Assignment 1 linear regression algorithm


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1. Implement the linear regression algorithm to estimate the weight parameters for the
feature matrix (X) and the class label vector (y). (a) Plot the cost function vs the number
of iterations. (b) Plot the cost function (J) vs w1 and w2 in a contour or 3D surf graph (w=
[w0 w1 w2]). Please use the dataset “data.xlsx”. (Use for or while loop for the
2. Implement stochastic gradient descent for the linear regression problem in question
number 1. (a) Plot the cost function vs the number of iterations. (b) Plot the cost function
vs w1 and w2. (Please use the dataset “data.xlsx”). (Use for or while loop for the
3. Implement the ridge regression problem by considering both batch gradient descent and
stochastic gradient descent. (a) Plot the cost function vs the number of iterations for both
the cases. (b) Plot the cost function (J) vs w1 and w2 in a contour or 3D surf graph for both
the cases. (Please use the dataset “data.xlsx”). (Use for or while loop for the
4. Implement the Vectorized linear regression problem to evaluate the weight parameters
for question number 1. Compare the weight parameters with the weights obtained using
both gradient descent and stochastic gradient descent based algorithms. (Please use the
dataset “data.xlsx”).
5. Implement Least angle regression to estimate the weight parameters for the feature
matrix (X) and the class label vector (y) by considering both gradient descent and stochastic
gradient descent based algorithms. (Please use the dataset “data.xlsx”). (Use for or while
loop for the implementation).
6. Implement K-means clustering based unsupervised learning algorithm for the dataset
(“data2.xlsx”). Plot the estimated class labels vs features. Use the number of clusters as
7. Implement the logistic regression algorithm for the binary classification using the
dataset (“data3.xlsx”). Divide the dataset into training and testing using hold-out crossvalidation technique with 60 % of instances as training and the remaining 40% as testing.
Evaluate the accuracy, sensitivity and specificity values for the binary classifier.
8. Implement the multiclass logistic regression algorithm using both “One VS All” and
“One VS One” multiclass coding techniques. Evaluate the performance of the multiclass
classifier using individual class accuracy and overall accuracy measures. Use the hold-out
cross-validation approach (60% training and 40% testing) for the selection of training and
test instances. (Please use the dataset “data4.xlsx”)
9. Evaluate the performance of multiclass logistic regression classifier using 5-fold crossvalidation approach. Evaluate the individual class accuracy and overall accuracy measures
for the multiclass classifier along each fold. (Please use the dataset “data4.xlsx”)
10. Use the likelihood ratio test (LRT) for the binary classification using the dataset
(“data3.xlsx”). Divide the dataset into training and testing using hold-out cross-validation
technique with 60 % of instances as training and the remaining 40% as testing. Evaluate
the accuracy, sensitivity and specificity values for the binary classifier.
11. Implement the Maximum a posteriori (MAP) decision rule for multiclass classification
task. Use the hold-out cross-validation approach (70% training and 30% testing) for the
selection of training and test instances. (Please use the dataset “data4.xlsx”).
12. Implement the Maximum likelihood (ML) decision rule for multiclass classification
task. Use the hold-out cross-validation approach (70% training and 30% testing) for the
selection of training and test instances. (Please use the dataset “data4.xlsx”).
13. Please write in your own words that what you have learned by solving the Assignment
Dataset description
data4.xlsx: (This dataset contains 4 features for different instances as four columns and
fifth column is for class label)
data3.xlsx: (This dataset contains 4 features for different instances as four columns and
fifth column is for class label)
data2.xlsx: (This dataset contains 4 features for different instances as four columns)
data.xlsx (First 2 columns as features and last column as class labels (continuous values)