Applied Estimation (EL2320) Lab 1 Extended Kalman Filter (EKF)


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This lab consists of two parts:
1. A series of preparatory questions that we will go over in class
2. Two separate MATLAB exercises
• A warm-up case study with a standard Kalman filter where you learn
more about the behavior of the Kalman filter. Very little extra code
is needed.

• The main problem in which you need to complete an implementation
of an Extended Kalman filter-based robot localization.
It is a good time to review chapter 1 and 2 to gain more background about
what the course is about including Kalman filters, chapter 3 (up to the end of
3.3) to do a recap about the (Extended) Kalman filter and chapter 7 (up to the
end of 7.5) to further familiarize yourself with the EKF localization problem. If
you want to dig more, you can also read the section 1 and 2 of An Introduction
to the Kalman Filter by Greg Welch and Gary Bishop.

You need to keep in
mind that you will encounter the same equations with different notations in
different literature. Therefore, the best way to not confuse different notations
is to make a short list of variables/notations in the literature you are reading
and stick with one notation that you feel more comfortable with. We will try
to use the book, Probabilistic Robotics, notation as much as possible.

In order to pass this lab you need to upload to the course web a pdf with:
1. Written answers to the preparatory questions, Part I
2. Written answers to the questions in Part II

3. The required plots for each dataset. In total, that is four plots, one for
each of the first two data sets and two (batch and sequential update) for
the last data set. The plots should be analysed in the report with a short
text for each plot that explains why it looks the way it does compared to
the other plots. More specific instructions are given in Section 2.7.

You must also upload your (working) code.
Uploading and passing the lab on time gives a bonus point on the
exam. Do as much as you can and upload by the deadline. You may then have
to complete sections that don’t pass. You need to do the readings and answer
the questions (as many as you can) before you start to write the code in order
to benefit from this lab.

PART I – Preparatory Questions

These questions are intended to encourage you to think about what we have
covered so far on Bayesian filtering, the Kalman filter, the Extended Kalman
filter and localization.

You should write out your answers to the questions neatly and legibly and
bring them to class on the assigned day. Be sure to include your name. These
answers will be collected and redistributed randomly in class. You will be grading each other’s papers while we discuss them in class.

The act of grading is
part of the process of re-enforcing what you have learned. These grades will be
recorded but the value of the grade does not effect your grade for the lab. If
you get more than 30% correct you will get a bonus point on the exam.

will then be able to correct the answers before uploading the lab report to the
assignment on the course web. In other words, getting all the answers correct
for class is not necessary, but participation is of great benefit to you. The proper
way to do this is come to class with a pdf that you then modify and upload,
but as long as you get there in the end, any path is ok.

The 30% applies for the bonus point but is not good enough for passing the
lab. Upload correct answers for all questions.

Linear Kalman Filter:
1. What is the difference between a ”control” ut, a ”measurement” zt and
the state xt? Give examples of each!

2. Can the uncertainty in the belief increase during an update? Why (or

3. During update what is it that decides the weighing between measurements
and belief?

4. What would be the result of using too large a covariance (Q matrix) for
the measurement model?

5. What would give the measurements an increased effect on the updated
state estimate?

6. What happens to the belief uncertainty during prediction? How can you
show that?

7. How can we say that the Kalman filter is the optimal and minimum least
squared error estimator in the case of independent Gaussian noise and
Gaussian priori distribution? (Just describe the reasoning not a formal

8. In the case of Gaussian white noise and Gaussian priori distribution, is
the Kalman Filter a MLE and/or MAP estimator?

Extended Kalman Filter:
9. How does the Extended Kalman filter relate to the Kalman filter?

10. Is the EKF guaranteed to converge to a consistent solution?

11. If our filter seems to diverge often, can we change any parameter to try
and reduce this?

12. If a robot is completely unsure of its location and measures the range r
to a know landmark with Gaussian noise, what does the posterior belief
of its location p(x, y, θ|r) look like? A formula is not needed but describe
it at least.

13. If the above measurement also included a bearing, how would the posterior

14. If the robot moves with relatively good motion estimation (prediction error
is small) but a large initial uncertainty in heading θ, how will the posterior
look after traveling a long distance without seeing any features?

15. If the above robot then sees a point feature and measures range and bearing to it, how might the EKF update go wrong?

PART II – MATLAB Exercises

1 Warm-up problem: Linear Kalman filter
Consider a car example. The acceleration of the car is controlled by the throttle/break. The system is described by:
xk =
! pk

uk = a0
A =
! 1 ∆t
0 1

B =
! 0

xk+1 = Axk + Buk + εk
C = # 1 0 $
zk = Cxk + δk
where pk and vk are the position and velocity of the car time step k, a0 is
the (constant) acceleration of the car and εk and δk are white Gaussians.

