Assignment 4 (Using Control Flow 2.0) solved


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Welcome to your *second* day at a company specializing in banking software.

You are tasked with enhancing your simple customer-facing interface. You will write a Python script that:

Ask the customer for their current bank balance.
One thing you DON’T have to worry about is whether or not the user enters a negative or positive amount. All accounts have overdraft protection.
Ask the customer if they wish to deposit (‘d’) or withdraw (‘w’) from that amount.
Then, repeat until they decide to quit:
Ask them to enter the amount of money they are either depositing or withdrawing. This can be positive OR negative – it does not matter in this version of the software.
Add or subtract that amount to/from their balance.
Because of overdraft protection, you don’t have to worry that the user is withdrawing too much money. However, our banks now want to track how many times a customer withdraws more than their balance.
Ask the customer if they wish to deposit (‘d’), withdraw (‘w’), or quit (‘q’).
You MUST store the overall balance in a variable named finalBalance – this is the variable that the test script will be checking. You MUST store the number of times the account went into overdraft (withdraw more than available) in a variable named overdraftCount. If these variables are not present, or if they have an incorrect value, your script will fail that test.

Before you write any code, start by asking yourself: how would I solve this problem mathematically? Work through a few examples on paper and note the way in which you solve the problem. Come up with an algorithm or flowchart, which you then need to turn into Python code.