
ASSIGNMENT 1: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming COMP 1020

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Assignment overview
In this assignment, you will implement a set of related classes of objects:
 Student: A university student
 StudentList: A list of students
 Course: A course with a title, short title, class list, etc.
 CourseList: A class list
Keep all of your methods short and simple. In a properly-written object-oriented program, the work is distributed among
many small methods, which call each other. There are no methods in this entire assignment that should require more
than 12 lines of code, not counting comments, blank lines, or {} lines (and many of them need no more than 3-4).
Unless specified otherwise, all instance variables must be private, and all methods should be public. Also, unless
specified otherwise, there should be no println statements in your classes. Objects usually do not print anything, they
only return String values from toString methods. The only exceptions in this assignment are register in Course
(Phase 2) and withdraw in Course (Phase 3).
Testing Your Coding
We have provided sample test files for each phase to help you see if your code is working according to the assignment
specifications. These files are starting points for testing your code. Part of developing your skills as a programmer is to
think through additional important test cases and to write your own code to test these cases. For marking, we will use
longer and more comprehensive tests.
Phase 1: Student and StudentList
First, implement two simple classes: a Student class and a StudentList class
The Student class should have:
 Three instance variables: the student’s first name (a String), last name (a String) and student number (an
 A constructor that has three parameters, in the above order, which are used to initialize the three instance
 A standard toString method, which returns a String containing the student’s last and first names separated
by a comma, and student number in between parentheses (as shown in the output below).
ASSIGNMENT 1: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
COMP 1020 Fall 2019
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 An equals method that checks if two Students are equal. Two students are equal if they have the same first
name, last name and student number.
The StudentList class should have:
 Three instance variables: an array of Students, the maximum size of the array (an int) and the current number
of students in the array (an int)
 A constructor that takes one parameter: the maximum size of the array. The other instance variables must be
initialized in the constructor (assume that the StudentList will be empty when constructed).
 A method contains(Student) that checks if the student is already in the list and returns a boolean (true if in the
list or false otherwise).
 A method addStudent that has a parameter of type Student, adds the Student to the list only if there is enough
space. This method returns a boolean (true if the student was added and false otherwise).
 A toString method which returns a String containing all the Students in the list, one Student per line (as
shown below).
You can test your classes using the supplied test program You should get the output shown below.
Frost, Miranda (123001)
The list already contains: Frost, Miranda (123001)
Frost, Miranda (123001)
Bullion, Mister (123002)
Frost, Miranda (123001)
Bullion, Mister (123002)
Simonova, Natalya (123003)
Cannot add student: Grishenko, Boris (123004)
Frost, Miranda (123001)
Bullion, Mister (123002)
Simonova, Natalya (123003)
Phase 2: Course and CourseList
Next, implement the Course class, and a CourseList.
The Course class should have:
 A class constant: the maximum size of the wait list (you can set it to 100).
 Five instance variables: the title of the course (a String), the short title of the course (a String – e.g.
COMP1020), the maximum class size (an int), a class list (a StudentList) and a wait list (a StudentList).
 A constructor that accepts three parameters, the title, short title and maximum class size. The two StudentLists
should also be instantiated by the constructors.
 A method register(Student) that registers the Student to the appropriate list, if possible, using the rules
described here:
o if the student is already in the class list, nothing is to be done, and the method should print “The
student [student description] is already registered to [course short title]!”
o if the student is not in the class list, and space is available, the method adds the student to the class
list and prints: “The student [student description] has been registered successfully to [course short
title].” This method also adds the course to the course list of the student (see Changes to Student
class below).
o if the class list is full, then the method tries to add the student to the wait list
o if the student is already on the wait list, nothing is to be done and the method should print “The
student [student description] is already on the wait list for [course short title]!”
o if the student is not on the wait list and space is available, the method adds the student to the wait
list and prints: “The student [student description] has been placed on the wait list for [course short
ASSIGNMENT 1: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
COMP 1020 Fall 2019
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o if the wait list is full, nothing is to be done and the method prints “The wait list is full for [course short
 A getTitles method, that returns a String containing the course short title followed by a dash and the
course title.
 A toString method that returns a String containing the course short title followed by a dash and the course
title on the first line. On the following lines, the class list and wait list are printed (see example below).
Then, implement a CourseList class. This class should have:
 A class constant: the maximum number of courses a student can take (set it to 100).
 Two instance variables: an array of Courses, and the current number of courses in the list (an int)
 A constructor that has no parameters, which initializes the instance variables (the CourseList should be empty
when created).
 A method contains(Course) that returns true if the course is already in the list, false otherwise.