• Question 1: What are the dimensions of εk and δk? What parameters
do you need to define in order to uniquely characterize a white Gaussian?
Open Warm Up/kf car.m. Read the comments and the code and make sure you
understand the system model and the roles of the different variables.

• Question 2: Make a table showing the roles/usages of the variables (x,
xhat, P, G, D, Q, R, wStdP, wStdV, vStd, u, PP). To do this one
must go beyond simply reading the comments in the code.

Hint: Some
of these variables are part of our estimation model and some are for simulating the car motion.

• Question 3: Please answer this question with one paragraph of text that
summarizes broadly what you learn/deduce from changing the parameters
in the code as described below. Choose two illustrative sets of plots to
include as demonstration. What do you expect if you increase/decrease
the covariance matrix of the modeled (not the actually simulated) process
noise/measurement noise by a factor of 100 (only one change per run)?

Characterize your expectations. Confirm your expectations using the code
(save the corresponding figures so you can analyze them in your report).
Do the same analysis for the case of increasing/decreasing both parameters
by the same factor at the same time. Hint: It is the mean and covariance
behavior over time that we are asking about.

• Question 4: How do the initial values for P and xˆ affect the rate of
convergence and the error of the estimates (try both much bigger and
much smaller)?

2 Main problem: EKF Localization

Consider the robot localization (tracking) problem. Given a map of the environment (M1), some measurements and some control signals, you are to estimate
where the robot is located at each time step. Using a first order Markov assumption and Bayesian update, this can be formalized in recursive form as:

% p(xt|u1:t, z1:t, x¯0, M) = ηp(zt|xt, M)
& p(xt|ut, xt−1)p(xt−1|z1:t−1, u1:t−1, x¯0, M)dxt−1
p(x0|x¯0) = δ(x0 − x¯0)
or equivalently

bel(xt) = p(xt|u1:t, z1:t, x¯0, M) = ηp(zt|xt, M)bel(xt)
bel(xt) = p(xt|u1:t, z1:t−1, x¯0, M) = & p(xt|ut, xt−1)bel(xt−1)dxt−1
bel(x0) = p(x0|x¯0) = δ(x0 − x¯0)

• Question 5: Which parts of (2) and (3) are responsible for prediction
and update steps?

Now, assuming the observation noise and process noise are white Gaussians,
it might seem that a standard Kalman filter can be utilized to come up with
the optimal estimate. However, as it will be pointed out in Section 2.2, the
measurement model in this case is not linear and thus, the standard Kalman
filter will be useless for this problem.

However, given the initial conditions
(initial position: µ0 = x¯0 and initial uncertainty: Σ0 = Σ¯ 0), we can utilize
an EKF to perform the prediction and update steps (Algorithm 1). Note that
Algorithm 1 assumes time-invariance for measurement noise and process noise.
Algorithm 1 The Extended Kalman Filter algorithm
µ¯t = g(ut, µt−1)
Σ¯t = GtΣt−1GT
t + R
Kt = Σ¯tHT
t (HtΣ¯tHT
t + Q)−1
µt = µ¯t + Kt(zt − h(µ¯t))
Σt = (I − KtHt)Σ¯t


1The units in the EKF Localization problem are meter and radians. 2Note that the definitions for Q and R are reversed in the EKF Localization problem.

In the lectures, Q and R correspond to the modeled process and measurement noise covariance matrices respectively, while in the notation in the lab instructions (and also the course
literature), Q and R refer to the modeled measurement and process noise covariance matrices.

2.1 Prediction
The prediction can be performed using the odometry information or control
signals to the motors for example. Odometry information is usually computed
using sensors like wheel encoders. In a simple case, the odometry can be computed using (4):
t = 2∗π∗ER
ET ∆t
t = 2∗π∗EL
ET ∆t
ωt = ωR
t RR−ωL
t RL
vt = ωR
t RR+ωL
t RL
ut ≈
vt∆t cos µt−1,θ
vt∆tsin µt−1,θ
where ET is the number of encoder ticks per wheel revolution, ER
t and EL
are the encoder ticks for the right and the left wheel in the t
th time step, B is
the wheel base (the distance between the contact points of the wheels), RR and
RL are the radius of the right and the left wheels and ωt and vt are the angular
and translational velocities of the robot in the t
th time step.

