1 Assignment Description
This week we will see an application of the greedy strategy in the problem of compressing
strings. Suppose the string to be compressed contains 26 different characters from the English
alphabet. We need to give each character a code. One example of such a code is ASCII. If
we used a fixed length code like ASCII, each character can be represented using 5 bits and
the total number of bits required is string length * 5. Instead we can take advantage of the
fact that not all characters occur with the same frequency. A variable length code saves bits
by assigning a smaller code to the most frequently occurring characters. For example, we
might use just a single bit for the most frequently occurring character and more than 5 bits
for the least frequent character. In this assignment, we use the variable length code called
Huffman Code. The Huffman method builds up a tree whose leaves represent the characters
in the string along with their frequencies. The code for a character is the path from the root
to the leaf that represents that character. Huffman trees can be built using priority queues
which internally use min-heaps.
2 Your Task
We have given you the Huffman Tree building code and the PriorityQueue class. The
PriorityQueue class uses a heap internally and we need you to implement the following
methods in the heap class.
1. minimum – returns the minimum element in the heap
2. extract min – removes and returns the element with the smallest key from the heap
3. insert(element) – inserts element into the heap
4. min heapify(i) – move the element at position at i to the correct position
5. build min heap – rearrange data[] attribute so that it represents the min-heap
3 Running Your Code
• To run, execute python This file runs a the exec huff method on a simple
dictionary that maps each character to its frequrency in a string.
• To test You can run the provides test cases with python test.
4 Deliverables
Your forked repo’s hw7 folder should contain all the files from the zip. These are the ones
you need to modify:
• – containing your solution and tests
• – where you explain your code.
• Hours – record the number of hours you spent on writing and debuging your code and,
separately, the number of hours you spent on the textbook exercises. Put your answers
in the
After that you can issue a pull request.
5 Testing
There are tests in tests.txt file which you can run by executing run test. We
also encourage you to write your own unit tests. A good way to do this is to use assert
statements. So if your function must return True for given inputs, the test case looks like
assert f(i) == True
You can then put all your tests inside an if statement.
if __name__ == “__main__”:
# my unit tests
The tests will be executed when you execute this python script but not when you include
this file into another script and run that.