solved:Computer Systems Project 2


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Write a C/C++ program that performs the tasks described below.
If there is just 1 command-line argument and it is
you should simply print
hello world
and then exit(0).
Otherwise the program should expect 2 cmd-line args.
The first arg will be an integer which will be the number of pages of memory
that the program should obtain via mmap.
The second arg will be a filename. The file will contain one cmd per line.
Each cmd should be interpreted by the program.
Lines that begin with # are comments and should be skipped;
empty/blank lines should also be skipped.
Initialize the mmap’d space with a set of node structures:
struct node {
char key[16];
char val[16];
where key and val are both initialized to the empty string.
The commands to interpet are:
isrt key val
place the key/val pair into the next open node in the mmap’d space
at the FIRST empty key location in the space
(do NOT print anything if the cmd is successful)
(for duplicate key, replace the old key/val)
(if out of space, give an error msg and exit(-1); )
OUT OF SPACE FOR key val ## provide current key and val
delt key
replace the node in the space with a key of empty string
(if the key is not in list, print a message and continue processing)
(do NOT print anything if the cmd is successful)
prtt some_text
prints some_text on a single line, e.g.:
prtt harry potter
would print:
harry potter
prtk key
prints specified key and its value
(print KEY DOES NOT EXIST key if the key is not found)
prtk foo (KEY DOES NOT EXIST foo)
prints all key/val pairs sequentially from the beginning of the
mmap’d space; SKIP those whose key is empty string;
print each key/val pair ON A SINGLE LINE separated by two spaces
print a blank line
TURNIN info:
You should submit a tar file of a directory which contains all of the
required files (makefile, C source files, header files, etc).
Sample tar command to create a tar file from a dir:
tar cvf p2.tar ./p2dir ## do *NOT* use full pathname of the dir
After un-tarring the project, I will cd to the dir containing it and
rm -rf p2
rm -f *.o
It should build an executable named p2.
The project must:
– be a tar file
– un-tar into the correct set of files (above)
– build an executable named p2
– run correctly with the -hw command-line arg, printing: hello
else it will NOT be graded further.