Assignment overview
In this assignment, you will build a version of the game Bejewelled. Bejewelled is a ‘match 3’ game, where you must
match 3 or more of the same gem by moving the gems on the board. The gems can only move 1 cell up or down, left or
right, and swap with neighbouring gem when moving. Upon matching, the gems that match disappear, leaving a gap,
and the gems above the gap fall, filling the gap. If you are unfamiliar with the game, you can plan an online version here.
Keep all of your methods short and simple. In a properly-written object-oriented program, the work is distributed among
many small methods, which call each other. There are few methods in this entire assignment that should require more
than 15 lines of code, not counting comments, blank lines, or {} lines.
Unless specified otherwise, all instance variables must be private, and all methods should be public.
Your assignment should be DRY – don’t repeat yourself. If you notice you have code that does the same function in two
places, consider making a private method that can be called to do the work. If you see 3 or more lines of code that do
the same thing in two different methods, consider making a private method that does that task. This is often called a
‘helper’ method.
Testing Your Coding
We have provided sample test files for each phase to help you see if your code is working according to the assignment
specifications. These files are starting points for testing your code. Part of developing your skills as a programmer is to
think through additional important test cases and to write your own code to test these cases.
Phase 1: The Grid
First, create the game board, named class Grid.
The Grid class should have:
• An instance variable to hold the board, which is a 2D array of char.
• A method fillBoard(), which fills the board with random gems, overwriting whatever is in the board.
• A constructor Grid(int height, int width), which creates a new game board filled with random gems.
• A standard toString method, which returns a text representation of the board.
To choose random gems, you can add this to your Grid class:
public static char[] gems = {‘r’, ‘g’, ‘b’,’y’};
ASSIGNMENT 2: Input/output, Exceptions, and Multi-dimensional arrays
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public static char getRandomGem() {
int choice = (int)(Math.random() * gems.length);
return gems[choice];
Phase 2: Grids from files
We want to be able to save our progress. To do this, we will save our progress to a file, and be able to read these files.
The save files have a special format. The top line is the dimensions of the saved board: number of rows, then number
of columns. The rest of the file is the contents of the board. Example:
2 3
Is a valid file.
To do this, implement these methods in the Grid class:
• A new constructor, Grid(char[][] someGrid), which creates a grid with the given data. You do not need
to check if the gems are valid (in the set of letters provided).
• A factory method called Grid createGrid(String filename), which reads the data the text file specified
by ‘filename’, and returns a Grid object with that data. This method throws IOException if the data is not
valid. Special exception messages include:
o Bad dimensions for the saved file
o Not enough rows of data to read
o Not enough columns of data to read
Your error messages should have as much detail as possible. See the sample output for what is expected. This
method is quite long, due to the error handling, and will exceed the usual “15 lines of code” rule-of-thumb.
• A save(String filename)method, that writes the current board to the specified file, in the save file format
used. If there is an exception, it should print out the error message, and return null.
Sample output:
rr No dimensions to read The size values were not numeric! There was not enough rows! Saw 5 need 10 There was not enough colums. Saw 2 need 12
These should be the same:
ASSIGNMENT 2: Input/output, Exceptions, and Multi-dimensional arrays
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Phase 3: Extracting data
Add the following methods to extract data from your Grid class. You will use these later in the program.
• Method char[] extractRow(int rowNum) that extracts the row specified by the passed integer. 0 will
fetch the first row, 1 the second (index-by-zero rules).
• Method char[] extractColumn(int colNum), which extracts a single column, much like extract row.
Phase 4: Checking for gems in a row
Write a method named static char[] replaceSets(char[] input) in Grid that is passed a 1D array of gems,
and checks if there are set of 3 or more gems in a row. Return a new array that has the gems that are in a row replaced
with ‘x’ characters.
Phase 5: Merge
We have methods to find if there are sets of gems. Now, write the method replaceAll() in Grid. This method uses
the methods created in phase 4 to mark any sets of 3 with x’s.
There are some subtleties to this method. Consider:
There is a set of 3 in both the first row, and first column. If you set the first row to all x’s, then check the column, then
column 0 would be xbb, and the program would not set column 0 to all x’s. A solution to this is to create a new 2D array
with the sets replaced by x’s, while looking at the original to see if there are sets to be replaced.
Phase 6: Drop
Create method boolean drop() in class Grid. This method ‘drops’ the gems that are above cells that have an x in
them. In Bejewelled, as gems disappear, the gems above them drop down. This method does the dropping step.
The drop method returns true if any gems have moved.
In any spots that are now empty, place random gems. This will be the gems that are ‘falling from the top’.
Phase 7: Swap
Create 4 public static final variables in class Grid: UP, DOWN, LEFT, and RIGHT. You can set these to any numbers
you like but they all must be different numbers.
Create the method void swap(int row, int col, int direction). This will swap the gem specified by row
and column (indexed at 0) in the direction specified. Throw appropriate exceptions for out-of-bounds gem selection,
and movement. Throw IndexOutOfBoundsException for any strange things that may happen.
ASSIGNMENT 2: Input/output, Exceptions, and Multi-dimensional arrays
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Phase 8: Bonuses: Is that swap allowed? Ending the game?
+10%: In Bejewelled, moves are only allowed if it causes a match. Update the game to enforce that rule.
+20%: The game is over when there are no more moves. Update the game, and to enforce this. Visit
every gem, and see if it can move up/down/left/right. Continue the game if there is at least 1 valid move left.
If you accomplish these bonus items, write that you did so in the comment section of the hand-in.
Hand in
Submit your one Java file ( Do not submit .class or .java~ files! You do not need to submit the files that were given to you unless you attempted the bonus. If you did not complete all phases of
the assignment, use the Comments field when you hand in the assignment to tell the marker which phases were
completed, so that only the appropriate tests can be run. For example, if you say that you completed Phases 1-2, then
the marker will compile your files with appropriate test cases. If it fails to compile and run, you will lose all of the
marks for the test runs. The marker will not try to run anything else, and will not edit your files in any way. Make sure
none of your files specify a package at the top!