Assignment #2 CSCI 5408 (Data Management, Warehousing, Analytics)


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Problem #1: This problem contains two reading tasks.
Reading Material #1: To retrieve the paper, visit IEEE database through
M. Sharma and G. Singh, “Analysis of Joins and Semi-joins in Centralized and Distributed
Database Queries,” 2012 International Conference on Computing Sciences, Phagwara, 2012,
pp. 15-20, doi: 10.1109/ICCS.2012.15.
à Read the paper and perform the following:
• Write a summary (@ 1 page) on the paper in your own words. (you do not need
to add images/figures/tables from the paper. However, you can add your own
block diagrams or flowcharts to support the summary you have written)
• What is the central idea of discussion?
• Did you find any topic of interest in this paper? If Yes, what are those, and why
do you think those are interesting? If No, then as per you, what are the
shortcomings of this paper?
Submission Expectations: 1 page Report containing the summary and analysis
Winter 2021
Reading Material #2: To retrieve the paper, visit IEEE database through
V. Kate, A. Jaiswal and A. Gehlot, “A survey on distributed deadlock and distributed
algorithms to detect and resolve deadlock,” 2016 Symposium on Colossal Data Analysis and
Networking (CDAN), Indore, 2016, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/CDAN.2016.7570873.
Read the paper and perform the following:
• Write a summary (@ 1 page) on the paper in your own words. (you do not need
to add images/figures/tables from the paper. However, you can add your own
block diagrams or flowcharts to support the summary you have written)
• What is the central idea of discussion?
• Did you find any topic of interest in this paper? If Yes, what are those, and why
do you think those are interesting? If No, then as per you, what are the
shortcomings of this paper?
Submission Expectations: 1 page Report containing the summary and analysis
Problem #1 Submission Requirements: A single PDF file (2 pages for two summaries)
Problem #2: This problem contains two tasks. 1 logical task + 1 Programming task
Research and Development: You need to simulate a distributed DBMS and distributed
Visit the website and extract the following datasets:
Problem Scenario: A company “Data5408” has two branches, Local and Remote. Assume that
the datasets you received from Kaggle are data of “Data5408”. In this question, you need to
perform two tasks:

Task 1: Build Distributed Database
• If the datasets are converted to database tables, and database(s), how will it be
placed, state the reasons? (E.g. why did you consider specific Fragmentation,
transparency etc.)
• Your local MySQL instance can be considered as the Local site, and database instance
running on Google Cloud can be considered as Remote site. Your Local site is
responsible for storing customer, geolocation, user related information. Remote site
is responsible for storing all remaining information such as, item, product, payments
etc. [Note: If you experience issues in handling large datasets, then consider a random
reasonable size subset of the given data.]
• If required, please perform data cleaning, decomposition of dataset etc. before
creating the database
• Since “Data5408” implemented a distributed database, it should create and maintain
a Global Data Catalogue or Global Data Dictionary. How will you create it? Where will
it be placed? [Hint: Global data dictionary (GDD) is an additional component, which
does not eliminate the need of local data dictionaries. GDD usually contains
Winter 2021
information on databases, tables that are located at different sites, and connected
using the network.]
• You do not have to write SQL script for this part, you can use import statement to
upload your clean table on local and remote database.
Task 2: Perform Distributed Concurrent Transaction (programming needed)
• Write a controller engine using a script/program* (you can use python or Java) which
will maintain connection of local and remote database. In addition, the controller
engine will contain three embedded transactions written in sql. The details of the
transactions are given below:
Follow the sequence and write your observations.
T1 T2 T3
Sequence 1 Read customers data where
zip code = “01151”
Read customers data where zip
code = “01151”
Sequence 2 Update retrieved
customers’ city to
“T1 City”
Read customers data
where zip code = “01151”
Sequence 3 Update retrieved customers’
city to
“T2 City”
Update retrieved
customers’ city to
“T3 City”
Sequence 4 Commit Commit
Sequence 5 Commit
Note: If you do not have “01151” in your dataset, you can randomly select any fixed zip code for all
Transactions {T1, T2, T3}
• Modify the controller engine and perform two distributed transactions**. Each
transaction should perform at least two update operations at Local site, and at least
three operations (update or insert or delete or any combination) at the Remote site.
* You can only use standard libraries.
** Since the structure of tables, databases depend on your design of the distributed
database, there is no restriction in tables or database selection.
Problem #2 Submission Requirements: Upload your program code to gitlab
( Provide SQL Dump (data+structure)
Assignment Submission Instructions:

• One PDF files – Problem #1 pdf
• One SQL Dump File – Separate file with .SQL extension
• Program code for Problem #2 should be in gitlab.
Must be added to a single .zip file
before uploading to Brightspace.
Do not use any other compression
format. rename the .zip file as