CIS 4004 Project Two: SOLVED


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elements to have background color #191970, text color #FFE4C4, font-size = small, font-style = italic, and text-align = center. – Define an identifier named address that specifies text color #191970 with font-size 13pt, and font-family calibri. – Select

elements to have background color #191970 and align the text in the center. – Select

  • elements to have color #FFE4C4. – Target elements inside elements insideelements to have color #A52A2A, font-family Calibri, and a font size of 1.4em. – Target elements inside

    elements to have color #A52A2A. • Adopt a good organized strategy for your CSS files (we’ll discuss this in class). Project Two: Task 1 CIS 4004: Project Two Page 7 © Dr. Mark Llewellyn • The second task for this project is to modify the index.html markup utilize the CSS found in the bistro.css stylesheet. • Within the markup in index.html do the following: – If you do not already have a

    element that contains the address and phone number, add one now and assign to it the id named address. • After making these changes your main page should look like the one shown on the next slide. Project Two: Task 2 Our color palette for this website is: #00BFFF – medium blue – used for main page background #191970 – dark blue – used for banner and footer backgrounds and some text on main background #221811 – very dark gray/black – used primarily for text #A52A2A – reddish orange – used for headers for

    on menu page #FFE4C4 – sand – used for text in headers and lists Add the lines with the color designations above to a comment near the top of your CSS file. CIS 4004: Project Two Page 8 © Dr. Mark Llewellyn Project Two CIS 4004: Project Two Page 9 © Dr. Mark Llewellyn • The third task in Project Two is to apply the bistro.css file to the menu.html page. • Do this in the same manner as which you modified the index.html page. • Note: if you did not use description lists for the menu items in the first project, please update your markup to use description lists in this project. • After applying the stylesheet to this page, your page should look like the one shown on the next slide. • Please note that I’ve placed a new menu.txt file on WebCourses which contains the updated text for the menu page. Project Two: Task 3 CIS 4004: Project Two Page 10 © Dr. Mark Llewellyn Project Two: Task 3 CIS 4004: Project Two Page 11 © Dr. Mark Llewellyn Project Two: Task 3 Close-up view of menu page CIS 4004: Project Two Page 12 © Dr. Mark Llewellyn The deliverables for this assignment are to be submitted via WebCourses no later than 11:59pm Sunday September 23, 2018 are: 1. Two valid HTML5 documents containing the semantically correct markup for the index/home and menu pages. (40 pts – 20 pts for each page) 2. A document containing screen captures for both HTML5 validations (both passing!) (10 pts – 5 pts for each valid page). 3. A valid CSS stylesheet named bistro.css, with styles defined as outlined in this document. (35 pts). 4. A document containing a screen capture of the validation of the stylesheet (5 pts). 5. A screen shot of a browser rendering of the home page and the menu page. (10 pts – 5 pts for each screen shot). What To Turn In CIS 4004: Project Two Page 13 © Dr. Mark Llewellyn CIS 4004: Project Two Page 14 © Dr. Mark Llewellyn