Solved ECSE597/ECSE472 Assignment 1 Question #1 (Hand computation)


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Question #1 (Hand computation)

Consider the matrix A
� =

2 4 6 2 1
4 9 14 8 8
2 6 12 12 21
4 10 20 17 32
8 17 30 18 34⎦

1. Use the Doolittle algorithm to decompose the matrix into L and U such that � = ��.
Show intermediate results after each row and each column.

2. Use the Gaussian version of the Doolittle algorithm to decompose the matrix into L and
U such that � = ��. Show the intermediate steps after each sub-matrix.
3. Comment on the similarities and difference between the above two methods.
Note: You can type the assignment but you do not need to. You can scan your written work and
submit a pdf.

Question #2 (Matlab Program)

Write a matlab function doolittleLU such that [L,U]=doolittleLU(A) returns the LU
decomposition of A using the Doolittle algorithm. The algorithm need not do any pivoting.
Submit the matlab .m file as your answer.

Question #3

Write a matlab function gaussianLU such that [L,U]=gaussianLU(A) returns the LU
decomposition of A using the Gaussian version of the Doolittle algorithm. The algorithm need
not do any pivoting.
Submit the matlab .m file as your answer.