Having computed
the odometry information, the prediction process is performed using (5):
g(ut, µt−1) = µt−1 + ut
Gt =
1 0 − sin µt−1,θvt∆t
0 1 cos µt−1,θvt∆t
0 0 1
where Gt is the Jacobian of g and µt−1,θ is the orientation of the robot in the
last time step.

2.2 Observation Model
Assuming a range-bearing measurement setting, the observation model for the
sensor is given by (6):
h(xt, M, j) =
! 2(Mj,x − xt,x)2 + (Mj,y − xt,y)2
atan2(Mj,y − xt,y, Mj,x − xt,x) − xt,θ

zt,j = h(xt, M, j) + δt
ˆzt,j = h(µ¯t, M, j)
H(µ¯t, M, j) =
3 µ¯t,x−Mj,x
zˆ1,j 0
(zˆ1,j )2
(zˆ1,j )2 −1
4 (6)
where j is the index of the landmark being matched to the measurement observation, h is the observation function, the first component of ˆzt,j is zˆ1,j , which is
also the distance between the feature j and the state µ¯t; H is the Jacobian of h
corresponding to any observation evaluated at µ¯t; µ¯t,x refers to the x component
of µ¯t.
Please keep in mind that indices i and j have no great fixed meaning and in
your implementation what seemed natural might not be the same as here or in
other solutions. Don’t get fixated on the letters but rather on the function.

2.3 Data Association
One of the most challenging problems in estimation such as EKF localization
is the data association. If we know which landmark is being observed in each
observation, then we have a known associations problem. In most of the situations, we usually do not know this information and thus, need to somehow
associate each observation with a landmark (or classify it as an outlier). One of
the most popular and simple approaches to the data association problem is the
Maximum Likelihood data association.

Maximum Likelihood Data Association
In the maximum likelihood data association approach, observations are associated with landmarks separately. For each observation one computes the likelihood of making the observation while observing each landmark from the best
estimate of the state before the update process (µ¯t). Then, each observation
is associated with the landmark which leads to the maximum likelihood. Algorithm 2 shows the detailed steps of associating landmark cˆi
t with the i
th observation3:
Algorithm 2 Maximum Likelihood Data Association Algorithm for the i
for all landmarks j in M do
ˆzt,j = h(µ¯t, M, j) {Predict Measurement}
Ht,j = H(µ¯t, M, j,ˆzt,j)
St,j = Ht,jΣ¯t(Ht,j )T + Q
t = zt,i − ˆzt,j {Calculate Innovation}
t = det(2πSt,j )− 1
2 exp[−1
2 (ν
t )T (St,j )−1ν
t ] {Calculate Likelihood}
end for
t = arg max j
t = ν
S¯t,i = St,cˆi
H¯t,i = Ht,cˆi

3You need to keep in mind that there may be more than one measurement at time t (here
we use i to denote them). zt,j refers to the jth feature being associated with any of the
measurements at the time t. When the inovation is computed the actual ith measurement
needs to be used. Also ν
t represents the innovation of the ith observation/measurement
associated with cˆi
t at time t.

Notice that ML data association requires that you normalize the Gaussian
• Question 6: In the Maximum Likelihood data association, we assumed
that the measurements are independent of each other. Is this a valid
assumption? Explain why.

2.4 Outlier Detection
Sometimes, due to various reasons like unforeseen dynamics in the system (e.g.
an un-modeled moving object), sensor failure or unreasonable noise, we get measurements which are not reliable. We refer to these measurements as outliers.

To detect outliers, one can define a threshold on the likelihood of the measurement (ψi
t) and label the measurement as an outlier if the maximum likelihood
falls below the threshold. Alternatively, it is possible to define a threshold on
the Mahalanobis distance between the measurement (zi
t) and the most likely
association which is given by:
DM = (ν¯i
T (S¯t,i)
t) (7)

The upside of this method is the fact that DM follows the chi square (X2
cumulative distribution with n degrees of freedom and therefore, one can define
a threshold for this method based on a probability. We encourage you to read
more about the intuition behind this in Outlier Detection.pdf. As (in our
case with two measurement components) ν has two degrees of freedom, the
threshold (λM) is given by:
λM = X−2
2 (δM) (8)

• Question 7: What are the bounds for δM in (8)? How does the choice
of δM affect the outlier rejection process? What value do you suggest for
λM when we have reliable measurements all arising from features in our
map, that is all our measurements come from features on our map? What
about a scenario with unreliable measurements with many arising from so
called clutter or spurious measurements?

2.5 Update
Having computed the associations and rejected the outliers, the update process
can be done easily. The most simple type of update, namely sequential update,
performs one update for each observation zi
t in the t
th time step (Algorithm 3).