 An addCourse(Course) method (void) that adds the Course to the list.
 a getAllTitles method that calls the getTitles method for each Course of the list, and builds a String
representation of all the courses on the list, one Course per line.
 A toString method that returns a String containing the full String representation (titles, class list and wait
list) of all Courses in the list (as shown in the example below).
Changes to Student class:
 Add an additional instance variable: a CourseList, containing the list of all courses the student is registered to
(fully registered, not on the wait list).
 The constructor should instantiate the above instance variable (empty CourseList).
 A method addCourse(Course), that adds the Course to the CourseList. You may assume that it will never
get full.
 A method getCourseListString, that returns a String containing “Student [student description] is
registered to:” followed on the next lines by the list of course titles, using the getAllTitles method of the
CourseList class.
You can test your class with You should get the output shown below.
The student Frost, Miranda (123001) has been registered successfully to COMP1010.
The student Bullion, Mister (123002) has been registered successfully to COMP1010.
The student Simonova, Natalya (123003) has been registered successfully to COMP1010.
The student Grishenko, Boris (123004) has been registered successfully to COMP1010.
The student Davidov, Sacha (123005) has been registered successfully to COMP1010.
The student Carver, Paris (123006) has been registered successfully to COMP1010.
The student Gupta, Henry (123007) has been placed on the wait list for COMP1010.
COMP1010 – Introductory Computer Science 1
Class list:
Frost, Miranda (123001)
Bullion, Mister (123002)
Simonova, Natalya (123003)
Grishenko, Boris (123004)
Davidov, Sacha (123005)
Carver, Paris (123006)
Wait list:
Gupta, Henry (123007)
The student Simonova, Natalya (123003) has been registered successfully to COMP1020.
The student Onatopp, Xenia (123008) has been registered successfully to COMP1020.
The student Drax, Hugo (123009) has been registered successfully to COMP1020.
The student Zukovsky, Valentin (123010) has been registered successfully to COMP1020.
ASSIGNMENT 1: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
COMP 1020 Fall 2019
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The student Ourumov, Arkady Grigorovich (123011) has been registered successfully to
The student Mishkin, Dmitri (123012) has been placed on the wait list for COMP1020.
The student Lynd, Vesper (123013) has been placed on the wait list for COMP1020.
The student Trevelyan, Alec (123014) has been placed on the wait list for COMP1020.
The student Scaramanga, Francisco (123015) has been placed on the wait list for
The student Jones, Christmas (123016) has been placed on the wait list for COMP1020.
The student Lin, Wai (123017) has been placed on the wait list for COMP1020.
The student King, Elektra (123018) has been placed on the wait list for COMP1020.
COMP1020 – Introductory Computer Science 2
Class list:
Simonova, Natalya (123003)
Onatopp, Xenia (123008)
Drax, Hugo (123009)
Zukovsky, Valentin (123010)
Ourumov, Arkady Grigorovich (123011)
Wait list:
Mishkin, Dmitri (123012)
Lynd, Vesper (123013)
Trevelyan, Alec (123014)
Scaramanga, Francisco (123015)
Jones, Christmas (123016)
Lin, Wai (123017)
King, Elektra (123018)
The student Gupta, Henry (123007) is already on the wait list for COMP1010!
COMP1010 – Introductory Computer Science 1
Class list:
Frost, Miranda (123001)
Bullion, Mister (123002)
Simonova, Natalya (123003)
Grishenko, Boris (123004)
Davidov, Sacha (123005)
Carver, Paris (123006)
Wait list:
Gupta, Henry (123007)
The student Drax, Hugo (123009) is already registered to COMP1020!
COMP1020 – Introductory Computer Science 2
Class list:
Simonova, Natalya (123003)
Onatopp, Xenia (123008)
Drax, Hugo (123009)
Zukovsky, Valentin (123010)
Ourumov, Arkady Grigorovich (123011)
Wait list:
Mishkin, Dmitri (123012)
Lynd, Vesper (123013)
Trevelyan, Alec (123014)
Scaramanga, Francisco (123015)
Jones, Christmas (123016)
Lin, Wai (123017)
King, Elektra (123018)
ASSIGNMENT 1: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
COMP 1020 Fall 2019
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The student Simonova, Natalya (123003) has been registered successfully to COMP2140.
The student Simonova, Natalya (123003) has been registered successfully to COMP2150.
The student Simonova, Natalya (123003) has been registered successfully to COMP3350.
Student Simonova, Natalya (123003) is registered to:
COMP1010 – Introductory Computer Science 1
COMP1020 – Introductory Computer Science 2
COMP2140 – Data Structures and Algorithms
COMP2150 – Object Orientation
COMP3350 – Software Engineering 1
Phase 3: Withdrawing from a Course
Next implement a withdraw(Student) method in the Course class, which will withdraw the Student from the class list,
if the Student is on the class list, or withdraw the Student from the wait list, if the Student is on the wait list, or do
nothing if the Student is not in any of the lists.
