CECS 451 Assignment 1


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1. (40 points) Implement an optimal route finder program using A* algorithm.
i. Find coordinates.txt and map.txt. Figure 1 is attached for your information.
ii. coordinates.txt stores the latitude and longitude of each city.
iii. map.txt stores actual distances between connected cities in California. We assume
each city is connected with limited number of nearby cities.
iv. You can compute the straight line distance between two cities using the Haversine
• You need to convert latitude and longitude to radian. (radian =
180 degree)
• Let ϕ1, ϕ2 be the latitude of point 1 and latitude of point 2
and λ1, λ2 be the longitude of point 1 and longitude of point 2.
• The straight line distance d is defined by
d = 2 · r · arcsin r
ϕ2 − ϕ1

+ cos ϕ1 · cos ϕ2 · sin2
λ2 − λ1

, where r is the radius of the earth. Use r = 3, 958.8 mile.
v. The program should be able to
• parse coordinates.txt and map.txt
• take a departing city and an arriving city as input arguments (an interactive
style is not acceptable).
• output an optimal route from the departing city to the arriving cit