
ASSIGNMENT 1: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming COMP 1020

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Assignment overview
In this assignment, you will implement a set of related classes of objects:
 Customer: A customer who orders food
 FoodItem: A specification for a food item that appears on a menu
 Restaurant: A restaurant that has a menu
 FoodApp: A food delivery app, used to order food items from restaurants
 Order: A class that contains all the information about a specific order
Keep all of your methods short and simple. In a properly-written object-oriented program, the work is distributed among
many small methods, which call each other. Make sure to call methods already created when appropriate, instead of
duplicating code for no reason. There are no methods in this entire assignment that should require more than 10 lines
of code, not counting comments, blank lines, or {} lines (and many of them need no more than 3-4).
Unless specified otherwise, all instance variables must be private, and all methods should be public. Also, unless
specified otherwise, there should be no println statements in your classes. Objects usually do not print anything, they
only return String values from methods.
Testing Your Coding
We have provided sample test files for each phase to help you see if your code is working according to the assignment
specifications. These files are starting points for testing your code. Part of developing your skills as a programmer is to
think through additional important test cases and to write your own code to test these cases. For marking, we will use
longer and more comprehensive tests.
Phase 1: Customer and FoodItem classes
First, implement two simple classes: a Customer class and a FoodItem class
The Customer class should have:
ASSIGNMENT 1: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
COMP 1020 Fall 2020
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 Three instance variables: the customer’s name (a String), email address (a String) and street address (a
 A constructor that has three parameters, in the above order, which are used to initialize the three instance
 A standard toString method, which returns a String containing the customer name, email address and
street address (as shown in the example output below).
 An equals method that checks if two customers are equal. Two customers are equal if they have the same
email address, since an email address should belong to only 1 customer.
The FoodItem class should have:
 Four instance variables: a name (a String), a cost (a double), a selling price (a double), and the number of
items available in stock for selling (an int)
 A constructor that takes four parameters, in the above order, which are used to initialize the four instance
 A method isAvailable that checks if there are items available for selling (returns false is no items are available,
true otherwise)
 A toString method which returns a String containing the name of the food item and the selling price. If the
item is not available, add “(SOLD OUT)” next to the price, making use of the isAvailable method. Follow the
format shown in the example output below.
 A method setSellingPrice that takes a new price as a parameter, and updates the selling price instance variable.
 A method decrementStock that decrements the number of items in stock by 1.
 A method increaseStock that takes an amount of additional stock as a parameter, and adds it to the existing
stock available for selling.
You can test your classes using the supplied test program You should get the output shown below.
-Customer Ellen Ripley
Address: 245 Alien road
-Customer John McClane
Address: 560 Yippee-ki-yay boulevard
Both customers have different email addresses
– Spaget
– Pristine deathclaw egg
$14.99 (SOLD OUT)
– Pristine deathclaw egg
Phase 2: Restaurant and FoodApp classes
Next, implement the Restaurant class, and the FoodApp class.
The Restaurant class should have:
 Three instance variables: the name of the restaurant (a String), a menu (stored as an array of FoodItem),
and a profit (a double).
 A constructor that accepts two parameters, the name and an array of FoodItems, and initializes the
corresponding instances variables. The profit shall be initialized to 0.
 A toString method that returns a String containing the name of the restaurant, the profit and the menu
on different lines (formatting it exactly as shown in the example below).
Then, implement a FoodApp class. This class should have:
 A class constant: the maximum number of customers a FoodApp can have (an int). Set it to 100.
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 Four instance variables: the name of the FoodApp (a String), the fees percentage charged to restaurants (a
double), an array of Customers, and the current number of customers in the array (an int)
 A constructor that takes two parameters, the name and the fees percentage, and initializes the corresponding
instances variables. The array of customers will be a partially filled array. It should be initialized according to
the maximum number of customers, and be empty at the beginning. The current number of customers in the
array should be initialized accordingly.
 A method getCustomerIndex(Customer) that looks for and returns the index of the customer given as a
parameter in the array of customers, using the equals method of the Customer class. The method must return
-1 if the customer is not found in the array.
 An addCustomer(Customer) method that adds the Customer to the customer array, only if the customer is
not already present, and returns true if the customer was added. You should make use of the getCustomerIndex
method here. If there is already a customer with the same email address, the method should simply return
false. You can assume that there will be enough space to add the customer otherwise (no checks required for
space). Also, don’t forget to update the counter of the current number of customers.
