Survival Analysis BST 222 Final Project Assignment


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For the final project, you will form groups of 3–4 and prepare a 20–30 minute
presentation on the analysis of a data set suitable for survival analysis methods, to
be given in the last week of class.

The results of the project may be presented by one
of the group, or several at your choice, but the whole group will be graded on the
content and presentation.

Your “audience” will be assumed to be non-statisticians
with an interest in the subject matter rather than the statistical methods, so you
should focus on explanation and interpretation rather than technical details, although enough of the technical details should be clear from the slide that your
choice of statistical methods can be discerned.

You should also submit a technical
report that details the methods and results. Your grade as a group will be based on
1. Choice of survival-analysis data set. It should be sufficiently complex to have
some challenge, but not so intricate that the results can’t reasonably be presented in the allowed time.

2. The statistical analysis should be of high quality, though it does not need to
consider every detailed aspect or possibility.

3. The presentation slides, which should summarize the conclusions and interpretation.

4. The presentation itself, which should be assured and professional.
5. The technical report, which should contain all the details.

The steps in the project should be as follows:
1. Choose a data set with data suitable for survival analysis. Sources can be
statistical papers, medical papers, data sets attached to textbooks, data sets
included in R packages, or possibly other sources. You can find a curated list
of R survival packages at

2. Using appropriate methods, analyze the data and record your analysis in the
technical report.

3. Prepare a slide deck in PowerPoint, Keynote, R Markdown, or another package.

4. Meet as a group in person or virtually during the development and then practice the presentation in the group.

5. Present during the last week of class.