In this homework, you are going to implement the SiNiR compiler. The details are as follows: Given a file named, your program should check whether there are any syntax errors. There will always be a file named There will be no tab character in the file. If there is a syntax error, ◦ Create a new file, named calc.out and print “Dont Let Me Down” inside. If there are no syntax errors, ◦ Create a new file, named calc.out and print “Here Comes the Sun” inside. Do not print out anything to the terminal in the submitted file. is composed of three parts. If one of those parts are missing, there is a syntax error. AnaDegiskenler …. YeniDegiskenler ….. Sonuc The general structure of should be in the following form: Empty lines are allowed anywhere in the file. Spaces are allowed at any point unless specified. There should be no space in the shaded sequences. For example, there might be space before AnaDegiskenler or after; however there should be no space between .. The file should start with the AnaDegiskenler statement. If not, there is a syntax error. There are zero or more s after AnaDegiskenler statement. Each should be in a single line. If not, there is a syntax error. The file then continues with the YeniDegiskenler statement. If not, there is a syntax error. There are zero or more s after the YeniDegiskenler statement. Each should be in a single line. If not, there is a syntax error. The file continues with the Sonuc statement. If not, there is a syntax error. There is zero or one after the Sonuc statement. should be in a single line. If not, there is a syntax error. Important: The language is case sensitive. Keywords cannot be used as variable names. is constructed by degeri olsun Any number of spaces (including space and tab) are allowed in is composed of at most ten alpha-numeric characters The same variable cannot be assigned more than once. := | ◦ the above line means that can be or := | . | | nokta := 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 := sifir | bir | iki | uc | dort | bes | alti | yedi | sekiz | dokuz := dogru | yanlis If above rules do not hold, it’s syntax error. is constructed by degeri olsun Any number of spaces are allowed in is composed of at most ten alpha-numeric characters the same variable cannot be assigned more than once. := | ◦ i.e. should be either or will be of type float if it is will be of type boolean if it is := := := := := ( | ac-parantez := ) | kapa-parantez := + | – | * | arti | eksi | carpi should represent a variable of type int or float should be defined in the previous lines. := := := := := ve | veya should represent a variable of type boolean should be defined in the previous lines. If above rules do not hold, it’s syntax error. is constructed by: The same rules for apply (as above). Any number of spaces are allowed in If above rules do not hold, there is a syntax error. Submission: You will submit a single python file over Moodle. Your .py file should be named with the underscore character (_) followed by your student number (e.g. Your homework will be evaluated in different categories so that you can collect partial points: A Correctly parse the file without any , , +5 If the code fails in this test case, the absolute grade will be zero B Correctly parse s composed of only integers +10 C Correctly parse composed of combination of integers, floats and booleans +15 D Correctly parse s composed of only integers +10 No variable is used on the right side of the statement (after degeri) E Correctly parse s composed of combination of integers, floats, booleans +15 No variable is used on the right side of the statement (after degeri) F Correctly parse s composed of only integers and integer variables +15 This requires also clearing B G Correctly parse s composed of any operand +15 This requires also clearing C X Correctly parse any file +15 This requires also clearing G Late Submission: Allowed with penalty: -% 10*(number_of_days_late)^2. Example case: You are 2 days late, and you got 90 from evaluation. You will get 90 * (1 – 0.4) = 54 as your final grade. You will get 0 if you are more than 3 days late. Example files (more will be provided) AnaDegiskenler x degeri 4 olsun x1 degeri 2 olsun a degeri dort olsun b degeri uc nokta dort olsun y degeri 8 olsun z degeri 3.2 olsun b1 degeri dogru olsun b2 degeri yanlis olsun YeniDegiskenler t1 degeri x + ( y ) – z olsun t4 degeri x arti ac-parantez y kapa-parantez eksi z olsun t2 degeri ( t4 + ac-parantez ( ( y ) ) – z ) kapa-parantez olsun t3 degeri b1 ve b1 ve ( b2 veya b1 ) olsun Sonuc x arti ac-parantez y kapa-parantez eksi z AnaDegiskenler YeniDegiskenler Sonuc