Assignment #2 – C Programming Basics


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CMPSC311 – Introduction to Systems Programming
In this assignment you will develop a program to manage several data types, data structures and arrays. Please
read the following instructions very carefully and perform the assignment per the instructions.
1. Login to your virtual machine. Install the wget and pgpgpg using the apt-get utility. Refer to the
course notes for details on how to perform installation of programs.
2. From your virtual machine, download the starter source code provided for this assignment. To do this,
use the wget utility to download the file off the main course website:
3. Create a directory for your assignments and copy the file into it. Change into that directory.
% mkdir cmpsc311
% cp assign2-starter.tgz.gpg cmpsc311
% cd cmpsc311
4. Decrypt, untar, and unzip the repository using the gpg and tar tools. (You will need to use the password
sent to you via email to decrypt the file).
% gpg assign2-starter.tgz.gpg
% tar xvfz assign2-starter.tgz
Once unpacked, you will have the following starter files in the assign2 directory: cmpsc311-f13-assign2.c
and a2Support.h. cmpsc311-f13-assign2.c contains the main function which reads in values from
standard input. The a2support.h partially defines functions that you are to implement in the course of
this assignment (see below).
5. You are to complete the cmpsc311-f13-assign2 program. The cmpsc311-f13-assign2 program receives 15 float values, one per line. The code for reading those values from standard input are provided
in the assignment source code starter file.
6. Complete the code in the cmpsc311-f13-assign2.c file. Places where code needs to be added are
indicated by ???. See in file comments for hints. The program shall perform the following functions as
guided by the main() function:
(a) Read in 15 float values from the terminal and place them in an array. Note the code to perform this
step is already provided.
(b) Compute an 15 array of integers by calling the myRound function defined below on each value of
the float array read in. Each index should contain the rounded value of the same index in the float
array, e.g., element zero of the integer array should contain the rounded value of the zeroth element
of the float array, etc.
(c) Print out the values of the each array on their line using the printFArray and printIArray functions.
(d) Increment the odd elements of the float array by 10.2 and the even elements of integer array by 112
(zeroth item is even). The incrementing should be accomplished by calling the incrementFloat
and incrementInt functions, respectively.
(e) Print the largest value of each array using the largestFloat and largestInt functions, respectively.
(f) Print out the values of the each array on their line using the printFArray and printIArray functions.
(g) Sort the arrays using the bsortFloat and bsortInt functions respectively.
(h) Print out the sorted arrays again using the printFArray and printIArray functions.
(i) Print out the histogram of the array values.
7. You are to create a new file a2support.c. This will include the code for each of the functions defined
in a2support.h. You are also to complete the function definitions in a2support.h. These functions are
defined in table 1.
Note: You can refer to the Wikipedia page for information on the algorithm, but you cannot copy any code.
8. Add comments to all of your files stating what the code is doing. Fill out the comment function header
for each function you are defining in the code. A sample header you can copy for this purpose is provided
for the main function in the code.
9. In the assign2 directory, create a Makefile for the source code existing in this directory. You should contain as many of the make and gcc utility features as possible, but must at least include detailed comments,
built-in variables (e.g., $@), compile and link flag variables, suffix rules. The grade for this part of the
assignment will hinge on the sophisticated use of make, clarity and detail of comments, etc.
To turn in:
1. Create a GPG encrypted tarball file containing the assign2 directory, source code and build files as
completed above. Email the program to and the section TA (listed on
course website) by the assignment deadline (11:59pm of the day of the assignment). The tarball should
be named LASTNAME-PSUEMAILID-assign2.tgz.gpg, where LASTNAME is your last name in all capital
letters and PSUEMAILID is your PSU email address without the ””. For example, the professor
was submitting a homework, he would call the file MCDANIEL-pdm12-assign2.tgz.gpg.
Use the same password you used to decrypt the original file to encrypt this file.