• Question 8: Can you think of some down-sides of the sequential update
approach (Algorithm 3)? Hint: How does the first (noisy) measurement
affect the intermediate results?

Algorithm 3 Sequential Update Algorithm for the i
th observation
for all Observations i in zt do
… {Compute the i
th association using µ¯t}
Kt,i = Σ¯t(H¯t,i)T (S¯t,i)−1
µ¯t = µ¯t + Kt,iν¯i
Σ¯t = (I − Kt,iH¯t,i)Σ¯t
end for µt = µ¯t
Σt = Σ¯t

Batch Update
An alternative to the sequential update is the batch update algorithm. The
batch update algorithm associates all observations with landmarks simultaneously and performs one update for all the observations in each time step. The
sequential update can cause problems if you get outliers into the system and
you perform data association for every new measurement processed.

After an
update with an outlier the estimate might be thrown off and the uncertainty
incorrectly reduced (this is called inconsistency, i.e. that the uncertainty does
not capture the true situation) which means that the other measurements may
be incorrectly discarded as outliers. The order in which the measurements are
processed is therefore important in the sequential update as in the sequential
update, the association of the i
th measurement is computed using the estimates
that are updated using the i − 1th measurement.

The batch update is less sensitive to outliers as more measurements processed at the same time adds some
robustness. The downside of the batch update is instead the computational
cost. Algorithm 4 shows the complete EKF localization problem with the batch

• Question 9: How can you modify Algorithm 4 to avoid redundant recomputations?
• Question 10: What are the dimensions of ν¯t and H¯t in Algorithm 4?
What were the corresponding dimensions in the sequential update algorithm? What does this tell you?

2.6 Instructions
In the unzipped lab file, go to the folder EKF Localization. This directory
contains all MATLAB files required to complete the main problem. You are
provided with code skeletons for all functions you are asked to implement. Make
sure to add this directory along with all subdirectories to your current MATLAB
path. For the simulation we make use of a GUI which allows you to change
parameters during the simulation and observe the effect on the filter’s behavior.

In the remainder of this section, we give a more explicit description of the
functions you are asked to implement along with some common implementation

Algorithm 4 EKF Localization with Batch update for the i
th time step
for all Observations i in zt do
for all Landmarks j in M do
ˆzt,j = h(µ¯t, M, j)
Ht,j = H(µ¯t, M, j,ˆzt,j )
St,j = Ht,jΣ¯t(Ht,j )T + Q
t = zt,i − ˆzt,j
t = (ν
t )T (St,j )−1ν
t = det(2πSt,j )− 1
2 exp[−1
t ]
end for
t = arg max j
t = Di,ci
t ≥ λM
t = ν
H¯t,i = Ht,cˆi
end for
{For inlier indices 1, …, n}
ν¯t = # (ν¯1
t )T (ν¯2
t )T … (ν¯n
t )T $T
H¯t = # (H¯t,1)T (H¯t,2)T … (H¯t,n)T $T
Q¯t =
Q 0 0 0
0 Q 0 0
0 0 … 0
0 0 0 Q
Kt = Σ¯t(H¯t)T (H¯tΣ¯t(H¯t)T + Q¯t)−1
µt = µ¯t + Ktν¯t
Σt = (I − KtH¯t)Σ¯t
errors. Furthermore, we provide you with a quick tutorial on how to use the
GUI once you’ve finished your implementation.

Implementation Details

In order to run the simulation on the given datasets, you first have to complete
the implementation of the following functions:
1. calculate odometry.m: Use (4)
2. predict.m: Use Algorithm 1 and (5)
3. observation model.m: Use (6)
4. jacobian observation model.m: Use (??)

5. associate.m: Use Algorithm 2
6. update .m: Use Algorithm 3
7. batch associate.m: Use Algorithm 4
8. batch update.m: Use Algorithm 4

We provide you with empty skeletons for each function in
EKF Localization/Skeletons. Please don’t change any of the written code,
especially the global variables shouldn’t be modified as they affect the performance of the GUI. Use the specified shapes of input and output data as a
guideline for your implementation.

The total number of lines of code you need to write to complete all mentioned
functions is approximately 80 lines. You can also use MATLAB’s help command
to see the comments: e.g. help predict.

Implementation Errors

The most common error while implementing the functions is to not realize that
an angle error (innovation) of 2π is an error of 0. One should explicitly make
sure that all angles (even intermediate results) are between −π and π. This is
done by adding or subtracting 2π. We suggest using this line of code to put an
angle φ in the range:
φ = mod (φ + π, 2π) − π; (9)

Another common error is the matrix indexing. For example H(:,k) instead
of H(:,:,k) or similar. Make sure to check the given input and output shapes.

