Astro 585 Lab/Homework #2 (Assertions, Benchmarking, Plotting)


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Benchmarking. Julia provides several tools for measuring code performance. Perhaps the simplest way is
using the @time or @elapsed macro which can be placed prior to a command, like “@time randn(1000)”.

The @time macro prints the time, but returns the value of the following expression. The @elapsed macro
discards the following expression’s return value and returns the elapsed time evaluating the expression. For
finer control, you can investigate the tic(), toc() and toq() functions (see here in the Julia manual for details).

1. For several common mathematical functions, calculate how many million evaluations your computer
performs per second. Try at least three arithmatic operations, two trig functions, and a logarithm. For
N = 1000000;
println(“rand: “, 1./(@elapsed x = rand(N)));
println(“.+: “,1./(@elapsed x.+x));

2. For the text below, we’ll consider the log_likelihood function and synthetic data from Lab/HW #1, which
was probably very similar to the following.
Nobs = 100;
z = zeros(Nobs);
sigma = 2. * ones(Nobs);
y = z + sigma .* randn(Nobs);
normal_pdf(z, y, sigma) = exp(­0.5*((y­z)/sigma)^2)/(sqrt(2*pi)*sigma);
function log_likelihood(y::Array, sigma::Array, z::Array)
n = length(y);
sum = zero(y[1]);
for i in 1:n
sum = sum + log(normal_pdf(y[i],z[i],sigma[i]));
return sum;

2a) Write a function, calc_time_log_likelihood(Nobs::Int, M::Int = 1), that takes one required argument (the
number of observations) and one optional argument (the number of times to repeat the calculation),
initializes the y, sigma and z arrays with the same values each call (with the same Nobs), and returns the
time required to evaluate the log_likelihood function M times.

2b) Time how long it takes to run log_likelihood using Nobs=100 and M = 1. Time it again. Compare the
two. Why was there such a big difference?

2c) If you were only calling this function a few times, then speed wouldn’t matter. But if you were calling it
with a very large number of observations or many times, then the performance could be important. Plot the
run time versus the size of the array. The following example demonstrates how to use the PyPlot module,
“comprehensions” to construct arrays easily, and the map function to apply a function to an array of values.
using PyPlot
n_list = [ 2^i for i=1:10 ]
elapsed_list = map(calc_time_log_likelihood,n_list)
plot(log10(n_list), log10(elapsed_list), color=”red”, linewidth=2, marker=”+”, markersize=12);
xlabel(“log N”); ylabel(“log (Time/s)”);

2d) Does the run time increase linearly with the number of observations? If not, try to explain the origin of
the non­linearity. What does this imply for how you will go about future timing.

Assertions: Sometimes a programmer calls a function with arguments that either don’t make sense or
represent a case that the function was not originally designed to handle properly. The worst possible
function behavior in such a case is returning an incorrect result without any warning that something bad has

Returning an error at the end is better, but can make it difficult to figure out the problem.
Generally, the earlier the problem is spotted, the easier it will be to fix the problem. Therefore, good
developers often include assertions to verify that the function arguments are acceptable.

2e) Time your current function with Nobs = 100 & M = 100. Then add @assert statements to check that the
length of the y, z and sigma arrays match. Retime with the same parameters and compare. What does
this imply for your future decisions about how often to insert assert statements in your codes?

2f) Write a version of the log_likelihood and calc_time_likelihood functions that take a function as an
argument, so that you could use them for distributions other than the normal distribution. Retime and
compare. What does this imply for your future decisions about whether to write generic functions that take
another function as an argument?

2g) Write a version of the log_likelihood function that makes use of your knowledge about the normal
distribution, so as to avoid calling the exp() function. Retime and compare. How could this influence your
future decisions about whether generic or specific functions?

2h) Optional (important for IDL & Python gurus): Rewrite the above function without using any for loops.
Retime and compare. What does this imply for choosing whether to write loops or vectorized code?

