1.3 Draw a set of concentric pairs of squares, each consisting…..


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1.3 Draw a set of concentric pairs of squares, each consisting of a square
with horizontal and vertical edges and one rotated through 45°. Except for
the outermost square, the vertices of each square are the midpoints of the
edges of its immediately surrounding square, as Figure 1.12 shows. It is
required that all lines are exactly straight, and that vertices of smaller
squares lie exactly on the edges of larger ones.
Figure 1.12. Concentric squares
1.4 Write a program that draws a pattern of hexagons, as shown in Figure
1.13. The vertices of a (regular) hexagon lie on its so-called circumscribed
circle. The user must be able to specify the radius of this circle by clicking
a point near the upper-left corner of the drawing rectangle. Then the
distance between that point and that corner is to be used as the radius of
the circle just mentioned. There must be as many hexagons of the
specified size as possible and the margins on the left and the right must be
equal. The same applies to the upper and lower margins, as Figure 1.13
Figure 1.13. Hexagons
1.5 Write a class Lines containing a static method dashedLine to draw
dashed lines, in such a way that we can write
Lines.dashedLine(g, xA, yA, xB, yB, dashLength);
where g is a variable of type Graphics, xA, yA, xB, yB are the device
coordinates of the endpoints A and B, and dashLength is the desired
length (in device coordinates) of a single dash. There should be a dash,
not a gap, at each endpoint of a dashed line. Figure 1.14 shows eight
dashed lines drawn in this way, with dashLength = 20.
Figure 1.14. Dashed lines