 A removeCustomer(Customer) method that removes the specified customer from the customer array, only
if it is found (following again the equals rule of the Customer class). The method returns true if a customer is
removed, and false otherwise. When removing a customer, you must fill in the gap by shifting up all the
following customers. Also, don’t forget to update the counter of the current number of customers.
 A toString method that returns a String containing the name of the FoodApp, the number of customers
and the list of those customers (formatting it exactly as shown in the example below).
You can test your class with You should get the output shown below.
— Restaurant Burger Queen
Profit = 0.0
– Queen wooper
– Super extra steakhouse triple queen wooper with cheese
– Poutine
– Fries
— Restaurant City Sushi
Profit = 0.0
– City maki
– City roll
– City sashimi
– City nigiri
– City teriyaki chicken
$9.99 (SOLD OUT)
— FoodApp AvoidThePlates
2 customer(s) registered:
-Customer Ellen Ripley
Address: 245 Alien road
-Customer John McClane
Address: 560 Yippee-ki-yay boulevard
This email address already exists!
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Customer removed.
— FoodApp AvoidThePlates
1 customer(s) registered:
-Customer Ellen Ripley
Address: 245 Alien road
Customer added
— FoodApp AvoidThePlates
2 customer(s) registered:
-Customer Ellen Ripley
Address: 245 Alien road
-Customer John Copy
Address: 560 Yippee-ki-yay boulevard
Phase 3: Order class
Next, implement the Order class.
The Order class should have:
 Seven instance variables: the order number (an int), the Customer who made the order, the Restaurant that
receives the order, the FoodApp through which the order was placed, a list of food items ordered (stored as an
array of FoodItem), the total number of items ordered (an int), and the total price of the order (a double).
 A class constant to set the maximum number of items that can be ordered (an int). Set it to 10.
 A constructor that accepts three parameters, the Customer, the Restaurant and the FoodApp, and initializes
the corresponding instances variables. The array of FoodItems will be a partially filled array. It should be
initialized according to the maximum number of items that can be ordered, and be empty at the beginning.
The total number of items ordered should be initialized accordingly. The total price shall be initialized to 0. The
order number shall have 6 digits, and start with a 9. Every order should have a distinct order number, starting
from 900001, then 900002, then 900003 and so on. You will need to add either an instance variable or a class
variable to accomplish this (choose wisely).
 An addToOrder(FoodItem) method that adds the FoodItem received as a parameter to the FoodItem array,
only if it is available (i.e. not sold out) and if there is space left in the array. If the FoodItem was added, the
method returns true (it returns false otherwise). You can assume that the FoodItem belongs to the restaurant’s
menu (no need to check if it’s on the menu). Don’t forget to update here: the amount in stock for the FoodItem
(decrement by 1), the total price of the order, and the total number of items ordered.
 A toString method that returns a String containing the FoodApp name, the order #, the customer name,
the Restaurant name, the list of items ordered and the total price (formatting it exactly as shown in the example
below). You will need to add some accessors in the previous classes (aka get methods) to get only the name of
the Customer, FoodApp and Restaurant, instead of the full String representation of those.
You can test your class with You should get the output shown below:
— AvoidThePlates order #900001
For customer Ellen Ripley with restaurant Burger Queen
Total price: $0.0
— AvoidThePlates order #900001
For customer Ellen Ripley with restaurant Burger Queen
– Super extra steakhouse triple queen wooper with cheese
Total price: $11.99
— AvoidThePlates order #900001
For customer Ellen Ripley with restaurant Burger Queen
– Super extra steakhouse triple queen wooper with cheese
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– Fries
Total price: $14.98
— AvoidThePlates order #900001
For customer Ellen Ripley with restaurant Burger Queen
– Super extra steakhouse triple queen wooper with cheese
$11.99 (SOLD OUT)
– Fries
– Super extra steakhouse triple queen wooper with cheese
$11.99 (SOLD OUT)
Total price: $26.97
Could not add this item to the order: – Super extra steakhouse triple queen wooper with cheese
$11.99 (SOLD OUT)
— AvoidThePlates order #900001
For customer Ellen Ripley with restaurant Burger Queen
– Super extra steakhouse triple queen wooper with cheese
$11.99 (SOLD OUT)
– Fries
– Super extra steakhouse triple queen wooper with cheese
$11.99 (SOLD OUT)
Total price: $26.97
— AvoidThePlates order #900001
For customer Ellen Ripley with restaurant Burger Queen
– Super extra steakhouse triple queen wooper with cheese
$11.99 (SOLD OUT)
– Fries
– Super extra steakhouse triple queen wooper with cheese
$11.99 (SOLD OUT)
– Poutine
Total price: $31.96
— SuperConsume order #900002
For customer John McClane with restaurant City Sushi
– City roll
– City roll
– City roll
– City roll
– City roll
– City roll
– City roll
– City roll
– City roll
– City roll
Total price: $69.9
ASSIGNMENT 1: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
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Phase 4: Adding some interactions between classes
In this phase, we will go back into previously defined classes and add a bit more functionality.
