
487/819– Computer Vision and Image Processing Assignment 6

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2 Background
The purpose of this assignment is to gain some experience with convolutional neural networks, design a
convolutional neural network from scratch, and use them for prediction on realistic datasets.
We will be using the Python module keras (which is a high-level wrapper around Tensorflow) in this
assignment. These packages should be installed on the Spinks lab machines. If you want to use them on
your own computer, they can be installed with anaconda in the usual way using terminal commands:
conda install tensorflow
conda install Keras
2.1 Assignment Synposis
In Question 1 you’ll design a convolutional neural network model that will be trained with the provided
dataset of dog and cat images. Your network should then be able to predict whether previously unseen
images are cat or dog.
You will design your network in five steps:
1. Design the network.
2. Prepare the training and validation images.
3. Run your CNN on training data to train the network.
4. Save the model.
5. Predict dog or cat from a test set of previously unseen images using the trained model and determine
the correct classification rate.
We now elaborate with some additional background for each step.
2.2 Designing A Network
Recalling the lecture slides, we discussed how typical CNN architectures consist of four parts:
• Convolution layers
• Max-pooling layers
• Flattening
• Fully connected layers.
Here we discuss somewhat generally how to create a CNN of this type of architecture using Keras.
Initialize the CNN object
To create a CNN using Keras, we must first import and initialize a Keras object. Note that in the provided
notebook, all the objects and modules you need are already imported in the first code block.
Call the Sequential() method from the keras.models module to create a new CNN object (it’s already
imported for you) and assign the result to a variable called model. This will be our CNN object.
Add Convolutional and Max-pooling Layers
The first thing to do is to add a convolution layer. This can be done with the add() method of the CNN
object. The convolution layer is itself an object that must be created using the Conv2D() method from the
keras.layers module. Thus, adding a convolution layer to your network looks something like this:
from keras . layers import Conv2D # already done for you
model . add ( Conv2D ( num_feature_maps , map_dimension ,
input_shape = , activation = < string >) )
where num_feature_maps is the number of feature maps (use 32), and map_dimension is a tuple defining
size of each feature map (use (3,3)). The input_shape is a tuple defining the shape of the input image.
Use (64,64,3) for a 64 × 64 RGB image. We can use larger input shapes but this will increase the
computational cost significantly. The activation parameter selects the activation function to use; use
’relu’ to select the Rectified Linear Unit activation function.
Next we will add a max-pooling layer. To create such a layer, we must call the MaxPooling2D function
from the keras.layers module. This will look something like this:
from keras . layers import MaxPooling2D . # already done for you
model . add ( MaxPooling2D ( pool_size = ) )
where pool_size is a tuple defining the size of neighbourhood to be pooled. Use (2,2). We are using
max-pooling because we want to capture strong responses to the convolution filter used in the convolution
We can add as many pairs of convolution layers and max-pooling layers in our network as we want.
Add three more pairs of convolution and max pooling layers to your network now! For these subsequent
layers, we don’t need to specify the input_shape because this can be inferred from the output of the earlier
layers. So you can just cut-and-paste the previous two lines of code and remove input_shape parameter.
Adding a Flattening Layer
This is pretty straightforward. Call the Flatten() method from the keras.layers module and use the
add() method of the CNN to add it:
from keras . layers import Flatten # already done for you
model . add ( Flatten ())
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Adding Fully Connected Layer(s)
We can add as many fully connected network layers as we want. First we need to create a suitable layer
object by calling the Dense() method from the keras.layers module, then just again add it to our network
using the add() method.
from keras . layers import Dense # already done for you
model . add ( Dense ( units = < integer > , activation = < string > ,
kernel_regularizer = < string >))
The units parameter defines the number of outputs for the layer. The activation parameter selects the
activation function for the layer. The kernel_regularizer parameter selects which regularizer to use. If
you have more than one fully connected layer, the hidden layers (i.e. everything but the last output layer)
should use activation=’relu’ and however many outputs you like. The final layer, the output layer,
should use activation=’sigmoid’ for a two-class problem and activation=’softmax’ for more than
two classes. Layer outputs are binary (either 0 or 1) so for a two-class problem, the final layer should have
one output — the output is 0 or 1 depending on the class. For more than two classes, there should be one
output per class; tensorflow allows only one of the outputs to be non-zero and this is the predicted class.
For our purposes we want to add a fully connected later with 128 units, ’relu’ as the activation
function, and an L2 regularization kernel. The latter can be done by specifying the parameter:
The regularizers.l2 object comes from the regularizers module imported in the first block of the
Next, add another fully connected layer with only one unit, and the ’sigmoid’ activation function.
This will be our output layer.
Compiling the Model
Once the network has been defined, we have to compile it by calling the compile method of our CNN
model . compile ( optimizer = < string > , loss = < string > , metrics =[ ’ accuracy ’ ])
The optimizer parameter determines the algorithm used to modify the network weights during training.
