Implement a statespace planner that operates in the domain of Minecraftstyle item crafting
rules. You may implement any planning algorithm you like (state progression, goal regression,
or bidirectional search) using any heuristic scheme you like (plain dijkstra’s / no heuristic,
custom heuristic based on player knowledge, automatic heuristic based on a relaxation, etc.),
so long as the time requirements below are satisfied.
Implementing a state progression (forward) planner with no heuristic (plain Dijkstra’s
algorithm) will get you off to an easy start.
Requirements / Grading Criteria
Each of the tasks below should be completable by your planner with less than 30 seconds of
realworld time on whatever machine you chose to use for demonstration.
The total cost (in recipe Time units) and step length for costoptimal plans are given below.
However, your plans need not be optimal so long as they are valid and produced within the
realworld time limit.
● Given {‘plank’: 1}, achieve {‘plank’: 1}. [cost=0, len=0]
● Given {‘bench’: 1, ‘plank’: 3, ‘stick’: 2}, achieve {‘wooden_pickaxe’: 1}. [cost=1, len=1]
● Given {‘plank’: 3, ‘stick’: 2}, achieve {‘wooden_pickaxe’: 1}. [cost=7, len=4]
● Achieve {‘wooden_pickaxe’: 1} from scratch. [cost=18, len=9]
● Achieve {‘stone_pickaxe’: 1} from scratch. [cost=31, len=13]
● Achieve {‘furnace’: 1} from scratch. [cost=48, len=22]
● Achieve {‘iron_pickaxe’: 1} from scratch. [cost=83, len=33]
● Achieve {‘cart’: 1} from scratch. [cost=104, len=38]
● Achieve {‘cart’: 1, ‘rail’: 10} from scratch. [cost=172, len=58]
● Achieve {‘cart’: 1, ‘rail’: 20} from scratch. [cost=222, len=87]
During the demo in lab, be prepared to show us the most difficult case that your planner can
handle within the time limit. If you and your partner have worked as many hours as you can
afford, stop and don’t fret about getting the last fractions of a point. Before you reach that
point, ask others for heuristic ideas (on Piazza).
Base Code
There is no base code for this assignment, however, there is a data file (Crafting.json)
supplied at the end of this document.
This code examples shows how to load the crafting rules and access their details:
withopen(‘Crafting.json’) asf:
Crafting = json.load(f)
# List of items that can be in your inventory:
# example: [‘bench’, ‘cart’, …, ‘wood’, ‘wooden_axe’, ‘wooden_pickaxe’]
# List of items in your initial inventory with amounts:
# {‘coal’: 4, ‘plank’: 1}
# List of items needed to be in your inventory at the end of the plan:
# (okay to have more than this; some might be satisfied by initial inventory)
# {‘stone_pickaxe’: 2}
# Dictionary of crafting recipes:
printCrafting[‘Recipes’][‘craft stone_pickaxe at bench’]
# example:
# { ‘Produces’: {‘stone_pickaxe’: 1},
# ‘Requires’: {‘bench’: True},
# ‘Consumes’: {‘cobble’: 3, ‘stick’: 2},
# ‘Time’: 1
# }
Implementation Strategy
The steps in this strategy guide are strictly optional, but it may help you to follow them.
Step 1: Load the Crafting Rules
See the code above for how to load the rules from the JSON file.
Step 2: Compile the Rules for Fast Application
Here’s a use of Python’s namedtuple structure to quickly make a container class and use it to
hold compiled recipes.
fromcollections importnamedtuple
Recipe = namedtuple(‘Recipe’,[‘name’,’check’,’effect’,’cost’])
all_recipes = []
forname, rule inCrafting[‘Recipes’].items:
checker = make_checker(rule)
effector = make_effector(rule)
recipe = Recipe(name, checker, effector, rule[‘Time’])
Where are make_checker and make_effector defined? You have to do that as well:
def make_checker(rule):
… # this code runs once
# do something with rule[‘Consumes’] and rule[‘Requires’]
def check(state):
… # this code runs millions of times
return True # or False
return check
def make_effector(rule):
… # this code runs once
# do something with rule[‘Produces’] and rule[‘Consumes’]
def effect(state):
… # this code runs millions of times
return next_state
return check
To start off, just have the checker return True and the effector return the state it is given. You
can fill these in later.
