
CIND-110 Data Organization for Data Analysts Lab Manual Module 8 XML, XPath and XQuery

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To practice the following aspects of XML:
• XML Schema.
• XPath Expressions.
• XQuery Language.
1. Installation
Install JRE and XML Editor by running the following commands.
Installation of JRE
1 sudo apt – get update
2 sudo apt – get install default – jre
Download XML Editor and Install
Installation of XML Editor
1 cd ~/ Downloads
2 wget http: // editix . com / download / editix2017 . zip
3 unzip -d editix2017 editix2017 . zip
Run the editor
1 sh ~/ Downloads / editix2017 / bin / editix . sh
From the menu bar, select F ile− > O penDocument and choose personal.xml
from the “ed itix2017/samples/xml” folder.
Review the content of the XML file personal.xml and its XML Schema document
Notice how the schema (.XSD) defines how elements can be validly constructed.
The schema defines:
1. Which elements and attributes are permitted and in which order. Otherwise,
an XML file is a relatively free set of elements and attributes.
2. The data types, default, and fixed values for elements and attributes.
2. XPath Expressions
XPath expressions allow us to select fragments of an XML document that meet
some search criteria. The expressions consist of a path to the elements or attributes
of interest and, optionally, conditions to be met in filtering the results.
• From the course shell download CompanyDB XML files: Compan y.xml and
compan y.xsd
• Open Compan y.xml from editix2017 application.
• Open the XPath Panel by selecting from the menu X ML− > X Pathview
• Write the following commands and observe the results
Practice XPath expressions
1 / companyDB / departments / department
2 / companyDB / employees / employee / @supervisor
3 / companyDB / employees / employee / lname / text ()
4 / companyDB / employees / employee /*
5 / companyDB / employees / employee / @*
6 // dob
7 / companyDB / employees / employee [7]
8 / companyDB / employees / employee [1]/ dependents /
dependent [2]
9 / companyDB / employees / employee [1]/ dependents /
dependent [ last ()]
10 / companyDB / employees / employee [ position () < =3]
11 / companyDB / employees / employee [ minit =”E”]
12 / companyDB / projects / project [
@controllingDepartment >6]
13 / companyDB / employees / employee [starts – with ( lname ,”
14 / companyDB / employees / employee [ contains ( address ,”
Philadelphia “)]
15 // employee [ @worksFor =7 and sex =”M” and dependents
/ dependent [sex =”M”]]
16 / companyDB / departments / department / dname / text () |
/ companyDB / projects / project / pname / text ()
17 / companyDB / employees / employee [ @worksFor =
ancestor::companyDB / departments / department [
dname =” Administration “]/ @dno ]
3. XQuery Statements
XQuery statements allow us to construct a query program, similar to SQL, to yield
elements and attributes of interest from an XML document. These statements
are composed of F or, Let, Where, Order B y, and Return clauses called FLWOR
queries. (A letter in the acronym stands for the first letter of each type of clause).
• Open the XQuery Panel by selecting from the menu XML -> XQuery builder.
• Write the following cpmmands and observe the results.
Practice XQuery statements
1 let $ d: = doc (” company .xml”)
2 return $ d // companyDB / employees / employee [2]
4 (2*3) -(8*7)
6 concat (” Hello “,” World “)
8 matches (” Monday “,” ^.* da .*$ “)
10 current – time ()
12 let $ list: =(1 ,5 ,10 ,12 ,15)
13 return count ($ list )
15 let $ d: = doc (” company .xml”)
16 return $ d // companyDB / employees / employee [2]
18 let \$ d: = doc (” company .xml”) // employee [ @worksFor =6
19 return
20 < dept6Salary >{\$ d/ salary }
21 </ dept6Salary >
3.1 FLWOR Queries
Get all projects.
1 let $ d: = doc (” company .xml”) for $ p in
2 $ d / companyDB / projects / project
3 return $ p
Get distinct project numbers of projects in which employees work.
