Assignment #3 CSCI 5408


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Problem #1
1. Read the given paper and write summary (Maximum 2 pages in your own words – Do not copy
any content verbatim).
2. In addition, explore** and report, if the paper has any scope of improvements in terms of
technical details or concepts.
** Due to time constraint, and limitation of formal research background, you do not need to explore
in details the scientific equations or parameters presented in the paper.
Visit and Login to and search the following papers.
3. Do not forget to provide citation in proper format for the given paper and for any other
supporting materials that you may use as reference.
Database Administration and Security Reading
G. Vonitsanos, E. Dritsas, A. Kanavos, P. Mylonas and S. Sioutas, “Security and Privacy Solutions associated
with NoSQL Data Stores,” 2020 15th International Workshop on Semantic and Social Media Adaptation
and Personalization (SMA, 2020, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/SMAP49528.2020.9248442.
Paper Link:

Problem #1 Submission Format:
Submit one single PDF file
Winter 2022
Problem #2 (MySQL and Java – Implementation of 2 phase locking)
1. Visit the website and download the dataset
2. Create a database in your local MySQL server, and import the CSV files to your tables. [Each CSV
file should represent a table in your database].
I. You can perform cleaning and formatting of the CSV same as Assignment 1, or
Assignment 2. (using few sentences and screenshots, exhibit what kind of cleaning or
formatting you have performed)
II. If CSV files contain huge volume of data, you can consider max 3000 data points
3. Write a Java program (without using any packages/libraries etc.) to implement concurrent
transaction with 2-phase locking protocol – This program will perform 3 major operations
using 3 methods.
You can initiate two Java priority threads representing two concurrent transactions
Table 2.1: Highlights the instructions and interleaving sequence
T1 T2
Select ‘TICKET SOLD’ from
‘AnnualTicketSales’ where ‘YEAR’=2011;
Update ‘AnnualTicketSales’ set ‘TICKET SOLD’ = 0
where ‘YEAR’=2011;
Update ‘AnnualTicketSales’ set ‘TICKET SOLD’ = 0
where ‘YEAR’=2011;
Select ‘TICKET SOLD’ from
‘AnnualTicketSales’ where ‘YEAR’=2011;
Method 1: acquire_locks() //In this method, each transaction will get the lock requested.
Depending on arrival the transaction will get the lock
Method 2: transaction() //This method will be called for each transaction that acquired the lock; In
this method a transaction will perform the execution of SQL statement and will select or perform
update in the MySQL. Make sure to use autocommit =false in your code; This will be set to true only
if commit is reached.
Method 3: release_ locks()//In this method, each transaction will release the lock acquired before
Problem #2 Submission Format:
Submit one single PDF file; SQL Dump (Structure + Value); Java Code; screenshots
Winter 2022
Problem #3
1. Read the given paper and write a summary within 1 page. (Do not copy any content verbatim).
2. Considering the concept discussed in the paper, you need to draw a high-level architecture
(block diagram) to present a data management system for Canada’s winter storm data (I am not
providing any dataset for winter storm. This is a scenario you need to assume; You can use
weather site, news, articles, blogs etc. to gain some insight). To draw the architecture, you can
use or power point or similar drawing tools.
3. Write a ½ page description of your block diagram/ architecture.
4. Do not forget to provide citation in proper format for the given paper and for any other
supporting materials that you may use as reference.
Data Management of Massive Data Reading
H. Wang, X. Tang, S. Shi and F. Ye, “Research on the Construction of Data Management System of Massive
Satellite Images,” 2018 International Workshop on Big Geospatial Data and Data Science (BGDDS), 2018, pp.
1-4, doi: 10.1109/BGDDS.2018.8626845.
Paper Link:
Problem #3 Submission Format:
Submit one single PDF file – must contain summary, block diagram/architecture, description