
Assignment 3 Computer Science 441

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1 Objective
The objective of this assignment is to practice server side network programming with TCP.
Specifically, you will implement a multi-threaded web server from scratch to serve web objects
to HTTP clients over the Internet.
2 Specification
2.1 Overview
In this assignment, you will implement a simple web server program called WebServer. Your
server is required to handle GET requests only. It has to check if the requested object is available,
and if so return a copy of the object to the client. The server should operate in non-persistent
HTTP mode. This means that once an HTTP request is served, the server closes the underlying
TCP connection. To inform the client that the connection is closed, include the connection close
header line in the server response:
Connection: close
2.2 Implementation
To handle multiple connections, the server has to be multi-threaded. In the main thread, the
server listens on a fixed port using a ServerSocket object. When it receives a TCP connection
request, the server accepts the request and processes it in a separate Worker Thread. That is, once
the server accepts a connection, it will spawn a new thread to parse the incoming HTTP request
and send an appropriate response to the client.
• To prevent non-responsive clients from hogging server resources, if the worker thread
does not receive a request from the client within a given time period, the worker thread
must send an error message (with status code 408) to the client and close the connection.
• The working directory of the web server is its root directory. That is, if the requested
object path is /object-path then the file containing the object is located on relative path
object-path in the working directory of the web server.
Programs 1 and 2 provide a high-level description of the web server’s main and worker thread
3 Server Response
An HTTP response consists of a status line followed by a number of optional header lines. In the
case that the response includes an object, the content of the object is separated from the header
lines by an empty line.
Assignment 3 CPSC 441
Program 1 Main Thread
1: while not shutdown do
2: Listen for connection requests from clients
3: Accept a new connection request
4: Spawn a worker thread to handle the new connection
5: end while
6: Wait for worker threads to finish
7: Close the server socket and clean up
Program 2 Worker Thread
1: Set a timer to receive the client request
2: Read and parse the request
3: if request timeout then
4: Send Request Timeout error response
5: else if format error then
6: Send Bad Request error response
7: else if non-existence object then
8: Send Not Found error response
9: else
10: Send Ok response
11: Send the object content
12: end if
13: Close the socket and clean up
3.1 Status Line
The status line consists of three components, which are separated by one or more spaces:
HTTP/1.1 status-code status-phrase
As this is a simplified web server, your program needs to return responses with the following
status codes and phrases only:
• 200 OK
Request is valid and the requested object is transmitted after the header lines.
• 400 Bad Request
There was a problem with the format of the request. An HTTP request consists of a request line and several optional header lines. In this assignment, we assume that header
Assignment 3 CPSC 441
lines (if any header lines are present in the request) are properly formatted and only the request line may have formatting issues. A properly formatted request line consists of three
mandatory parts which are separated by one or more spaces, as follows:
GET /object-path HTTP/1.1
The command GET and protocol HTTP/1.1 are fixed, while the object-path is optional. If no object-path is provided, i.e., the request only specifies ‘/’, then assume
index.html by default.
• 404 Not Found
The requested object was not found on the server, i.e., the corresponding file does not exists
in the working directory of the web server.
• 408 Request Timeout
The web server did not receive the client request within a pre-specified time period. This
time period is passed to the server as an input parameter.
3.2 Header Lines
To be compliant with what most web browsers expect from a well-behaving web server, your
web server must include several header lines in its response. Each header line is formatted as
field-name: field-value
where there is one (or more) space between ‘:’ and filed-value.
• If the response code is 200, include the following header lines:
Date – current date on the server
Server – name of your web server (your choice!)
Last-Modified – get it from the file system
Content-Length – length of the object
Content-Type – type of the object
Connection: close
• For any other response code, include the following header lines only:
Date – current date on the server
Assignment 3 CPSC 441
Server – name of your web server (your choice!)
Connection: close
To format the date header field, you can use class SimpleDateFormat with format pattern
“EEE, dd MMM yyyy hh:mm:ss zzz”. Also, for the type of the object being transmitted,
whatever type is returned by method Files.probeContentType() is acceptable for this assignment.
