In the Wumpus world you had a knowledge base that would grow in response to new
In this assignment, you are going to add in the ability to not only add facts and draw
inferences from them, but retract them and any inferences that they support. This is
support a Blocks World Planner we will be building as the next step in this process.
Your knowledge base (hence KB) will include two sorts of elements: facts and rules.
The facts will be statements that includes predicates (e.g., Color, Size, Inst) that relate
objects together. For example:
Block1 is an instance of a rectangle.
Inst(block1, rectangle)
Block1 is red
Color(block1, red)
Block1 is large
Size(block1, large)
Rectangles are blocks
Isa(rectangle, block)
You will also have rules. Rules will have a left hand side (LHS) and a right hand side
In our system, the LHS will always be a conjunct of patterns that look exactly like facts
that include variables so that they can match against any number of specific facts in our
The RHS will always be a single pattern that is of the same predicate/argument form as
facts in our KB. These patterns will reference the same arguments that are included in
the LHS.
When all of the patterns in the LHS are true (that is there are facts in the data that match
them with a consistent set of variable bindings) the variables in the RHS are replaced
with the objects that matched the elements in the LHS and the new fact is added to the
More technically, the new fact is instantiated using the bindings from the match.
So we might have a rule that states that something being on top of another thing means
that the second is covered that would look like this:
(On(?x, ?y)) => Covered(?y)
The pattern on LHS is in a list because it will always be a conjunct and all of the
arguments in both the LHS and the RHS are variables.
If we already know:
On(A, B)
This means that we can bind ?x to A and ?y B and we can replace ?y with B in the RHS
and infer:
And add it to our KB.
Of course, if we also know:
We will also infer:
So we are going to want to hold onto multiple sets of bindings. These might look like:
((?x: A, ?y: B), (?x: D, ?y: E))
Whenever we add a new fact to the KB, we check to see if it triggers a rule. And
whenever we add a new rule, we check to see if it is triggered by existing facts.
As we add new rules with multiple statements to be checked in their LHS, however, we
do not want to constantly check each and ever one of those elements whenever a new fact
is added to our KB. In order to avoid this, we are going to use tiny trick.
Whenever a new rule or fact is added, we will only check the first element in the LHS of
that rule (or multiple rules, if we have added a fact) against our data. If the first element
of a rule matches, we will actually a new rule with the bindings associated with that
match in place.
So imagine a rule like the one above, but with the additional constraint that a thing is only
Covered if the object on top of it is the same size or bigger. Let’s call that predicate
“AtLeast.” So our rule would look like:
(AtLeast(?x, ?y),On(?x, ?y))=> Covered(?y)
And we know that A is bigger than B (and that in turn it is AtLeast with regard to B).
AtLeast(A, B)
This means that the rule matches with:
((?x: A, ?y: B))
Because of this, we will infer a new rule that includes this binding:
((On(A, B))=> Covered(B)
If A is on B, then the result of adding this rule will trigger the actual inference. But if it
isn’t true, then the new rule just waits until someone asserts that A is now on B.
The idea here is that we will not only infer facts about object, but we will also infer new
The assignment will be the construction of a KB to which you can add facts and rules and
draw inferences based on their interaction.
• You will need to be able to Assert new facts and rules.
• Whenever you add a fact, you will need to check to see if it triggers are rule and,
if so, make the appropriate inference of either a new fact or new rule. You will
then need to Assert the Instantiated inference thus adding it to the KB.
A Tip: If you already have a fact or rule in you KB, you don’t want to add it again.
This is very similar to what you did for Wumpus.
Of course, we are looking to change facts through our actions. Our actions will
sometimes add new facts but will also remove them. If we move A from B to C, we need
to remove the fact that A is on B from our KB. In doing so, we also need to remove any
inferences that we made earlier based on adding On(A, B) to our KB.
To do this, you will need to keep track of the inferences that you made based on the
Assertion of new facts or rules so you can remove them from the KB as needed. Which is
to say, you need to be able to Retract facts and rules as well as Assert them.
We also want our rules to manage not just adding, but also retracting facts. In particular,
we want rules that remove facts from the KB that are contradicted by new facts. And, if
we retract the new facts, we want to be able to re-Assert the facts that we removed.
Also remember that we are going to use this KB later to support our planner, so you need
to be able to Ask it about what is true or not true. Given that you might be wondering
what blocks are blue or clear and their may be multiple answers, Ask should be return a
list of bindings lists that represent those multiple answers. So if we are wondering what
things are blue:
Color(?x, blue)
And both blocks A and B are blue, Ask needs to be able to return this:
((?x: A), (?x: B))
Which essentially means:
“?X is blue” is true when A is bound to ?X or when B is bound to ?X. In other
words, A and B are both true.
This gives us these requirements as well:
• You need to be able to Retract a fact from your KB.
• You need to be able to identify the facts and/or rules that this facts supports are
Retract them as well.
• You will also need to have specific rules that Retract rather than Assert facts. This
will allow you to infer that something is no longer clear once it is covered.
• You also need to be able to Ask you KB about what is true and get back list of
bindings lists (representing the different circumstances under which the
statements you are wondering about are true).
So, you need to implements Assert, Retract and Ask.
• Assert adds facts and rules to the KB and infers new facts and rules as
• Retract removes facts and rules from the KB and then retracts any existing fact
and rules that they support.
• Ask, given a list of patterns (statements that may or may not have variables in
them), returns the bindings in the KB that hold when those patterns are true.
You will need to build up facts and rules for the following statements that define a simple
blocks world:
Cubes, Rectangles, Pyramids and Spheres are all examples of Blocks. That is to say, a
Cube Isa Block.
Rectangles are bigger than Cubes.
A Box is a Container.
A Table is a Surface. Tables are always clear.
Cubes and Rectangles are also Surfaces.
There are four instances each of Cubes, Rectangles, Pyramids and Spheres. That is to
say, if you had a Cube called cube1, it would be an Inst of a Cube. Of each of the four
instances of each object, one is red, two are blue and one is green.
You have two boxes, one is big and red and one is small and blue.
You have one table.
Everything starts off on the table.
Everything is Clear.
And then you have some rules:
1. If a thing is a Block and is Clear, you can pick it up.
Note: An easier way to phrase this is: “You can pick up blocks that are clear.”
Slightly more formally:
(Inst(?x, Block), Clear(?x)) => Liftable(?x)
2. You can put things on Surfaces, if they are Clear.
3. If you are an Instance of a thing and it Isa different thing, then you are an instance of
that thing too.
Note: Again, slightly more formally:
(Inst(?x, ?y), Isa(?y, ?z)) => Inst(?x, ?z)
This will allow the system to infer that all of the specific Blocks are Surfaces.
4. If you put something in a small box, it is full.
5. If something is bigger than you, you are smaller than it.
6. If something is on top of you, you are covered.
7. If you are covered, then you are no longer (and must Retract) Clear.