The FoodItem class should be updated with:
 A getMarkup method that returns the difference between the selling price and the cost of the FoodItem.
The FoodApp class should be updated with:
 An accessor (get method) for the fees percentage.
The Order class should be updated with:
 A submitOrder method that will simply call the fillOrder and the updateRecentOrders in the Restaurant and
Customer classes respectively with the appropriate parameters (see details below).
The Restaurant class should be updated with:
 A fillOrder method that takes four parameters: the total price of the order, the array of FoodItems for the
order, the number of FoodItems in the array, and the fees percentage taken by the FoodApp used for this
order. This method updates the profit instance variable of the restaurant using the parameters representing
the order. The profit on the order corresponds to the sum of markups on all the FoodItems minus the fees
percentage paid to the FoodApp on the total price of the order. You can assume that the FoodItems array will
not be empty.
The Customer class should be updated with:
 A new instance variable, which is a partially filled array of Orders, and stores only the 3 most recent orders.
The size of the array must be 3, and you can define a constant for that similarly to what we have done earlier.
 Adjust the constructor to initialize the array of Orders. It should be empty at the beginning.
 A updateRecentOrders(Order) which takes a new Order as a parameter, and adds it to the array of most
recent orders. The rank of the orders should always be preserved, in such a way that we can print them from
most recent to oldest. When the array is already full, update the array so that the oldest order gets removed
and the most recent one gets added in, conserving the full ordering. This method should be very short, if you
do it in more than 4-5 lines of code, rethink your approach.
 A getStringRecentOrders() which returns a String representation of the most recent orders, preceded by
“Recent orders of customer [Customer name]”. Follow the formatting shown in the example below exactly.
The orders must be ordered from most recent to oldest.
You can test your class with Don’t worry about the rounding errors that come with calculations
with doubles for the profit (as long as you get the first two decimals correctly, it’s ok). You should get the output
shown below:
— AvoidThePlates order #900001
For customer Ellen Ripley with restaurant Burger Queen
– Super extra steakhouse triple queen wooper with cheese
– Fries
– Queen wooper
– Poutine
Total price: $28.96
After submitting the order:
— Restaurant Burger Queen
Profit = 6.870000000000001
– Queen wooper
– Super extra steakhouse triple queen wooper with cheese
ASSIGNMENT 1: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
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– Poutine
– Fries
Recent orders of customer Ellen Ripley
— AvoidThePlates order #900001
For customer Ellen Ripley with restaurant Burger Queen
– Super extra steakhouse triple queen wooper with cheese
– Fries
– Queen wooper
– Poutine
Total price: $28.96
Recent orders of customer Ellen Ripley
— AvoidThePlates order #900004
For customer Ellen Ripley with restaurant Burger Queen
– Poutine
Total price: $4.99
— SuperConsume order #900003
For customer Ellen Ripley with restaurant City Sushi
– City nigiri
– City sashimi
Total price: $15.98
— SuperConsume order #900002
For customer Ellen Ripley with restaurant Burger Queen
– Poutine
Total price: $4.99
Hand in
Submit your five Java files (,,,, Do not submit .class or .java~ files! You do not need to submit the files that were
given to you. If you did not complete all phases of the assignment, use the Comments field when you hand in the
assignment to tell the marker which phases were completed, so that only the appropriate tests can be run. For
example, if you say that you completed Phases 1-2, then the marker will compile your files, and compile and run the
tests for phases 1 and 2. If your submitted code fails to compile and run, you will lose all of the marks for the test runs.
The marker will not try to run anything else, and will not edit your files in any way. Make sure none of your files
specify a package at the top, otherwise your code will not compile on the marker’s computer!