4 Web Server Shutdown
4.1 Shutdown Method
Your server program is required to implement a shutdown method. When the shutdown is
called, the server should exit listening on the socket, clean up and terminate gracefully. To
implement shutdown, you can either use interrupt()/interrupted() methods of class
Thread or define a flag variable in your WebServer class and set it when the server is asked
to shutdown. Either way, since ServerSocket.accept() is a blocking call, the server never
checks the loop condition (see Program 1) while it is waiting for a client connection request.
Thus, you need to force the server thread to periodically time out to return from the blocking
method accept(), and check the shutdown status. This can be accomplished by setting the
socket timeout option using method ServerSocket.setSoTimeout().
4.2 Thread Management
Once the server is signalled to shut down, it has to wait a reasonable amount of time for the
currently running worker threads to terminate before it terminates. You can either write your
own code for thread management, e.g., keep track of active threads in a list and then wait (some
amount of time) for all of them to terminate, or use the executor service ThreadPoolExecutor
for executing and terminating threads. Refer to Java documentation for details and examples.
5 Software Interfaces
5.1 Method Signatures
The required method signatures for class WebServer are provided to you in the source file There are three methods that you need to implement, namely a constructor
and methods run and shutdown. Refer to the Javadoc documentation provided in the source
file for more information on these methods.
5.2 Exception Handling
Your implementation should include exception handling code to deal with all checked exceptions in your program. This includes catching the exceptions and printing exception messages
Assignment 3 CPSC 441
(or the stack trace) to the standard system output. Note that SocketTimeoutException is
part of the expected behavior of your code (due to setting socket timeout options) and should
not result in the web server termination.
• Exceptions in the server’s main thread: If the server can recover from the exception (i.e.,
the exception only affected a worker thread) then continue with the normal execution of
the web server. Otherwise, terminate the server in an orderly way (i.e., clean up and close
all streams and sockets) as if it was shutdown by the user.
• Exceptions in worker threads: Clean up, close all streams and sockets and terminate (i.e.,
return from the run method) the worker thread.
5.3 Running Your Code
A driver class named ServerDriver is provided on D2L to demonstrate how we are going
to run your code. Read the inline documentation in the source file for
detailed information on how to use the driver class.
5.4 Testing the Server
You should be able to use Telnet/putty, your Assignment 2 implementation, or even a web
browser to test your web server implementation. Yet another handy alternative is to use wget
or curl utilities to send GET requests to your server. To connect to your server, you need to
specify the server port number in the URL, as described in Assignment 1. You can give your
server a port number between 1024 and 65535. Keep in mind that some web browsers default
to HTTPS, so you need to change the settings of your browser to use HTTP for your web server,
otherwise you will get a connection error.
5.5 Console Output
Add print statements (using System.out.println) in your code to print the following information on the console:
1. Client information (IP address and port number) every time the server accepts a client connection.
2. HTTP request (request line and header lines) every time the server receives a request.
3. HTTP response (status line and header lines only) every time the server sends a response.
Do not directly print anything else to the console beyond exception messages and the above
information. For debugging purposes, you can use the global logger object defined in the
driver class, whose level can be set using the command line option -v. Refer to the driver class
source file for more information. The logger can be used to write messages to console during
code development.
Assignment 3 CPSC 441
5.6 Design Document
Prepare and submit a design document to explain what happens in your program if the method
shutdown() is called while some worker threads are still executing. Describe the sequence
of events that happens in your implementation once method shutdown is called. Follow the
design document formatting requirements on D2L.
• You are not allowed to modify the class and method signatures provided to you. However,
you can (and should) implement additional methods and classes as needed in your implementation. Any changes in ServerDriver class will be overwritten during marking.
• You are not allowed to use classes URL, URI, URLConnection or their subclasses for this
assignment. Ask the instructor if you are in doubt about any specific Java classes that you
want to use in your program. In general, as long as you are writing your own code to
implement HTTP protocol over TCP sockets, you should be fine.