Also, remember that indexing in MATLAB starts at 1. Furthermore, whenever possible, try to vectorize your matrix operations instead of using loops to
improve performance of your code.

To check if your implementation is correct, we provide you with a test function for each file you are supposed to modify. These functions are located in

Figure 1: Illustration of the GUI. Parameters and filter modes can be changed
during the simulation and the effect on the filter performance can be observed

EKF Localization/Test Cases. Make sure to run the corresponding test case
for each function you implement. If the test function returns 1, you most likely
have a bug-free implementation of the respective function. Finally, to make
sure all functions work together as well, there is a final test function called
test cases lab1.m. This functions runs all previous test cases and returns 1 if
all functions appear correct. Please don’t proceed to the next step before your
implementation passes the final test case.

Simulation GUI
For the final simulation of the EKF localization algorithm we use the GUI
displayed in Figure 1. The GUI was developed and tested on MATLAB 2019a.
Start the GUI by running ekf gui from your command window.
In the following, we explain in detail how to interact with the GUI during
the experiments:

• Start Simulation To start a simulation, select a dataset from the dropdown menu and press the start button. This will start the simulation using the current parameter setting.

• Modify Parameters All active buttons, switches and spinners can be
used to change the respective parameters during the simulation. The
changes will take immediate effect on the filter performance.
– Uncertainties Using the spinners, the modeled noise on motion
model and observation model can be adjusted. The values shown
are the respective standard deviations.

– Outlier Detection Using this switch, the outlier detection can be
enabled/disabled. The threshold corresponds to 1-δM. Consequently,
a higher threshold results in more detected outliers.
– Batch Update Using this switch, the update mode can be changed
from batch update to sequential update.

– Data Association By disabling data association, the maximum likelihood estimation is skipped and the ground truth associations are
– Set Default When selecting a dataset, reasonable values are provided for all parameters. The ”Default-Button” undoes all changes
made to any parameters during the active simulation.

• Capture Simulation For the documentation of your conducted simulations, you are required to include plots of various scenarios in your report.
By clicking on the camera icon in the main simulation window, a screen
shot is created and opened in a separate figure which can be saved and
included in your report.

• Analyse Filter Performance In order to numerically analyze the filter
performance, it is convenient to plot the evolution of the estimation error
over time. If you wait for the simulation to finish, additional figures containing plotted errors along with the evolution of the covariance matrices
will be displayed. However, this will only work if you don’t terminate the
simulation manually.

2.7 Datasets
In this last section, we introduce the three datasets used in the lab assignment
and describe the final instructions for the experiments you should perform for
your report. For each dataset you are asked to save one or more plots. You
should include the plots in your pdf file and describe the situation displayed in
each plot.

1. Dataset 1: In this dataset, the laser scanner has an accuracy of (1 cm,
1 degree), the odometry information has an un-modeled noise of approximately 1 cm and 1 degree per time step. Decide about reasonable noise
models for process and observation noises and set your parameters in the
GUI. If you have done everything correctly, the resulting mean absolute
error of your estimations should be less than 0.01 (m, rad) on all dimensions.

Figure 2: Dataset 1. Accurate sensor readings are available and low uncertainties on both measurement and motion model can be used to achieve accurate

2. Dataset 2: In this dataset, there are certain outliers that need to be detected (and rejected). The measurements have undergone a white Gaussian with the standard deviation of 0.2 (m, rad). Try to find a reasonable
value for the process noise covariance matrix. If your outlier detection
works correctly, the resulting mean absolute error of your estimations
should be less than 0.06 (m, rad) on all dimensions.

3. Dataset 3: This data set does not include any odometry information and
therefore, we should compensate for it by considering a big standard deviation for the process noise. Model the measurement noise with a standard
deviation of 0.1 (m, rad), the process noise with a standard deviation of
1 (m, rad) and disable the outlier detection. Run your algorithm on the
data set using 1) the sequential update algorithm, 2) the batch update
algorithm. If you have done everything right, you should be able to see
a sensible difference between the results of the two algorithms with mean
absolute error of the batch update algorithm being less than 0.1 (m, rad)
on all dimensions.

Figure 3: Dataset 2. The available measurements contain a large number of
outliers that should be detected and discarded. Using bad measurements (yellow) in the update can result in an inconsistent estimate. The uncertainty of the
measurement model and the threshold for outlier detection are most important
for this dataset.

Figure 4: Dataset 3. No odometry information is available for this dataset. The
map layout is prone to association errors due to the large number of landmarks.
Robust updates are important.