2. Before sending the tarball, test it using the following commands (in a temporary directory – NOT the
directory you used to develop the code):
% gpg LASTNAME-PSUEMAILID-assign2.tgz.gpg
% tar xvzf LASTNAME-PSUEMAILID-assign2.tgz
% cd assign2
% make
Bonus Points: Create a log utility function for all output. This log utility should receive print data and print it
out to STDERR with a timestamp on each line. For example, a snippet of the above output might read:
Mon Sep 9 07:12:33 PDT 2013 *********************************************************************
Mon Sep 9 07:12:33 PDT 2013 Received and computed values
Mon Sep 9 07:12:33 PDT 2013 9.50 45.64 313.11 113.89 81.56 250.00 11.90 469.98 313.11
Mon Sep 9 07:12:33 PDT 2013 4.68 34.33 8013.55 -10.15 11.50 88.00
Mon Sep 9 07:12:33 PDT 2013 10 46 313 114 82 250 12 470 313 5 34 8014 -10 12 88
Mon Sep 9 07:12:33 PDT 2013 The largest element of the float array is 8023.75
Mon Sep 9 07:12:33 PDT 2013 The largest element of the int array is 8014
Mon Sep 9 07:12:33 PDT 2013 *********************************************************************
Mon Sep 9 07:12:33 PDT 2013 Altered values

Function Parameters Description
printFArray A reference to the array of floats
and a integer length of the array
This function prints out an array of floats on a single line. The display width should be the same for
each value (see sample output).
printIArray A reference to the array of integers and a integer length of the
This function prints out an array of integers on
a single line. The display width be the same for
each value (see sample output).
myRound A single float value. This should return the nearest integer (round up at
incrementFloat This should receive a pointer to
a float value and a float value to
increment by.
The function should increment the value in the
function and reutn void.
incrementInt This should receive a pointer to a
integer value and a integer value
to increment by.
The function should increment the value in the
function and reutn void.
largestFloat This function should receive a
reference to an array and the array length.
The function should return the largest float value
of the array passed.
largestInt This should receive a reference to
an array and the array length
The function should return the largest integer
value of the array passed.
bsortFloat This function should receive a
reference to the float array and
the array length.
The function should sort the values in the array
using a bubble sort.
bsortInt This function should receive a
reference to the integer array and
the array length.
The function should sort the values in the array
using a bubble sort.
printCharline This functions should receice a
single character and a integer
The character should be printed out a number of
times equal the integer, followed by a newline. If
the integer is > 80, then only 80 characters should
be printed.
doHistogram The function should receive both
and integer and a float array, as
well as the length of both.
The function should compute and draw a histogram of values. The X-axis should contain
10 labeled columns with values < 50, 50 − (< 100), 100 − (< 150)..., 450+. The Y-axis should display the number of values in each of the bins. The top Y-value should be one greater than the largest count for any bin size. The format should mirror that provided in the sample output and be clean and organized. Table 1: Functions to define and implement. 3 Note: Like all assignments in this class you are prohibited from copying any content from the Internet or discussing, sharing ideas, code, configuration, text or anything else or getting help from anyone in or outside of the class. Consulting online sources is acceptable, but under no circumstances should anything be copied. Failure to abide by this requirement will result dismissal from the class as described in our course syllabus. Sample Output ********************************************************************* Received and computed values 9.50 45.64 313.11 113.89 81.56 250.00 11.90 469.98 313.11 4.68 34.33 8013.55 -10.15 11.50 88.00 10 46 313 114 82 250 12 470 313 5 34 8014 -10 12 88 The largest element of the float array is 8023.75 The largest element of the int array is 8014 ********************************************************************* Altered values 9.50 55.84 313.11 124.09 81.56 260.20 11.90 480.18 313.11 14.88 34.33 8023.75 -10.15 21.70 88.00 122 46 425 114 194 250 124 470 425 5 146 8014 102 12 200 ********************************************************************* Sorted values -10.15 9.50 11.90 14.88 21.70 34.33 55.84 81.56 88.00 124.09 260.20 313.11 313.11 480.18 8023.75 5 12 46 102 114 122 124 146 194 200 250 425 425 470 8014 ********************************************************************* Historgram of values 10 9 * 8 * 7 * 6 * * 5 * * 4 * * * 3 * * * * 2 * * * * * * * 1 * * * * * * * * * <50 050+ 100+ 150+ 200+ 250+ 300+ 350+ 400+ >=450