solved:Train a LinearSVC() classifier and SVC() classifiers


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1 Project Description Train a LinearSVC() classifier and SVC() classifiers with, respectively, the Linear (‘linear’) and RBF (‘rbf’) kernels provided by Sci-kit Learn (package sklearn) to predict ‘Priority’ labels for the Java Development Tools Bug dataset. (Note that LinearSVC() and SVC() with a linear kernel are not the same thing due to different internal algorithmic settings.) Your project consists of the following tasks: 1. Clean and remove short bug reports as in TextClassification.ipynb. Organize the remaining data to a data frame called df. 2. Generate a balanced data frame called df_balanced from df by restricting the number of entries in the P3 category to 5000. 3. Lemmatize words and use only ‘nav’ lemmas for classifications, where ‘nav’ stands for nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, and verbs as in FeatureExtraction. 4. Use grid search with 5-fold cross validation on LinearSVC() to determine the best hyperparameters on the following grid with a pipeline on tfidf and LinearSVC: grid_param = [{ ‘tfidf__min_df’: [5, 10], ‘tfidf__ngram_range’: [(1, 3), (1, 6)], ‘LinearSVC__penalty’: [‘l2’], ‘LinearSVC__loss’: [‘hinge’], ‘LinearSVC__max_iter’: [10000] }, { ‘tfidf__min_df’: [5, 10], ‘tfidf__ngram_range’: [(1, 3), (1, 6)], ‘LinearSVC__C’: [1, 10], ‘LinearSVC__tol’: [1e-2, 1e-3] }] where “tfidf” represents the method to generate tfidf vectorization on ‘nav’ lemmas for each bug report in df_balanced, and “LinearSVC” represents LinearSVC(). 5. Use grid search with 5-fold cross validation on SVC() to determine the best hyperparameters on the following grid with a pipeline on tfidf and SVC: tuned_parameters = [{ ‘tfidf__min_df’: [5, 10], ‘tfidf__ngram_range’: [(1, 3), (1, 6)], “SVC__C”: [1,10,100,1000], “SVC__kernel”: [‘rbf’, ‘linear’], “SVC__gamma”: [1e-3, 1e-4], “SVC__tol”: [1e-2, 1e-10] }] 2 6. Use an 80-20 train-test split on df_balanced as your training data and test data. Train LinearSVC() and SVC() on the hyperparameters you obtained above at Step 4 and Step 5, respectively, over the training data. 7. Use the trained LinearSVC() as the baseline, compare your SVC() classifiers with the baseline on accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 scores over the test data and determine which classifier is the best. 8. Use the best hyperparameters obtained at Step 5 except the kernel types to train SVC(kernel=’linear’) and SVC(kernel=’rbf’) over the training data and compare their F1 scores over the test data. Determine if the best SVC() trained at Step 6 is the same as the one you obtained here. 9. For each classifier, find out the most important words using LIME and ELI5 methods and visualize the outcomes. Draw up your explanations. You may borrow code from TextClassification.ipynb and Prob_LIME_ELI5.ipynb. Note: • As always, do not include irrelevant code in your submission. Irrelevant code is code that is not needed for executing your tasks and so is junk code. Be clean and concise in your submission. • It may take hours to train SVC classifiers using grid search to obtain the best hyperparameters on a laptop computer. Also, keep your sample size moderate and the number of features small when performing LIME analysis. Budget your time wisely. • In addition to submitting your code and report in one notebook file that is, enter code in code cell, and text and figures in text cells, please also submit a video presentation not to exceed 10 minutes of your project. Your submission should be organized according to the task list. Name your notebook file and video file in the following format: -Project. • Students taking COMP.5500 are required to give an oral presentation in class.