Part A
Correctness All parts of the
given tasks are
Most of the given
tasks are correct
However, some
portions need minor
Most of the given
tasks are incorrect.
The submission
requires major
Incorrect and
Part C
Novelty The submission
contains novel
contribution in key
segments, which is
a clear indication
of application
The submission
lacks novel
contributions. There
are some evidence of
novelty, however, it
is not significant
The submission
does not contain
However, there is
an evidence of
some effort.
There is no novelty Part C
Clarity The written or
The written or
graphical materials,
The written or
graphical materials,
Failed to prove the
clarity. Need proper
Part B
Fall 2021
materials, and
provide a clear
picture of the
concept and
highlights the
and developed
applications do not
show clear picture of
the concept. There is
room for
and developed
applications fail to
prove the clarity.
knowledge is
knowledge to perform
the tasks.
McKinney, B. (2018). The impact of program-wide discussion board grading rubrics on students’ and faculty satisfaction. Online
Learning, 22(2), 289-299.
This assignment has 3 parts. Part A is related to background study and report writing. Part
B, and C are related to coding, development, and testing
Part A.Read AWS official documentation on SageMaker and Comprehend. Learn how these
services are used in event-driven applications and explore various use cases.
Once you learn about the services, write ½ page summary on each service highlighting
the usage, and a statement on how you will be using these services for “car rental
application” or “home security application” (You can pick any one application).
Please ensure that you have included the proper citation. Do not copy paste any content
from the source documentations. The summary must be written in your own words.
Part A – Submission requirement:
A pdf file with the summary, your approach, and citation.
Part B.Build an event-driven serverless application using GCP ML.
In this part of the assignment, you need to use GCP file storage, Cloud function.
[B00xxxxxx = your B00 number] used in bucket/GCP storage naming
take screenshots at every step and submit as part of the PDF:
a. Create your 1st storage bucket SourceDataB00xxxxxx and upload the files (from
001 to 299) given in the Train folder. You need to write a script or use the SDK to
upload the files on the bucket.
b. Once a file is uploaded, a cloud function – “generateVector” should extract words
from all the files (remove the stop words). Then compute Levenshtein
distance( between the
Current, and Next word. Consider the sentence “Asia is a big continent”
Fall 2021
E.g. If “Asia” is the current word, and “big” is the next word, then Levenshtein
distance (or edit distance) will be “3”. (remove the stop words)
e.g. Contents of “trainVector.csv” should be
Current_Word Next_Word Levenshtein_distance
Asia big 4
big continent 8
c. This file (“trainVector.csv”) is saved in a new bucket TrainDataB00xxxxxx
d. GCP ML should get the training data for a clustering algorithm (KMenas) from
the TrainDataB00xxxxxx bucket.
e. Once the training is done, like point (a), upload the test files given in the Test
folder (300 to 401) to SourceDataB00xxxxxx
f. The cloud function generateVector computes the distance vector same as point
(b) and store it in “testVector.csv”.
g. This file (testVector.csv) is saved in another new bucket, TestDataB00xxxxxx
h. GCP ML should get the test data for KMeans algorithm from the
TestDataB00xxxxxx bucket.
i. Finally, write a code or configure a service to obtain information about clusters
(e.g. centroids, cluster numbers, outliers etc. which are generated by GCP ML),
and display the clusters.
j. Test your functions, and entire cluster generation process.
Part B – Submission requirement:
Submit screenshots of every steps. Please do not exclude any steps. Include all
screenshots as part of a PDF file. In addition, provide the program/scripts as part of the PDF
file. In addition, submit code in gitlab.
Hint: If needed, you can use libraries for Levenshtein distance calculation. However, add
Part C. Build an event-driven serverless application using AWS Comprehend.
In this part of the assignment, you need to use S3 bucket, Lambda Functions, and AWS
[B00xxxxxx = your B00 number] used in bucket naming
take screenshots at every step and submit as part of the PDF:
a. Create your 1st S3 bucket TwitterDataB00xxxxxx and upload the given tweets
file. You need to write a script or use the SDK to upload the files on the bucket.
b. To perform any pre or post processing of the files, you can write Lambda
Fall 2021
c. Once the file containing all the tweets is uploaded on the bucket, AWS
Comprehend is used to perform sentiment analysis of tweets.
d. Your output should be captured in a csv or json format.
Data Source Acknowledgement: The tweets file was generated by Alapati Lakshmi Manjari, 2019.
Part C – Submission requirement:
Submit screenshots of every steps. Please do not exclude any steps. Include all
screenshots as part of a PDF file. In addition, provide the program/scripts as part of the PDF
file. In addition, submit code in gitlab.