Solved ECSE597/ECSE472 Assignment 4 Question I Write a matlab function dcsolvealpha.m


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Question I
Write a matlab function dcsolvealpha.m that finds the dc solution of the augmented system:
�� + �(�) = ��*+
The functions is defined as follows:
function Xdc = dcsolvealpha(Xguess,alpha,maxerr)
% Compute dc solution using newtwon iteration for the augmented system
% G*X + f(X) = alpha*b

% Inputs:
% Xguess is the initial guess for Newton Iteration
% alpha is a paramter (see definition in augmented system above)
% maxerr defined the stopping criterion from newton iteration: Stop the
% iteration when norm(deltaX)<maxerr

% Oupputs:
% Xdc is a vector containing the solution of the augmented system

1. Submit the matlab file dcsolvealpha.m containing your function
2. Include the code above in your PDF file submission for the assignment.

Question II
1. Write a matlab function dcsolvecont.m that finds the dc solution using the power
ramping continuation method. Hint: It may be convenient for you to use the function
you developed in Question I. The dcsolvecont.m function is defined as follows:
function Xdc = dcsolvecont(n_steps,maxerr)
% Compute dc solution using newtwon iteration and continuation method
% (power ramping approach)

% inputs:
% n_steps is the number of continuation steps between zero and one that are
% to be taken. For the purposes of this assigments the steps should be
% linearly spaced (the matlab function “linspace” may be useful).
% maxerr is the stopping criterion for newton iteration (stop iteration
% when norm(deltaX)<maxerr

2. Test this function by finding the dc solution (at node Vo) of the following diode circuit at
three different values of Vi (-10V, -2V, and 8V). Use 10 continuation steps in this test.
Note, we provide the netlist for this circuit in the file Sedra4_93.m. All diodes in this
circuit have Is=2e-15A and Vt=26e-3V.

3. Run the provided script: TestBenchDiodeckt4_93.m. This script will use your dcsolvecont
function in order to compute and plot Vo as a function of Vi.

1. The matlab function dcsolvecont.m
2. A pdf file containing the matlab function dcsolvecont.m. The solutions found in part 2,
and the plot provided by the script in part 3.