A Simple Recommender System ISTA 331 Hw1


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Introduction. This homework will introduce you to the paradigm-altering concept of recommender
systems. Recommender systems enable targeted advertising, which has changed the face of business
across the planet and made Amazon into a global hegemon. This homework uses item-based
collaborative filtering, which is vastly faster than user-based, which means it’s vastly better.
This homework will also refresh your SQL. I have created two bookstore transaction databases,
bookstore.db and small.db. bookstore.db has real ISBN’s, real titles, and real prices taken
from Amazon. small.db is a much tinier version with shorter, fake ISBN’s so that the illustrations in
this spec are comprehensible. Both have the following schema:
order_date and isbn are TEXT, everything else is what it looks like. Primary keys are the leftmost
columns, except for the OrdersItems table, which has the leftmost two columns combining to form
the primary key.
Instructions. Download and unpack hw1.zip. hw1_partial.py has some code that will help you
see what you’re your code is doing and show you what you have created when you’re done. Rename it
as hw1.py and put your code in this module. Below is the spec for 9 functions. Implement them in the
provided starter module and upload your final product to the D2L Assignments folder.
Testing. Run hw1_test.py from the command line to see your current correctness score. Each of
the 9 functions is worth 11.1% of your correctness score. You can examine the test module in a text
editor to understand better what your code should do. The test module is part of the spec. The test file
we will use to grade your program will be different and may uncover failings in your work not evident
upon testing with the provided file. Add any necessary tests to make sure your code works in all cases.
Documentation. Your module must contain a header docstring containing your name, your section
leader’s name, the date, ISTA 331 Hw1, and a brief summary of the module. Each function must
contain a docstring. Each function docstring should include a description of the function’s purpose, the
name, type, and purpose of each parameter, and the type and meaning of the function’s return value.
Grading. Your module will be graded on correctness, documentation, and coding style. Code should be
clear and concise. You will only lose style points if your code is a real mess. Include inline comments to
explain tricky lines and summarize sections of code.
Collaboration. Collaboration is allowed. You are responsible for your learning. Depending too much on
others will hurt you on the tests. “Helping” others too much harms them in reality. Cite any
sources/collaborators in your header docstring. Leaving this out is dishonest.
These are the complete tables in the small database:
Function specifications.
get_purchase_matrix: This function takes a connection object to a bookstore transaction db
and returns a dictionary that maps customer id’s to a sorted lists of books they have purchased (i.e.
ISBN’s) without duplicates. It must be sorted for the test to work. For the small db, it looks like this:
You will need a query to get the customer id’s. In a loop, you will add each customer to the dictionary
you are building, using a query to get the ISBN’s of the books that they have purchased. We will talk
about this query in class.
get_empty_count_matrix: This function takes a connection object to a bookstore db and
returns a DataFrame with index and columns that are the ISBN’s of the books available in the
bookstore and int 0’s for data:
fill_count_matrix: This function takes an empty count matrix and a purchase matrix and fills the
count matrix. Go through each customer’s list of ISBN’s. For each ISBN in the list, increment the
appropriate spot on the diagonal. We are keeping track of the number of users who have purchased
each book on the diagonal (we have already ignored any additional purchases of the same book by the
same customer). For each pair of books purchased by the same customer, increment the appropriate
positions in the matrix. For instance, customer 2 bought both 971 and 972. Therefore, increment both
matrix.loc[‘971’, ‘972’] and matrix.loc[‘972’, ‘971’]. These off-diagonal
positions hold the number of times both books represented by the position’s row and column labels
have been purchased by the same person. We are keeping the matrix symmetric because we have
enough to think about as it is. We could store the info in a triangular matrix, but forget that.
Try to reconstruct the count matrix from the above purchase matrix by hand until you understand
what’s going on.
make_probability_matrix: This function takes a count matrix and returns a conditional
probability matrix. The value at each position [row_isbn, col_isbn] is the probability that a
customer has purchased the column book given that that customer has purchased the row book. We
calculate this probability cm.loc[row_isbn, col_isbn] / cm.loc[row_isbn,
row_isbn]. I did it using integer indices instead of row and column labels, but it will work either way.
Set the diagonal terms to -1. This ensures that when we make a list of most similar books to a given
book, that the given book won’t appear in the list.
sparse_p_matrix: This function takes a probability matrix and returns a dictionary that maps
ISBN’s to a list of the 15 books most likely to be purchased by a customer who has purchased the key
book in descending order of likelihood. I went across each row of the p-matrix and made a list of 2-
element lists, the first inner element being the probability, the second being the associated column
book, and sorted the list, setting the keyword argument reverse to True. Then I made a list of the
second elements in each of the inner lists and boom.
get_cust_id: This function takes a connection object and returns an integer customer id or
None, depending upon user input. Grab the customer info from the db and print it as in this example:
The “Enter customer…: ” is a prompt passed to the input function. There is a space after the
purchase_history: This function takes a customer id, a list of ISBN’s that the customer has
purchased, and a connection to the db, and returns a string containing the customer’s purchase
history as titles instead of ISBN’s. The string ends with a newline character. It prints like this:
There are 40 dashes in the last line. Each title is truncated at 80 characters if necessary.
get_recent: This function takes a customer id and a connection. It returns an ISBN chosen
randomly from the customers most recent order. Make a list of the ISBN’s in the most recent order and
use random.randrange to randomly index into the list to grab a book.
get_recommendation: This function takes a customer id, a sparse probability matrix, purchase
history ISBN list, and a connection. Use the previous function to randomly grab a book from the
customer’s most recent purchase. Get the customer’s name. Get the two books most similar to the
recently purchased book, not including any books already purchased by the customer. We don’t want to
recommend a book that we have already sold the customer. That would make us look stupid. If there is
only one book in our 15 most likely books that the customer hasn’t purchased, recommend only one. If
there are none, recommend “Out of ideas, go to Amazon\n”. Return your recommendation
as a string that prints as such:
If the title is too long, truncate it at 80 characters.