1 < projects >
2 {
3 let $ d: = doc (” company .xml”)
4 for $ p in distinct – values (
5 $ d / companyDB / employees / employee / projects / worksOn /
@pno ) return
6 < project >{$ p}</ project >
7 }
8 </ projects >
using order by clause
1 < projects >
2 {
3 let $ d: = doc (” company .xml”)
4 for $ p in distinct – values (
5 $ d / companyDB / employees / employee / projects / worksOn /
@pno ) order
6 by number ($ p ) return < project >{$ p}
7 </ project >
8 }
9 </ projects >
Get social security numbers of employees whose last name starts with “S”.
1 let $ d: = doc (” company .xml”) for $ e in
2 $ d / companyDB / employees / employee
3 where starts – with ($ e / lname ,”S”)
4 return < sssn >{$ e/ @ssn }</ sssn >
Get last names and first names of employees in the “Research” department.
1 let $ d: = doc (” company .xml”)
2 let
3 $ r: =$ d / companyDB / departments / department [ dname =”
Research “]
4 for $ e in $ d / companyDB / employees / employee where
5 $ e / @worksFor =$ r / @dno
6 return
7 < ResearchEmp >{$ e / lname }{$ e / fname }</ ResearchEmp >
Get employees who work more than 40 hours.
1 let $ d: = doc (” company .xml”) for $ e in
2 $ d / companyDB / employees / employee where
3 sum ($ e/ projects / worksOn / @hours ) >40.0 return
4 < OverWorkedEmp >{$e / lname }
5 {$ e / fname }< TotalHours >{sum ($ e / projects / worksOn /
@hours )}
6 </ TotalHours >
7 </ OverWorkedEmp >
Get last names of employees without dependents
1 let $ d: = doc (” company .xml”)
2 let $ empsWithDeps : =
3 $ d / companyDB / employees / employee [ dependents ] for $
e in
4 $ d / companyDB / employees / employee where
5 empty ( index – of ($ empsWithDeps ,$ e ) )
6 return $ e/ lname
Get department names and the total number of employees working in the
1 let $ d: = doc (” company .xml”) for $ r in
2 $ d / companyDB / departments / department return
3 < deptNumEmps >{$ r / dname }
4 < numEmps >{ count ( tokenize ($ r / employees / @essns ,”\s+
“) )}
5 </ numEmps >
6 </ deptNumEmps >
Get last names of employees who work for a project located in “Houston”.
1 < empsWorkingOnHoustonProjects >
2 { distinct – values ( let
3 $ d: = doc (” company .xml “)
4 for $ r in $ d / companyDB / projects / project [ plocation
=” Houston “]
5 return
6 for $ e in $ d / companyDB / employees / employee where
7 exists ( index – of ($ r / workers / worker / @essn ,$ e / @ssn ) )
8 $ e / lname
9 )
10 }
11 </ empsWorkingOnHoustonProjects >
Get last names of employees with dependents.
1 let $ d: = doc (” company .xml”)
2 for $ e in $ d / companyDB / employees / employee [
dependents ] return
3 $ e / lname
Having that: Low Income Group (earning to 40000), Middle-Income-Group
(From 40000 to 60000) and High Income Group (earning more than 80000).
Get last names of employees from Milwaukee along with their income group:
1 {}
2 < IncomeGroup >
3 {
4 let $ d: = doc (” company .xml”) for
5 $ e in
6 $ d / companyDB / employees / employee [ contains ( address ,
” Milwaukee “)]
7 return < emp >{$ e / lname }
8 < income >
9 {if ($ e/ salary >= 80000) then ” High Income ”
10 else if ($ e / salary >=60000) then ” Middle Income ”
11 else “Low Income ”
12 }
13 </ income >
14 </ emp >
15 }
16 </ IncomeGroup >
Get employee names of employees who work on all projects located in “Houston”.
1 let $ d: = doc (” company .xml”)
2 let $ houstonProjs : =
3 $ d / companyDB / projects / project [ plocation =” Houston ”
4 for $ e in $ d / companyDB / employees / employee where
5 every $ p in $ houstonProjs satisfies ( some $q in
6 $ e / projects / worksOn satisfies
7 $ p / @pnumber = $ q / @pno )
8 return concat ($ e/ fname ,”, ” ,$ e / lname )