C343 Project 2 – Flood-It!


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1 The Game
The goal of the player is to flood the entire board
with a single color within a given number of moves,
e.g. for a 14×14 board, the player wins the game if
they flood the board within 25 moves. The player
can choose a new color for the flooded region by
clicking one of the circles to the right of the board
or by pressing the following keys:
• a: pink
• s: violet
• d: yellow
• z: red
• x: olive
• c: blue
2 Your Task
We have written most of the game but we need your help in finishing it. We would like you
to write the flood function. The flood function takes two arguments:
• color_of_tile – a Python dictionary that maps a tile coordinate to its current color. A
coordinate is represented as a pair (a 2-tuple) containing the x and y values, with (0,0)
representing the upper left corner. The x coordinates increase as you go to the right
and the y coordinates increase as you go down. The coordinates are given in terms of
pixels and each tile is 32 × 32 pixels.
• flooded_list – a Python list (an array) of coordinates for the flooded area. These tiles
will always have the same color.
• screen_size – a pair of integers that specify the horizontal and vertical size of the screen
in pixels.
We say that a tile is adjacent to another tile if it is directly above, below, left, or right,
that is, if the two tiles share a side. You will find some helpful functions in a file named
utilities.py: the functions named up, down, left, and right compute the coordinates
of the adjacent tiles. There is also a function named in bounds in utilities.py that tells
you whether a coordinate is on the board.
An X-colored region is a set of tiles defined as follows:
• A tile of color X is an X-colored region.
• If tile T is color X and adjacent to a tile in an X-colored region R, then T ∪ R is an
X-colored region.
Given a flooded list whose tiles are color X, the flood function should add every Xcolored region to the flooded list, provided the region contains a tile that is adjacent to a
tile in the flooded list.
3 Analysis
After implementing and debugging your flood function, run floodit in batch mode, which
produces a graph of the execution time (y-axis) versus the size of the board (x-axis, number
of tiles). Look at the graph. What function (roughly) fits that graph? (Hint: possibilities
to think about are f(n) = n, f(n) = n
, f(n) = n lgn.)
4 Logistics
Create a new project directory in your C343Fall2014 github at IU repository named project2.
Download the project2.zip file from the course web page and put it’s contents into your
project2 directory. The flood function is in the file named flood.py. (Not to be confused
with floodit.py, the main program.)
You need to download and install pygame version 1.9, which you can obtain at www.
pygame.org. Note that there are different download files of pygame for different versions of
Python. They do not have Python 3 versions for many operating systems (such as Mac), so
everyone needs to use the version of pygame for Python 2.7 (look for py2.7 in the name of
the pygame download file). If Python 2.7 is not already installed on your computer, you will
need to install that as well.
If you have multiple version of python installed on your computer, pygame will install
itself into one of them but not the others. You may have to try running flootit.py with
each of your versions of python to find out which one has pygame.
Place the answer to the analysis question and a one-paragraph description of your flood
implementation in the README.md file within project2.
5 Measuring the Execution Time of Flood
In this part of the project you will measure the execution time of your flood function on
boards of varying sizes to see whether your algorithm scales up nicely (linearly) or whether
the execution time grows at a faster rate. The floodit.py program includes support for
running the game in non-interactive “batch” modes that either test your flood function for
correctness or that time the execution time.
You’re now ready to measure the execution time of your flood function. Run floodit.py
with the command-line argument time:
python floodit.py time
This will create a file named times.csv. Each rows lists the number of tiles in the board
and the execution time for flood. You can import this data into a spreadsheet such as
Microsoft Excel or Google Docs and then graph it, or can you use the plotter.py script
to create a graph. To use plotter.py you’ll need to install matplotlib. For Mac users,
there’s a good set of instructions for this at:
Once you’ve created the graph, compare it to your prediction. Does the graph look like
you expected? What is the rate of growth of the execution time? Include the graph that
you’ve created in what you turn in (upload it to github). What parts of your algorithm do
you think are contributing the most to the execution time?
Try to improve the scalability of your flood function. After changing the code for
flood, time it and graph it again as above. Describe what changes you made inside flood
and describe the rate of growth in the new graph. Did you improve the growth rate? Include
the new graph in what you turn in.
6 Turn-in
Your project2 directory should include both versions of your flood function: put them
in new files flood1.py and flood2.py. Your project2 directory should also contain two
graphs: the before and after execution times for flooding. Finally, you should answer all of
the questions in this document in the README.md for project2.