
36-650  HW7–Statistical Computing

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Question 1 (30 points)
Check the file that is attached with this assignment on Canvas.
Conduct the following:
• Develop 5 different test cases
o Write 3 test cases (using assert) for happy path scenario.
o Write 2 test cases for edge cases
o Write all your test cases in a separate file.
• Generate the code coverage for the tests (Don’t include any driver code
used to run the functions)
• Does this code generate exceptions under any circumstance?
o Hint: Check the code’s ability to dequeue from empty list.
o If you find the code to be generating an exception, handle it properly
by catching the exception, printing it on the screen, and returning
Question 2 (60 points)
Check the file that is attached with this assignment
on Canvas.
Conduct the following:
• Develop 10 different test cases
o Write 5 test cases (one for each function) for happy path scenarios in
both classes (covering all functions in both classes except __init__()
o Write 5 test cases for edge cases. Include one test cases to handle
the ValueError() exception raised by print_list() function and check it
is happening.
o Write all your test cases in a separate file.
• Generate the code coverage for the tests (Don’t include any driver code
used to run the functions)
o Aim for 90%+ code coverage. Add any additional tests to increase the
coverage as needed.
Common Penalties:
▪ Your GitHub repository is not public: 100% reduction (won’t be graded)
▪ Late submissions on Canvas or GitHub: 100% reduction (won’t be graded)