Step 2: Implement a Generic A* Search Algorithm
Implement a generic version of the A* algorithm with a signature like this
def search(graph, initial, is_goal, limit, heuristic):
return total_cost, plan
● graph: a function that can be called on a node to get adjacent nodes
○ def graph(state):
for r in all_recipes:
if r.check(state):
yield (, r.effect(state), r.cost)
○ the result should be a sequence/list of (action, next_state, cost)tuples
○ action: the name of the crafting recipe applied
○ next_state:the state resulting from applying the recipe in the current state
○ cost: the Time associated with the crafting recipe
● initial: an initial state
● is_goal: a function that takes a state and returns True or Fase
● limita float or integer representing the maximum search distance
○ without this, your algorithm has no way of terminating if the goal conditions are
● heuristic: a function that takes some next_state and returns an estimated cost
Step 3: Test your Generic A*
Test your A* code on a tiny graph search problem:
t_initial = ‘a’
t_limit = 20
edges = {‘a’: {‘b’:1,’c’:10}, ‘b’:{‘c’:1}}
fornext_state, cost inedges.items():
yield((state,next_state), next_state, cost)
returnstate == ‘c’
printsearch(t_graph, t_initial, t_is_goal, t_limit, t_heuristic)
Step 4: Implement the Building Blocks of your Planner
You’ll need to decide how you want to represent states. See the note in the Caveatssections
below about hashable objects. We recommend a fixedlength tuple that records how many of
each item are present in the current inventory.
def make_initial_state(inventory):
return state
initial_state = make_initial_state(Crafting[‘Initial’])
def make_goal_checker(goal):
… # this code runs once
def is_goal(state):
… # this code runs millions of times
return True # or False
return is_goal
is_goal = make_goal_checker(Crafting[‘Goal’])
def make_checker(rule):
def check(state):
return True # or False
def make_effector(rule):
def effect(state):
return next_state
def graph(state):
for r in all_recipes:
if r.check(state):
yield (, r.effect(state), r.cost)
def heuristic(state):
return 0 # or something more accurate
Step 5: Test your Planner on the Project Requirements
You can either edit the Initial and Goal conditions in Crafting.json or override them in your
own code. Look at the list of requirements and see how far your planner can get through them
(in order of difficulty) within a only few seconds of search. Don’t waste your time waiting up to
30 seconds in each editandtest cycle.
Step 6: Play with Heuristics and Action Pruning
If you planner isn’t fast enough (it won’t be at the start!), here is where you look into ways of
speeding it up. Feel free to share ideas for heuristics and action pruning mechanisms
with other teams and discuss them Piazza. The primary challenge of this projects
should come in formalizing the ideas on your computer, not so much as in coming up
with them in the first place.
Although you could use a profiler to figure out the slowest part of your code and speed up just
that part, that strategy has limited benefits here. It is very likely that your recipe.effect(state)
function is responsible for the bulk of the time in your planner. Instead of making this function
run faster, you should try to find ways to simply have this function be called fewer times by
having the search explore fewer states. Heuristics and action pruning are key here.
Suppose you can tell, just by looking at a state, that the planner is exploring distracting
territory. In the Minecraft domain, there’s no reason to ever craft a tool (pickaxe, furnace, etc.
things appearing in ‘Requires’ conditions) if you already have one of them. If you create a
heuristic that returns infinity in this case (zero otherwise), even a very plain A* state
progression planner should be able to find optimal plans for crafting a furnace within the time
If you apply this same logic to nontool items (considering the ‘Produces’ and ‘Consumes’
amounts), you should be able to reach all the way to the hardests tasks. However, getting the
math right can be tricky if you are trying to automatically derive these limits from the recipes.
It’s okay to hard code limit values if you can estimate reasonable values by inspecting the
recipes yourself.
This same inventorylimiting idea could be implemented as an extra condition to check when
seeing if a recipe is applicable (instead of a heuristic that sometimes returns infinity).
Statespace planners often waste their time considering every possible ordering of
orderinsensitive actions. If I need to get 8 planks from scratch, should I
“punch,craft,punch,craft” or “punch,punch,craft,craft”? They have the same costs, so the
default planner will try both. Can you modify your planner (either in the heuristic or in the
function that computes graph edges) so that it only explores one of these interchangeable
It’s okay to modify your A* algorithm so that the heuristic can inspect the proposed action as
well. It might ignore the state, and decide what value to return just by looking at how the
action relates to the goal.