This can be, for example back-propogation. For this assignment use optimizer=’adam’ and loss=’binary_crossentropy’
for the loss function since it is suitable for a two-class problem.
(The loss function optimizer=’categorical_crossentropy’ would be appropriate for a multi-class
Display the Model Summary
After compiling, to see that everything is set up right, you can call the summary() method of the CNN
object to display it’s configuration to the console.
2.3 Preparing the Training and Validation Sets
We will use an ImageDataGenerator object from the keras.preprocessing.image module to load the
data sets. We will need a training set from which to learn the model weights, and a validation set to see
how accurate the classifier is with its current model weights. Note that both of these are distinct from the
test set which is used to test the accuracy of the final model.
First, create an object from using the ImageDataGenerator() function:
train_datagen = ImageDataGenerator ( < parameters > )
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The parameters are tricky and have to do with real-time data augmentation. We’ll give you the parameters
you need to use in the starter code. You’ll need to make one data generator object for the training set, and
one for the validation set.
Once we’ve defined these objects, we need to tell them where to find the images. This is done with the
flow_from_directory method:
training_set = train_datagen . flow_from_directory ( training_set_folder ,
target_size = , batch_size = < integer > , class_mode = < string >)
Parameter training_set_folder is a string specifying the path to the folder containing the training images (this should be the folder containing the cats and dogs subofolder). Parameter target_size is a pair
indicating the size to which all images should be resized — this must be the same as the width and height
used for the first convolutional layer in the CNN (i.e. (64, 64)) batch_size is the batch size, and defaults
to 32 which is a good value for us. Use class_mode=’binary’ since we have a two-class problem. (We
could use class_mode=’categorical’ for a multi-class problem and there are other options.)
You’ll have to call flow_from_directory() on both your training generator object and validation generator object. The parameters will be the same except for the folder name.
You don’t have to worry about telling Keras which images are which classes. Keras infers this from
the filesystem folder structure.
2.4 Training the CNN
To train the CNN call its fit_generator function:
history = model . fit_generator ( training_set , steps_per_epoch = < integer > ,
epochs = < integer > , validation_data = validation_set ,
validation_steps = < integer > , verbose = < integer >)
training_set is the training set object you created in the previous step. steps_per_epoch is the number of batches of training images (batch_size from previous step) to use per epoch. epochs is the
number of epochs to train for. validation_data is your validation set object from the previous step.
validation_steps is the number of validation images batches to use to compute the model’s current accuracy. verbose is the verbosity mode, and must be equal to 0, 1, or 2, depending on how much progress
information you want printed to the console.
fit_generator() returns an history object containing the loss and accuracies after each epoch. Make
sure you assign the return value of fit_generator() to a variable so that we can use the returned information later.
2.5 Saving the Model
Models are saved in a format called H5. Use the save method of the CNN object to save the model
configuration. This saves all of the model’s layers, parameters, and current weights.
model . save ( ’ < filename >. h5 ’)
2.6 Plotting the Training and Validation Loss/Accuracy
The object returned by fit_generator() has an attribute called history which is a dictionary containing
the keys ’acc’ (training accuracy), ’val_acc’ (validation accuracy), ’loss’ (training loss function value),
and ’val_loss’ (validation loss function accuracy). The value of each of these keys is a sequence that can
be plotted. Use this data to produce two plots, one that plots the training and validation accuracy against
the epoch number, and one that plots the training and validation loss against the epoch number (epoch
number on the x-axis, loss and accuracy on the y-axis).
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2.7 Predicting an Image’s Class Using the Trained Model
In the final part of your assignment you’ll classify all of the images in a test set and obtain the correct
classification rate for the test set.
A test image can be loaded with keras.preprocessing.image module:
from keras . preprocessing import image
test_image = image . load_img ( < filename > , target_size = )
This loads the given image filename and rescales it to target_size which is a tuple containing height and
width in pixels. The height and width must be the same as that for the first convolutional layer of your
The image must then be converted into a numpy array:
test_image = image . img_to_array ( test_image )
This will give you an RGB image array of the target_size of shape (M,N,3) (where (M,N) is the
target_size from load_img()). But the CNN expects an array of colour images, so we have to take
the (M,N,3) array and make it (1,M,N,3):
test_image = np . expand_dims ( test_image , axis =0)
Now we’re ready to ask the classifier to predict the class of test_image using our CNN’s predict
result = model . predict ( test_image )
Keep in mind that model.predict() returns a float which is not necessarily exactly equal to 0 or 1.
You will need to threshold to get a binary decision. Because of the order of the folders in the filesystem 0
is the expected result for cat, 1 is the expected result for dog.
