1. Overview
In this assignment you will implement a spelling checker that uses a hash table to look up words in a
dictionary. Collision resolution will be done by separate chaining. A scanner generated by flex will
be used to extract words form the files to be checked.
2. Program specification
We present the program in the form of a Unix man(1) page.
spellchk — spell check some files based on dictionary words
spellchk [-nxy] [-d dictionary] [-@ debugflags] [filename …]
This program examines files for correct spell checking. Some number of dictionaries are read
in, including the default dictionary, plus any other auxiliary dictionaries. then each file is read,
and a report of any incorrectly spelled words is made.
Options are scanned using getopt(3c), and are subject to its restrictions and conventions. It is
an error if no dictionaries are specified.
-d dictionary
The specified dictionary is loaded and used in addition to the default dictionary. This is
optional unless -n is used.
-n The default special dictionary is excluded and only explicitly specified dictionaries are
-x Debug statistics about the hash table are dumped. If the -x option is given more than
once, the entire hash table is dumped. The files to be spell checked are ignored if this
option is specified.
-y Turns on the scanner’s debug flag.
-@ debugflags
Turns on debugging flags for the DEBUGF macro. The option -@@ turns on all debug flags.
Each operand is the name of file whose words are to be checked for spelling errors. A word is
any sequence of letters and digits, possibly with the characters ampersand (&), apostrophe (’),
hyphen (-), or period (.) embedded with the word. If a filename is specified as a minus sign (-),
it causes stdin it be read at that point. If no filenames are specified, stdin is spell checked.
0 No errors nor misspelled words were detected.
1 One or more misspelled words were detected, but there were no errors.
2 One or more errors were detected and error messages were printed.
Contains the default dictionary.
Standard spell-checking algorithms for variations on words as to number and tense are not
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performed. In any case, poems like the one in Figure 1 are likely to confuse most spelling
Eye halve a spelling chequer
It came with my pea sea
It plainly marques four my revue
Miss steaks eye kin knot sea
Eye strike a quay and type a word
And weight four it two say
Weather eye am wrong oar rite
It shows me strait a weigh
As soon as a mist ache is maid
It nose bee fore two long
And eye can put the error rite
Its rare lea ever wrong
Eye have run this poem threw it
Eye am shore your pleased two no
Its letter perfect all the weigh
My chequer tolled me sew.
Figure 1. Test file for spellchk
FILE *yyin; Is the file from which yylex reads its input. It must be opened before
calling yylex to read any file. If it is not stdin, then it should be closed
when yylex is done with the file.
char *yytext; Whenever yylex returns from scanning, this variable points into its
buffer at the word just recognized.
int yy_flex_debug; This is a debug flag which puts yylex into verbose mode. You probably
don’t need it.
int yylex (void); Scans the file yyin and for each word found, returns a non-zero integer
code, leaving yytext to point at the word. It returns 0 at end of file.
int yylineno; is used by yylex to keep track of the current line number, which is useful to you in error reporting. It needs to be reset to 1 before beginning a
void yycleanup (void); Cleans up the buffers allocated by yylex and releases their storage.
This is called only when yylex is no longer needed.
Figure 2. Interface to the function yylex()
3. Survey of the code
Study the existing code, which is a partial implementation of your program. There are several modules and other files, most with a separate .h and .c file.
(i) The default dictionary really ought to be /usr/share/dict/words, and would actually be in a real
implementation, however it is very large on Linux, so a smaller dictionary was copied from a
Solaris machine. Using the smaller dictionary will allow you to test your program without
needing to use a very large amount of memory, expecially when debugging. See the output of
wc(1) :
25143 25143 206663 cmps012b-wm/usr/dict/words
479623 479623 4950996 /usr/share/dict/words
(ii) Makefile contains the usual building information. Makefile.deps is a generated file which lists
the dependencies. It must be regenerated any time there is a change to any #include statement
in your program.
(iii) The program pspell.perl is a reference implementation, but does not contain debug switches.
(iv) The module debugf contains some useful utility functions which are generally useful for debugging. See debugf.h for a description of each function.
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(v) The module hashset will require the most work. A stub has been provided, along with a hashing function strhash. You will need to add functions that print out the required debugging and
also replace the calls to STUBPRINTF or DEBUGF with working code.
(vi) The file scanner.l contains a scanner which reads words from the files to be tested. You need
not understand exactly how this works, just how to call it to extract words. The file yyextern.h
has definitions of the files in the program generated by the scanner. See Figure 2 for a description of the variables.
(vii) The main program, spellchk, will scan the options, load the dictionaries, and then do the spell
4. Implementation — Loading the dictionaries
Before implementing the hash sets, the dictionaries must be loaded into memory.
(i) There are two dictionaries to be loaded. Look for the stub which prints the message ‘‘Load dictionaries’’. Replace this with a loop that loads the dictionaries into the hash set.
(ii) The variables default_dictionary and user_dictionary contain, respectively, the names of the
default and user dictionaries. A null value indicates that the dictionary should not be loaded.
