CMPE 252 – C Programming Lab 2


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Part I (30 points)
In this part, you will write a program which involves implementation of the following two functions.
void readInput(int arr[], int *nPtr); // reads numbers from the standard input
into arr, and stores the number of elements read in the memory cell pointed
to by nPtr
void printNumbers(const int arr[], int n); // prints the elements in

First, define a constant macro named SIZE with the value 1000.
In main function, you will create an array and print the elements of the array as follows:
 Define an integer array with the size SIZE
 Call readInput function
 In the readInput function,
o First, read number of elements into the memory cell pointed by nPtr.
o Then, read elements into arr.
 Call printNumbers function for printing the array elements.
Sample Run:

Part II (35 points)
Your task in this part to fill in the missing function definitions in skeleton code lab2part2.c. You will use
the same readInput and printNumbers functions from part I. main function will stay as it is.

Implement the following function in skeleton code lab2part2.c:
// Precondition: Let n represent number of elements in arr.
// Finds the count of negative elements in the arr and stores in the memory
cell pointed to by negCountPtr.

// Finds the count of non-negative elements in the arr and stores in the
memory cell pointed to by nonnegCountPtr.
void countNegNonneg(const int arr[], int n, int *negCountPtr, int
Enter the number of elements:
Enter 5 elements:
1 2 3 4 5
Array elements: 1 2 3 4 5

Sample Run:

Part III (35 points)
Your task in this part to fill in the missing function definitions in skeleton code lab2part3.c. You will use
the same readInput and printNumbers functions from part I. main function will stay as it is.

Implement the following function in skeleton code lab2part3.c:
// Precondition: Let n represent number of elements in arr.
/* Finds all loosers in arr and stores into loosersArr and number of elements
in loosersArr is stored in the memory cell pointed to by sp. */
/* An element is a looser if it is smaller than all the elements to its left
side. And the leftmost element is always a looser. */
void findLoosers(const int arr[], int n, int loosersArr[], int *sp)

Sample Run:
Enter the number of elements:
Enter 10 elements:
1 -2 3 -4 5 -6 -7 8 9 10
Array elements: 1 -2 3 -4 5 -6 -7 8 9 10
Count of Non-negative elements = 6
Count of Negative elements = 4
Enter the number of elements:
Enter 6 elements:
6 7 4 3 5 2
Array elements: 6 7 4 3 5 2
Loosers Array elements: 6 4 3 2