Hashable States
The keys of a Python dictionary need to be hashable objects. Dictionaries aren’t hashable, so
you can’t use one as a state representation.
dist = {}
state_dict = {‘coal’: 5}
dist[state_dict] = 6
TypeError: unhashable type: ‘dict’
Items = Crafting[‘Items’]
return tuple(d.get(name,0) for i,name in enumerate(Items))
h = inventory_to_tuple(state_dict) # > (0,0,0,0,5,0,0,0)
return frozenset(d.items())
h = inventory_to_frozenset(state_dict) # > frozenset({(‘coal’:5)})
dist[h] = 6
No error
Alternatively, you can implement your own State class, making sure to define the
__hash__(self)and __eq__(self,other)methods in an appropriate way.
“Initial”: {},
“Goal”: {
“stone_pickaxe”: 1
“Items”: [
“Recipes”: {
“craft wooden_pickaxe at bench”: {
“Produces”: {
“wooden_pickaxe”: 1
“Requires”: {
“bench”: true
“Consumes”: {
“plank”: 3,
“stick”: 2
“Time”: 1
“craft stone_pickaxe at bench”: {
“Produces”: {
“stone_pickaxe”: 1
“Requires”: {
“bench”: true
“Consumes”: {
“cobble”: 3,
“stick”: 2
“Time”: 1
“wooden_pickaxe for coal”: {
“Produces”: {
“coal”: 1
“Requires”: {
“wooden_pickaxe”: true
“Time”: 4
“iron_pickaxe for ore”: {
“Produces”: {
“ore”: 1
“Requires”: {
“iron_pickaxe”: true
“Time”: 2
“wooden_axe for wood”: {
“Produces”: {
“wood”: 1
“Requires”: {
“wooden_axe”: true
“Time”: 2
“craft plank”: {
“Produces”: {
“plank”: 4
“Consumes”: {
“wood”: 1
“Time”: 1
“craft stick”: {
“Produces”: {
“stick”: 4
“Consumes”: {
“plank”: 2
“Time”: 1
“craft rail at bench”: {
“Produces”: {
“rail”: 16
“Requires”: {
“bench”: true
“Consumes”: {
“ingot”: 6,
“stick”: 1
“Time”: 1
“craft cart at bench”: {
“Produces”: {
“cart”: 1
“Requires”: {
“bench”: true
“Consumes”: {
“ingot”: 5
“Time”: 1
“iron_pickaxe for cobble”: {
“Produces”: {
“cobble”: 1
“Requires”: {
“iron_pickaxe”: true
“Time”: 1
“stone_axe for wood”: {
“Produces”: {
“wood”: 1
“Requires”: {
“stone_axe”: true
“Time”: 1
“craft iron_pickaxe at bench”: {
“Produces”: {
“iron_pickaxe”: 1
“Requires”: {
“bench”: true
“Consumes”: {
“ingot”: 3,
“stick”: 2
“Time”: 1
“craft furnace at bench”: {
“Produces”: {
“furnace”: 1
“Requires”: {
“bench”: true
“Consumes”: {
“cobble”: 8
“Time”: 1
“punch for wood”: {
“Produces”: {
“wood”: 1
“Time”: 4
“stone_pickaxe for ore”: {
“Produces”: {
“ore”: 1
“Requires”: {
“stone_pickaxe”: true
“Time”: 4
“craft iron_axe at bench”: {
“Produces”: {
“iron_axe”: 1
“Requires”: {
“bench”: true
“Consumes”: {
“ingot”: 3,
“stick”: 2
“Time”: 1
“stone_pickaxe for coal”: {
“Produces”: {
“coal”: 1
“Requires”: {
“stone_pickaxe”: true
“Time”: 2
“craft wooden_axe at bench”: {
“Produces”: {
“wooden_axe”: 1
“Requires”: {
“bench”: true
“Consumes”: {
“plank”: 3,
“stick”: 2
“Time”: 1
“stone_pickaxe for cobble”: {
“Produces”: {
“cobble”: 1
“Requires”: {
“stone_pickaxe”: true
“Time”: 2
“wooden_pickaxe for cobble”: {
“Produces”: {
“cobble”: 1
“Requires”: {
“wooden_pickaxe”: true
“Time”: 4
“iron_pickaxe for coal”: {
“Produces”: {
“coal”: 1
“Requires”: {
“iron_pickaxe”: true
“Time”: 1
“craft bench”: {
“Produces”: {
“bench”: 1
“Consumes”: {
“plank”: 4
“Time”: 1
“craft stone_axe at bench”: {
“Produces”: {
“stone_axe”: 1
“Requires”: {
“bench”: true
“Consumes”: {
“cobble”: 3,
“stick”: 2
“Time”: 1
“smelt ore in furnace”: {
“Produces”: {
“ingot”: 1
“Requires”: {
“furnace”: true
“Consumes”: {
“coal”: 1,
“ore”: 1
“Time”: 5
“iron_axe for wood”: {
“Produces”: {
“wood”: 1
“Requires”: {
“iron_axe”: true