This section has outlined how to classify a single image. You need to read all of the images in the test
set, classify them, and determine the correct classification rate. You will know which images belong to
which classes because they are in separate folders. You should expect the correct classification rate for the
test set to be around 80–85%, give or take a few percent.
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3 Problems
Question 1 (18 points):
Design and train a CNN for predicting the class of images of dogs and cats. Detailed instructions are
provided in asn6-q1.ipynb and in section 2 above.
Expected output for step 1 (Designing the CNN architecture)
Layer ( type ) Output Shape Param #
conv2d_1 ( Conv2D ) ( None , 62 , 62 , 32) 896
max_pooling2d_1 ( MaxPooling2 ( None , 31 , 31 , 32) 0
conv2d_2 ( Conv2D ) ( None , 29 , 29 , 32) 9248
max_pooling2d_2 ( MaxPooling2 ( None , 14 , 14 , 32) 0
conv2d_3 ( Conv2D ) ( None , 12 , 12 , 32) 9248
max_pooling2d_3 ( MaxPooling2 ( None , 6 , 6 , 32) 0
conv2d_4 ( Conv2D ) ( None , 4 , 4 , 32) 9248
max_pooling2d_4 ( MaxPooling2 ( None , 2 , 2 , 32) 0
flatten_1 ( Flatten ) ( None , 128) 0
dense_1 ( Dense ) ( None , 128) 16512
dense_2 ( Dense ) ( None , 1) 129
Total params : 45 ,281
Trainable params : 45 ,281
Non – trainable params : 0
Expected Output for Step 2 (loading the training and validation datasets)
Found 23000 images belonging to 2 classes .
Found 2000 images belonging to 2 classes .
Sample output for Step 3 (training)
Your numbers won’t match these exactly because of the random dataset augmentation.
Epoch 1/40
718/718 [==============================] – 223 s – loss : 0.7679 – acc : 0.5479 – val_loss : 0.6451 – val_acc : 0.6400
Epoch 2/40
718/718 [==============================] – 225 s – loss : 0.6234 – acc : 0.6600 – val_loss : 0.5689 – val_acc : 0.7120
Epoch 3/40
718/718 [==============================] – 236 s – loss : 0.5537 – acc : 0.7221 – val_loss : 0.5529 – val_acc : 0.7160
Epoch 4/40
718/718 [==============================] – 218 s – loss : 0.5095 – acc : 0.7555 – val_loss : 0.5118 – val_acc : 0.7445
Epoch 5/40
718/718 [==============================] – 244 s – loss : 0.4733 – acc : 0.7830 – val_loss : 0.4416 – val_acc : 0.8005
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Epoch 6/40
718/718 [==============================] – 238 s – loss : 0.4465 – acc : 0.7979 – val_loss : 0.4133 – val_acc : 0.8135
Epoch 7/40
718/718 [==============================] – 234 s – loss : 0.4248 – acc : 0.8079 – val_loss : 0.4190 – val_acc : 0.8210
Epoch 8/40
718/718 [==============================] – 226 s – loss : 0.4066 – acc : 0.8203 – val_loss : 0.3848 – val_acc : 0.8265
[… many epochs omitted for brevity …]
Epoch 36/40
718/718 [==============================] – 208 s – loss : 0.2626 – acc : 0.8905 – val_loss : 0.2497 – val_acc : 0.8915
Epoch 37/40
718/718 [==============================] – 203 s – loss : 0.2597 – acc : 0.8915 – val_loss : 0.2799 – val_acc : 0.8840
Epoch 38/40
718/718 [==============================] – 206 s – loss : 0.2607 – acc : 0.8923 – val_loss : 0.2538 – val_acc : 0.8930
Epoch 39/40
718/718 [==============================] – 208 s – loss : 0.2634 – acc : 0.8908 – val_loss : 0.2715 – val_acc : 0.8875
Epoch 40/40
718/718 [==============================] – 209 s – loss : 0.2607 – acc : 0.8937 – val_loss : 0.2890 – val_acc : 0.8830
3.1 Important Note
If you are using Jupyter, be aware that if you re-run the training step without re-initializing your
network from scratch from step 1, that you will be starting with a partly trained network already, and
your results will get successively better and better. If you find that the training accuracy is starting at
more than 50% then this is what’s happened.
If you want to try different parameters, you must always run your notebook from the very beginning
to accurately observe the effects.
4 Files Provided
asn6-qX.ipynb: These are iPython notebooks, one for each question, which includes instructions and in
which you will do your assignment.
ExampleCode.ipynb Example of training a CNN to recognize the MNIST dataset.
dataset_png_square Folder of cat and dog image data containing subfolders for training set, validation
set, and testing set respectively.
5 What to Hand In
Hand in your completed iPython notebooks, one for each question.
6 Appendix A — Grading Rubric
The grading rubric can be found on Moodle.
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