Escape Room
Write a program that simulates an escape room by having the user open a series of three doors
random chosen from several different types of doors. Use the following class diagram to create
your program (you must create a main, the Door interface, and Basic Door, then you can choose
any two of the remaining four types of door to implement):
Door ( – interface – these methods are abstract and should be implemented in each of
the subclasses of door (not in door itself).
1. examine_door(self) – returns a string description of the door.
2. menu_options(self) – returns a string of the menu options that user can choose from when
attempting to unlock the door.
3. get_menu_max(self) – returns the number of options in the above menu.
4. attempt(self, option) – passes in the user’s selection from the menu. Uses that value to
update the attributes that are needed to determine whether the user has unlocked the door
(which is done in the is_unlocked method below). Returns a string describing what the
user attempted.
5. is_unlocked(self) – checks to see if the door was unlocked, returns true if it is, false
6. clue(self) – returns the hint that is returned if the user was unsuccessful at their attempt.
7. success(self) – returns the congratulatory message if the user was successful.
Subclasses of Door –
Init Description Menu Clue
BasicDoor Randomizes the
initial state of
the door (push or
A door that is
either pushed or
1. Push
2. Pull
Try the other
LockedDoor Randomizes the
location of the
A locked door.
Look around for
the key.
1. Look under
the mat
2. Look under
the flower pot
3. Look under
the fake rock.
somewhere else
DeadboltDoor Randomizes the
state of the two
bolts (either
locked or
A door with two
Bothe need to be
unlocked to open
the door, but you
can’t tell if each
one is locked or
1. Toggle bolt 1
2. Toggle bolt 2
You jiggle the
door…it seems
like one of the
bolts is
… it seems like
it’s completely
ComboDoor Randomize the
value to a
number 1-10.
A door with a
lock. You can
spin the dial to a
number 1-10.
Enter # 1-10: Too high.
-orToo low.
CodeDoor Randomize each
of the characters
in the code as an
‘X’ or ‘O’.
A door with a
coded keypad
with three
characters. Each
key toggles a
value with an
‘X’ or an ‘O’.
1. Press Key 1
2. Press Key 2
3. Press Key 3
characters are
-alternativelyThe number of
Main ( –
1. open_door(door) – passes in a door object that the user will try to unlock. It should
display the description of the door, and the menu, then get the user’s selection, then pass
that value to the attempt method and display the result. If the attempt was successful,
then it should display the success message, otherwise, it should display the clue message
and repeat from the menu until the user successfully opens the door.
2. main – the main should have a loop that repeats three times for the three doors that the
user will try to open. Randomly choose a door from the ones that you implemented (it’s
fine if a particular door appears more than once) and pass it to open_door. After the user
has opened all three doors, then display a congratulatory message and end the game.
Example Output:
Welcome to the Escape Room.
You must unlock 3 doors to
You encounter a basic door, you
can either push it or pull it to
1. Push
2. Pull
You push the door.
Congratulations, you opened the
You encounter a door with a
combination lock, you can spin
the dial to a number 1-10.
Enter a number 1-10: 5
You turn the dial to… 5
Try a lower value.
Enter a number (1-10): 2
You turn the dial to… 2
Try a lower number.
Enter a number (1-10): 1
You turn the dial to… 1
You found the correct value and
opened the door.
You encounter a double deadbolt
door, both deadbolts must be
unlocked to open it, but you
can’t tell from looking at them
whether they’re locked or
1. Toggle Bolt 1
2. Toggle Bolt 2
You toggle the first bolt.
You jiggle the door…it’s
completely locked.
1. Toggle Bolt 1
2. Toggle Bolt 2
You toggle the first bolt.
You jiggle the door… it seems
like one of the bolts is unlocked.
1. Toggle Bolt 1
2. Toggle Bolt 2
You toggle the second bolt.
You unlocked both deadbolts and
opened the door
Congratulations! You
escaped…this time.
1. You should have 5 different files:,,, plus two (or more)
other subclasses of door.
2. Check all user input using the get_int_range function in the check_input module. Use the
value returned from get_menu_max as the upper bound.
3. Do not create any extra methods, attributes, functions, parameters, etc.
4. Please do not create any global variables or use the attributes globally (ie. do not access
any of the attributes using the underscores).
5. Use docstrings to document each of the classes, their attributes, and each of their
methods. See the lecture notes for examples.
6. Place your names, date, and a brief description of the program in a comment block at the
top of your main file. Place brief comments throughout your code.
7. Thoroughly test your program before submitting:
a. Make sure that the program randomly chooses three doors for the user to open
(repeats are fine).
b. Make sure that each of your doors can be created and opened.
c. Make sure that each of the options performs the correct operation.
d. Make sure the clues are displayed when the user is unsuccessful and that they
display the correct information.