 The method must print:
o “The student [student description] has been withdrawn from [course short title].” if the student
was on the class list.
o “The student [student description] has been withdrawn from the wait list of [course short title].”
if the student was on the wait list.
o “The student [student description] is not on any list of [course short title].” otherwise.
 If the Student was on the class list, the method must also remove the Course from the Student’s CourseList.
 If the Student was on the class list, and there is at least one Student on the wait list, the first Student on the
wait list must be registered to the class list (and removed from the wait list).
 When removing a Student from a class/wait list, or removing a course from a CourseList, you must fill in the
gap by shifting up all the following Students/Courses. Also, don’t forget to update the counter of the current
number of students or current number of courses.
 Important: to fully complete Phase 3, following the instructions above, you will need to add other methods
to other classes(while maintaining encapsulation – every object is responsible for modifying its own instance
You can test your class with You should get the output shown below:
The student Frost, Miranda (123001) has been registered successfully to COMP1010.
The student Frost, Miranda (123001) has been registered successfully to COMP2150.
The student Bullion, Mister (123002) has been registered successfully to COMP1010.
The student Simonova, Natalya (123003) has been registered successfully to COMP1010.
The student Grishenko, Boris (123004) has been registered successfully to COMP1010.
The student Davidov, Sacha (123005) has been registered successfully to COMP1010.
The student Carver, Paris (123006) has been registered successfully to COMP1010.
The student Gupta, Henry (123007) has been placed on the wait list for COMP1010.
The student Onatopp, Xenia (123008) has been placed on the wait list for COMP1010.
COMP1010 – Introductory Computer Science 1
Class list:
Frost, Miranda (123001)
Bullion, Mister (123002)
Simonova, Natalya (123003)
Grishenko, Boris (123004)
Davidov, Sacha (123005)
Carver, Paris (123006)
Wait list:
Gupta, Henry (123007)
Onatopp, Xenia (123008)
ASSIGNMENT 1: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
COMP 1020 Fall 2019
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Student Frost, Miranda (123001) is registered to:
COMP1010 – Introductory Computer Science 1
COMP2150 – Object Orientation
The student Zukovsky, Valentin (123010) is not on any list of COMP1010.
COMP1010 – Introductory Computer Science 1
Class list:
Frost, Miranda (123001)
Bullion, Mister (123002)
Simonova, Natalya (123003)
Grishenko, Boris (123004)
Davidov, Sacha (123005)
Carver, Paris (123006)
Wait list:
Gupta, Henry (123007)
Onatopp, Xenia (123008)
The student Gupta, Henry (123007) has been withdrawn from the wait list of COMP1010.
COMP1010 – Introductory Computer Science 1
Class list:
Frost, Miranda (123001)
Bullion, Mister (123002)
Simonova, Natalya (123003)
Grishenko, Boris (123004)
Davidov, Sacha (123005)
Carver, Paris (123006)
Wait list:
Onatopp, Xenia (123008)
The student Frost, Miranda (123001) has been withdrawn from COMP1010.
The student Onatopp, Xenia (123008) has been registered successfully to COMP1010.
COMP1010 – Introductory Computer Science 1
Class list:
Bullion, Mister (123002)
Simonova, Natalya (123003)
Grishenko, Boris (123004)
Davidov, Sacha (123005)
Carver, Paris (123006)
Onatopp, Xenia (123008)
Wait list:
The student Bullion, Mister (123002) has been withdrawn from COMP1010.
COMP1010 – Introductory Computer Science 1
Class list:
Simonova, Natalya (123003)
Grishenko, Boris (123004)
Davidov, Sacha (123005)
Carver, Paris (123006)
Onatopp, Xenia (123008)
Wait list:
Student Frost, Miranda (123001) is registered to:
COMP2150 – Object Orientation
ASSIGNMENT 1: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
COMP 1020 Fall 2019
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Hand in
Submit your four Java files (,,, Do not
submit .class or .java~ files! You do not need to submit the files that were given to you. If you did
not complete all phases of the assignment, use the Comments field when you hand in the assignment to tell the
marker which phases were completed, so that only the appropriate tests can be run. For example, if you say that you
completed Phases 1-2, then the marker will compile your files, and compile and run the tests for phases 1 and 2. If it
fails to compile and run, you will lose all of the marks for the test runs. The marker will not try to run anything else,
and will not edit your files in any way. Make sure none of your files specify a package at the top!