Create a recursive descent parser for the CFG given in the previous assignment.
You may use the test programs given in the previous assignment to test your parser. Be sure to realize that this is not an exhaustive test of your parser and you should develop as many test case as you can think of.
To turn in your assignment submit both your lexical analyzer and parser programs in a zip file to the assignment 3 D2L dropbox. Submit all parts of your assignment. In class submit a printout of your parser code only on the due date. Use proper data abstraction techniques when you write your program. This means that the parser and lexical analyzers need to be in separate source files. Include any other needed programs so that they will compile without modification. Programs written in C or C++ are required to compile and run on the machine This is an Intel XEON 64 bit with dual quad-core processors and not an Intel Pentium processor as in the lab. To test your software you may connect to using the ssh protocol and run your program there. When working on the Linux system in the lab your files are hosted on this machine so you do not have to transfer any files. Programs written in C# will be run under Visual Studios 2019 Community Edition.
To ensure that the program is indeed legal your parser must terminate with the end of file token!