2i) Optional (potenetially useful for IDL & Python gurus): Try to improve the performance using either the
Devectorize and/or NumericExpressions modules. Retime and compare. Does this change your
conclusions from part 2h? If so, how?

3. Consider integrating the equations of motion for a test particle orbiting a star fixed at the origin. In 2D,
there are two 2nd order ODEs:
d^2 r_x/dt^2 = a_x = ­GM r_x/r^3
d^2 r_y/dt^2 = a_y = ­GM r_y/r^3,
where r = sqrt(r_x^2+r_y^2) and a_x and a_y are the accelerations in the x and y directions.

Numerically, it is generally easier to integrate 1st order ODEs, so we transform these into:
d v_x/dt = a_x = ­GM r_x/r^3
d v_y/dt = a_y = ­GM r_y/r^3
d r_x/dt = v_x
d r_y/dt = v_y

Euler’s method is a simplistic algorithm for integrating a set of 1st order ODEs with state stored in a vector
r(t_n+1) = r(t_n) + dt * dr/dt|_(t_n)
v(t_n+1) = v(t_n) + dt * dv/dt|_(t_n)

3a) Write a function integrate_euler!(state,dt, duration) that integrates a system (described by state) using
Euler’s method and steps of size dt for an interval of time given by duration. It would probably be wise to
write at least two additional functions. Have your function return a two dimensional array containing a list of
the states of the system during your integration

3b) Use the above code to integrate a system with an initial state of (r_x, r_y, v_x, v_y) = (1, 0, 0, 1) for
roughly 3 orbits (i.e., 3*2pi time units if you set GM=1) using approximately 200 time steps per orbit.
Inspect the final state and comment on the accuracy of the integration.

3c) Plot the trajectory of the test particle (e.g., x vs y). Is the calculated behavior accurate?

3d) Write a new function integrate_leapfrog!(state,dt, duration) that is analogous to integrate_euler, but uses
the “leapfrog” or modified Euler’s integration method:
r(t_n+1/2) = r(t_n) + dt/2 * dr/dt|_(t_n)
v(t_n+1) = v(t_n) + dt * dv/dt|_(t_n+1/2)
r(t_n+1) = r(t_n+1/2) + dt/2 * dr/dt|_(t_n+1)

3e) Repeat the integration from part 3b, but using the integrate_leapfrog code. Inspect the final end state
and make a similar plot. Describe the main difference in the results and explain on what basis you would
choose one over the other.

3f) Time how long your code for a similar integration of 100 orbits. How long would it take to integrate for
4.5*10^9 orbits (e.g., age of Earth)?

3g) Repeat the integration from part 3e, but using a larger dt. Inspect the final end state. How much less
accurate is the integration that used a larger dt?

3h) Make a log­log plot of the accuracy of the integration versus the integration duration for durations
spanning at least a few orders of magnitude. Estimate the slope (by eye is fine). What are the implications
for the accuracy of a long­term integration?

3i) List a few ideas for how you could accelerate the integrations. Comment on how likely each of your
ideas is to make a significant difference. (If you try it out, report the new time for 100 orbits, so we can
compare.) Discuss any drawbacks of each idea to accelerate the integrations.

4. Consider a modern laptop CPU with 4 GB (=4*2^30) of usable memory and capable performing 20
Gflops/second. Assume it uses 8 bytes of memory to store each floating point number (“double precision”).
[Based on Oliveira & Stewart’s Writing Scientific Software, Chapter 5, Problem #6.]

4a) What is the largest matrix that the above computer could fit into its available memory at one time?

4b) If we use LU factorization to solve a linear system, estimate how long would it take to solve the
maximum size linear system that would fit into memory at once. You may assume the computation is
maximally efficient, the computer reaches peak performance and the LU decomposition requires ~(⅔)n^3

4c) For a modern laptop, does memory or compute time limit the size of system that can be practically
solved with LU decomposition?

4d) For real life problems, what other considerations are likely to limit performance?

4e) How could one practically solve even larger systems?