BIA660 Assignment 4: Classification


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This assignment needs assign4_train.csv and assign4_test.csv. assign4_train.csv is for training and assign4_test.csv is for

Both of them have samples in the following format:
label text
1 I must admit that I’m addicted to “Version 2.0…
0 I think it’s such a shame that an enormous tal…
1 The Sunsout No Room at The Inn Puzzle has oddl…
… …

Q1 Classification

Write a function classify to conduct a classification experiement as follows:

1. Take the training and testing file names (strings) as inputs, i.e. classify (training_file, testing_file).
Classify text samples in the training file using Linear SVM as follows:

a. First apply grid search with 6-fold cross validation to find the best values for parameters min_df,
stop_words, and C of Linear SVM that are used the modeling pipeline. Use f1-macro as the scoring metric
to select the best parameter values. Potential values for these parameters are:
min_df’ : [1,2,3]
stop_words’ : [None,”english”]
C: [0.5,1,5]
b. Using the best parameter values, train a Linear SVM with all samples in the training file

Test the classifier created in Step 2.b using the test file. Report the testing performance as:
Precision, recall, and f1-score of each label

Treat label 1 as the positive class, plot precision-recall curve and ROC curve, and calculate AUC, Average
Precision (sklearn.metrics.average_precision_score). Note, LinearSVC does not ouput probability, but you
can use decision_function to calculate AUC (
/sklearn.svm.LinearSVC.html#sklearn.svm.LinearSVC.decision_function (

Your function “classify” has no return. However, when this function is called, the best parameter values from grid
search is printed and the testing performance from Step 3 is printed.


Q2. How to determine K in k-fold cross validation?
This question will use assign4_train.csv dataset. Use this experiment to find the best k for k-fold cross validation.

Write a function “K_fold_CV” as follows:
Take the full file name path string for a dataset as an input, e.g. K_fold_CV(dataset_file).
Create tf-idf matrix using TfidfVectorizer

Conduct k-fold cross validation for different values varying from 2 to 20. For each , do the following:

1. train a classifier using multinomial Naive Bayes model with k-fold cross validation

2. train a classifier using linear support vector machine model with k-fold cross validation
for each classifier, collect the average AUC across folds (treat label 1 as the positive class). Hint, for
binary classification, you can set “roc_auc” as the value of “metric” parameter of function “cross_validate”.

Plot a line chart to show the relationship between sample size and AUC

Write your analysis in a separate pdf file (not in code) on the following:
How does affect model performance on evaluation sets?
By varying , you also change sample size for training. How can the sample size affect model
There is no return for this function, but the charts should be plotted.

Q3 (Bonus): Ensemble Models by Stacking

An emsemble model combines decisions from multiple models to improve the overall performance. This question askes you
to implement an emsemble model by stacking.

The details of this technique and sample code can be found at

A Comprehensive Guide to Ensemble Learning (with Python codes)


Define a function stacking to achieve the following:
Take the training and testing file names (strings) as inputs, i.e. stacking(training_file, testing_file).
Train Naive Bayes and Linear SVM using 6-fold cross validation as two base models

Following the procedure for stacking, train a decision tree or random forest as the top model using the predictions
from the base models

Test the ensemble model performance using the testing dataset and print out precision, recall and F-1 score.
This function has not return. Note, this ensemble model may not give you a better performance than base models. Just take

this chance to learn how to create ensemble models by stacking. This is a very useful technique.
In [162]: import pandas as pd
# add import statements
In [179]: # Q1
def classify(train_file, test_file):

return None
In [180]: # Q2
def K_fold_CV(train_file):

return None
k k
Assignment_4 http://localhost:8888/nbconvert/html/course/BIA-660/2019Fall/As…
2 of 6 10/24/19, 5:37 PM
In [186]: def stacking(train_file, test_file):

return None

In [187]: if __name__ == “__main__”:
# Question 1

# Test Q2

# Test Q3


clf__C: 0.5
tfidf__min_df: 1
tfidf__stop_words: None
best f1_macro: 0.8045970021016776
precision recall f1-score support
0 0.77 0.83 0.80 248
1 0.82 0.75 0.78 252
micro avg 0.79 0.79 0.79 500
macro avg 0.79 0.79 0.79 500
weighted avg 0.79 0.79 0.79 500
AUC: 0.881
Average Precision: 0.871

In [ ]:
precision recall f1-score support
0 0.79 0.77 0.78 1488
1 0.78 0.80 0.79 1512
micro avg 0.78 0.78 0.78 3000
macro avg 0.78 0.78 0.78 3000
weighted avg 0.78 0.78 0.78 3000