Print an error message and stop if neither dictionary is present.
(iii) Create a hashset and iterate over each dictionary. Read each line using fgets(3c) and chomp off
the trailing newline character. Then call put_hashset with each word.
(iv) Test your program. Use valgrind to find problems with uninitialized pointers and other bad
memory references. Ignore any complaints it makes about memory leak. Fix any problems
with segmentation faults or bus errors or other problems reported by valgrind and gdb.
5. Implementation — The hash set
Allocation and freeing of the hash set has been implement, but not insertion and searching.
(i) A function strhash has been provided which takes a string and, using Horner’s method, iterates
over the string to compute
Σ ci × 31
n−i−1 where c is the integer coded value for each character in
the string. Since overflow happens with longer words, we avoid negative numbers by using the
defined data type hashcode_t, which is defined to be an unsigned 32-bit integer. You must
declare any variable that is the result of the function strhash of this type, and not int.
(ii) To search the hash set, compute the hash code first, then take it remainder the size of the
array :
hash_index = strhash (word) % hashset->size;
Then use that index to choose a particular hash chain and perform a linear search down that
hash chain using strcmp(1) until you find equality or run off the end of the chain.
(iii) Note that searching the chain is *not* an O(n) operation, because we consider n to be the total
number of elements in the has set. If there are k hash chains, then on the average, each chain
will be about O(n/k) in length. If each chain is about the same length and n ≤ k/2, this works
out to be O(1 ).
(iv) To put a new word into the hash set, first hash it, and then search exactly as you did for has_
hashset. If the word is found and already there, do not insert it; just return. If you find a null
pointer before finding the word, store the address of the word in the hash set by prepending it
to the particular hash chain.
(v) At any time if the load * 2 > size (the number of words in the hash set is more than a half the
size of the array), perform array doubling. A hash modulus works better when it is not a power
of two, but 2n ±1 works fine, which is why the initial size was 15. To double the array, the new
size should be 2n +1 if the previous size was n. This means that the sequence of sizes is 15, 31,
63, 127, 255, 511, 1023, 2047, 4095, 8191, 16383, 32767, 65535, etc.
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(vi) To perform doubling, use the following pseudocode :
allocate a new array and set all its pointers to NULL
for each entry in the old array :
while that entry is not null :
pop the hash node from the front of the list
recompute the hash number and hash index for the new array
push the hash node onto that index of the new array
free the old array
point the struct hash at the new array
Note that initial insertion does a strdup(3c), but here, only the pointer is copied.
(vii) Implement the debugging requirements. For the -x option given once, print out a table like the
following, with numbers actually gleaned from the hash table.
25143 words in the hash set
65535 size of the hash array
24802 chains of size 1
100 chains of size 2
40 chains of size 3
3 chains of size 7
A cluster is any run of adjacent non-null pointers. Print out a cluster message for each different number of cluster sizes. This verifies that your hash table is reasonably implemented.
(viii) If the -x option is specified more than once, follow this clustering information with an actual
dump of the hash set, printing out each entry with subscript, hash code, and string. For elements of the same chain, print out the subscript only once. Print out only those entries that are
not null. For example :
array[ 20] = 2489332 “foobar”
= 2872521232 “testing”
array[ 24] = 3482567 “quux”
This indicates that chain 20 has ‘‘foobar’’ and ‘‘testing’’, and that chain 24 has ‘‘quux’’. Use the
format string
“array[%10d] = %12u \”%s\”\n”
for the first item on a chain, and a similar format without the array index for the other items.
Neatly align everything in vertical columns.
6. Implementation — The final stages
At this point the program is almost complete. A few more things need to be done.
(i) The scanner scanner.l is written in the flex language and extracts words from a file that has
been opened for the FILE* variable yyin. It is used to generate the C module scanner.c, the contents of which you do not need to read. Just treat it like any other library module.
(ii) Implement the function spellcheck so that for each word that is found, the word is looked up in
the dictionary. If it is not found, convert the word to lower case (tolower(3c)), and then look it
up again. This is done so that capitalized words, such as at the beginning of a sentence, will be
found. Proper names in the dictionaries are given in upper case, so will not be found if spelled
in lower case.
(iii) Make sure the exit status of the program is correct as defined in the man page at the beginning
of this document. Run gdb and valgrind to verify that you have no memory problems.
(iv) If you have time, eliminate memory leak by freeing up all of storage. Check the errors file generated by valgrind.
(v) Use checksource and lint to verify good coding style. Read Coding-style/.
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7. What to submit
README, Makefile, debugf.h, hashset.h, strhash.h, yyextern.h, debugf.c, hashset.c, spellchk.c,
strhash.c, scanner.l. Do not submit the file scanner.c, which will be created when gmake is run. Do
not submit any files that are built by gmake. Verify that the submit target in the Makefile is in fact
correct and really does submit all files needed to build the target and does not submit any files that
need to be generated. If you are doing pair programming, carefully follow the instructions in /afs/