2072U ASSIGNMENT 2, Linear systems and complexity


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Linear systems and complexity
Due: Wednesday, February 6th, 12:30pm. Put the written part of the
assignment in the drop box. Write your answers out carefully and clearly.
Upload the following files to Blackboard:
• tridag matvec.py,
• a script called compare.py that produces the plots from 2c and 2d.
• a text file called README explaining any other files submitted. If you
submit no other files, a README file is not needed.
Be sure all files submitted include a comment line with your
name and student number, e.g.,
# Jean-Jaques Rousseau
# 123456789
Also, be a good programmer and include comments with a brief
description of the functionality, input and output arguments and usage of
each function or script. Add some comments that explain what steps are
taken. Marks will be awarded or subtracted based on the readability and
transparency of your code.
If you worked together with class mates on your code, and a substantial
part of the code you submit coincides with theirs, you must list their
names in a comment, e.g.
# Written in collaboration with Shawn Shawnson and Lea Leason.
Failure to do so may qualify your work as plagiarism.
A discussion thread for this assignment is available on Slack. Pose your
questions there before approaching the lecturer or TA.
Question 1 10 marks
Consider the following matrices and vector:
A =

1 2 −4
2 4 1
−2 −1 3

 B =

2 0 −4
2 −4 1
2 10 3

 C =

2 0
50 1 
R =


(a) Compute the decomposition P A = LU (by hand!). Show the intermediary steps like we did
in lecture 5/6.
(b) Use the decomposition you found at (a) to solve Ax = R (by hand!).
(c) Use Gaussian elimination to solve Bx = R (by hand!). Show intermediary steps like we did
in lecture 5.
(d) Compute the condition number of C (use Python/SciPy). If we solve Cx = Q, where Q is a
2-vector of which we know the entries up to 5 digits of precision, then how accurately can we
compute x?
Question 2 10 marks
The banded, upper triangular matrix A ∈ R
n×n can be written as
A =

a1 b1 c1
a2 b2 c2
a3 b3 c3
an−2 bn−2 cn−2
an−1 bn−1

~a = (a1, a2, . . . , an−2, an−1, an) ∈ R
~b = (b1, b2, . . . , bn−2, bn−1) ∈ R
~c = (c1, c2, . . . , cn−2) ∈ R
The entries of ~a,
~b, and ~c are all assumed to be nonzero.
(a) Write a pseudocode for computing the matrix-vector product of A with a vector x. That is,
given vectors ~a,
~b, and ~c that define A as in definition (1), and given a vector x ∈ R
n, your
algorithm should compute the matrix-vector product ~y = A~x.
Your pseudocode should have the following form:
Input: vector ~x∈ R
n and vectors ~a ∈ R
~b ∈ R
n−1 and ~c ∈ R
Insert pseudocode here
Output: vector ~y ∈ R
n such that ~y = A~x
(b) Analyse the complexity of the algorithm from part (a). That is, determine how many flops
are required to compute the product ~y = A~x with your algorithm. In terms of “Big-Oh”
notation, what is the asymptotic behaviour of your algorithm as n increases?
(c) Implement your pseudo-code in as a function called tridag matvec.py. Also, write a script
called compare.py to generate a tridiagonal test matrix and a test vector for a n = 10k
, k =
2, . . . , 7, compute the product and measure the time your code takes to complete. Produce a
plot of the time taken versus n on a logarithmic scale, along with your prediction.
(d) Repeat the test, but now using the built-in matrix-vector product (scipy.dot/scipy.matmul)
and the matrix A defined as an n × n matrix with mostly zeros. Plot the time taken in the
same plot as for (c). Which algorithm is faster? Is the difference as great as you expected?