all references to qsort before
submitting your program.
(i) Your program should be a direct line-for-line translation of the Java function
insertion_sort, as shown in Figure 1.
(ii) Inside the function, you must use byte offsets from the base of the array in
order to compute data movements.
(iii) Cast addresses from void* to char* in order to do address arithmetic. An
array element i is at location base + i * size.
(iv) Pass the address of each pair of elements to the comparison function. The
comparison function accepts addresses of elements, not elements themselves.
(v) Use the function memcpy(3) to copy parts of the array from one location in
memory to another.
(vi) To allocate space for the temporary element variable, use malloc(3). Don’t
forget to free(3) this temporary before returning from the function.
3. Eliminate all warnings and submit
Eliminate all warnings that gcc with the above options may produce, ensure checksource does not complain, and eliminate all messages from valgrind –leak-check=
CMPS-012M • Fall 2013 • Lab 9 • Generic code using void* page 3 of 3
// Insertion sort.
static >
void insertion_sort (elem_t[] array, int nelem) {
for (int sorted = 1; sorted < nelem; ++sorted) { int slot = sorted; elem_t copy = array[slot]; for (; slot > 0; –slot) {
int cmp = copy.compareTo (array[slot – 1]);
if (cmp > 0) break;
array[slot] = array[slot – 1];
array[slot] = copy;
Figure 1. Java function insertion_sort
Submit README, Makefile, numsort.c, linesort.c, inssort.h, inssort.c. Also, if you
are doing pair programming, submit the required pair programming files.