Write a C/C++ program that performs the tasks described below.
If there is just 1 command-line argument and it is
you should simply print
hello world
and then exit(0).
Otherwise the program should provide a simple client that can communicate
with a server described below.
The client should use the first and second command-line arguments as host
and port at which to reach the server. Each subsequent command-line arg
should be treated as a single message to be sent to the server. Append a
newline ‘\n’ character to be the last character of each message sent.
Send the message, receive the reply, sleep for 2 seconds, and then send
the next message. The server will reply to each of your messages with
a short message, which you should print. You may assume no reply will
be longer than 32 bytes.
The server may also produce some printed output.
The server may not always use the same port.
Here are some sample server runs, using nc.traditional:
nc.traditional -e /bin/cat -k -v -l -p 5000
nc.traditional -c “/bin/cat” -k -v -l -p 5000
nc.traditional -c “/bin/cat -b” -k -v -l -p 5000
nc.traditional -v -l -p 5000 -c ‘while true; do read i && echo “[echo] $i” ; done’
In a separate window, your client will be run something like this:
./p5 system64 5000 foo bar harry potter ## 5000 is current server’s port
You can test ONLY sending to the server and have it just print out what it
receives, by running it this way:
nc.traditional -k -v -l -p 5000
NOTE that in this mode, the server will NOT send back replies.
TURNIN info:
You should submit a tar file of a directory which contains all of the
required files (makefile, C source files, header files, etc).
Sample tar command to create a tar file from a dir:
tar cvf p5.tar ./p5dir ## do *NOT* use full pathname of the dir
After un-tarring the project, I will cd to the dir containing it and type:
rm -rf p5
rm -f *.o
It should build an executable named p5.
It *must* execute correctly for -hw for the project to be graded further.