CMIS 440 Project 5


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Create your own unique Web database application that uses servlets and/or JSF and JavaDB JDBC to
connect to JavaDB database. The application should allow a user to insert a new record, display the
values of all records in a table and search for a specific record based data from two or more columns.
The database table should have at least 6 columns and one primary key of your choice. You may use more
than one database table with primary and foreign key constraints or other constraints as needed to make
this application your own.
The Web Interface you develop should be easy to use and navigate and include at least one image.
Be sure to use Java EE 7 technologies for this application.
Submission requirements
Deliverables include all project files and a single word (or PDF) document. Scripts for creating the
database should also be included. You should zip the project directory in its entirety for submission. The
word (or PDF) document should include screen captures showing the successful compiling and running of
your project, a title page with your name and project number, IDE name and version, operating system,
and instructions how to set up and run your project, and the database name and version.
Each screen capture should be properly labeled, clearly indicating what the screen capture represents.
Submit your files to the Project 5 assignment area no later than the due date listed in your LEO classroom.
You should include your name and P5 in your word (or PDF) file submitted (e.g.
firstnamelastnameP5.docx or firstnamelastnameP5.pdf)
Grading Rubric:
The following grading rubric will be used to determine your grade:
Attribute Meets Does not meet
Creates Web Database
20 points
Creates a unique Web database
application that uses servlets
and/or JSF and JavaDB JDBC to
connect to JavaDB database.
Uses Java EE 7 technologies for
this application.
0 points
Does not create a unique Web
database application that uses
servlets and/or JSF and JavaDB
JDBC to connect to JavaDB
Does not use Java EE 7
technologies for this application.
Functionality 30 points
Allows a user to insert a new
0 points
Does not allow a user to insert a
new record.
Allows a user to display the
values of all records in a table.
Allows a user to search for a
specific record based data from
two or more columns.
The web interface is easy to use
and navigate.
The web interface includes at
least one image.
Does not allow a user to display
the values of all records in a
Does not allow a user to search
for a specific record based data
from two or more columns.
The web interface is not easy to
use or navigate.
The web interface does not
include at least one image.
Database 20 points
Uses JavaDB as the database
The database table should have
at least 6 columns and one
primary key of your choice.
0 points
Does not use JavaDB as the
database engine.
The database table does not
have at least 6 columns or one
primary key of your choice.
Documentation and project
30 points
Provides screen capture
demonstrating the successful
compilation and running on your
Deliverables include all project
files and a single word (or PDF)
Database Scripts files are
Each screen capture is properly
labeled, clearly indicating what
the screen capture represents.
Word or pdf includes title page
with your name and project
number, IDE name and version,
operating system, the database
name and version, and
instructions how to set up and
run your project.
0 points
Does not provide screen capture
demonstrating the successful
compilation and running on your
Does not include all project files
and a single word (or PDF)
document as deliverables.
Database Scripts files are
Each screen capture is not
properly labeled, or clearly
indicating what the screen
capture represents.
Word or pdf does not include a
title page with your name and
project number, IDE name and
version, operating system,
Database name and version, and
instructions how to set up and
run your project.