Solved Com S 228 Project 3: A Stout List 1. Introduction The purposes of this assignment are to practice working with a linked data structure


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1. Introduction

The purposes of this assignment are to practice working with a linked data structure to become intimately familiar with the List and ListIterator interfaces This assignment will also provide many opportunities to practice your debugging skills.

1.1. Summary of Tasks Implement a class StoutList that extends AbstractSequentialList along with inner classes for the iterators. A skeleton is provided. See the implementation and suggestions for getting started sections for details.

1.2. Overview

In this assignment you will implement a somewhat peculiar-looking linked list. The list will be a doubly-linked list with dummy nodes for the head and tail. An empty list has the following form: Figure 1- an empty list So far so good. Now, let M be a fixed, positive even number. The twist is that each node can store up to M data elements, so the number of linked nodes may not correspond to the number of elements.

For example, after some sequence of add and remove operations, one of these lists might have the following form: Figure 2 – a possible list of size 6, where M=4 Note that there are 6 elements, and their logical indices are shown below the nodes. The number of actual linked nodes may vary depending on the exact sequence of operations. Each node contains an array of the element type having fixed length M. Therefore, each logical index within the list is represented by two values: the node n containing the element, and the offset within that node’s array. For example, the element E shown above at logical index 4 is in node at offset

2. There are special rules for adding and removing elements to ensure that all nodes, except possibly the last one, have at least elements. These rules are described in detail in a later section. Note that you can get started and make significant progress on the assignment without needing all the add and remove rules. See the section suggestions for getting started.

2. Implementation of StoutList For the implementation, you must implement the class StoutList extending AbstractSequentialList . AbstractSequentialList is a partial implementation of the List interface in which the size() and listIterator() methods are abstract. All other operations have default implementations using the list iterator. The StoutList should NOT allow null elements. Your add methods (those within the iterator as well as those implemented without the iterator) should explicitly throw a NullPointerException if a client attempts to add a null element. A skeleton of the code can n1 M/2 be found in The skeleton code includes a constructor, an inner class Node, and two methods toStringInternal() . There is also some code in place to support logging.

2.1. Methods to override In addition to implementing the iterators described below, you must override the following methods of AbstractList without using the iterator: int size() boolean add(E item) void add(int pos, E item) E remove(int pos) Iterator iterator() ListIterator listIterator() ListIterator listIterator(int pos) The methods above must conform to the List interface, with the added restriction that the add() methods must throw a NullPointerException if the item argument is null . The purpose of asking you to override add() and remove() is primarily to help ensure that you can get partial credit for implementing the split and merge strategies even if your iterator isn’t completely correct.

2.2. The Node inner class A minimal Node class is provided for you. It has methods for adding an element at a given offset and removing an element at a given offset. Note that empty cells within the array (i.e., those with index >= count) should always be null . You can add additional features to this class if you find it helpful to do so.

2.3. The toStringInternal methods These methods show the internal structure of the nodes and are useful for debugging. Normally, such a method would not be public (since it reveals implementation details), but we are making it public to simplify unit testing. For example, if the list of Figure 3 contained String objects “A”, “B”, “C”, “D” and “E”, an invocation of toStringInternal() would return the string: [(A, B, -, -), (C, D, E, -)] where the elements are displayed by invoking their own toString() methods and empty cells in the array inside each node (which should always be null ) are displayed as “-”. A second version takes a ListIterator argument and will show the cursor position as a character “|” according to the nextIndex() method of the iterator. For example, if iter is a ListIterator for the list above and has nextIndex() = 3, the invocation toStringInternal(iter) would return the string: [(A, B, -, -), (C, | D, E, -)] Do not modify these methods.

2.4. Finding indices Your index-based methods remove(int pos) , add(int pos, E item) and listIterator(int pos) method must not traverse every element in order to find the node and offset for a given index; you should be able to skip over nodes just by looking at the number of elements in the node. For example, for the list of Figure 9, to find the node and offset for logical index 7, you can see 3 elements in the first node, plus 2 in the second node, which makes 5, plus 4 in the third node, which is 9. Since 7 is greater than 5 and less than or equal to 9, index 7 must be in the third node. You may find it helpful to represent a node and offset using a simple inner class similar to the following: private class NodeInfo { public Node node; public int offset; public NodeInfo(Node node, int offset) { this.node = node; this.offset = offset; } } Then you can create a helper method something like the following: // returns the node and offset for the given logical index NodeInfo find(int pos){…}

3. Implementation of StoutIterator and StoutListIterator

You must provide a complete implementation of an inner class StoutIterator implementing Iterator and a class StoutListIterator implementing ListIterator . The StoutIterator does NOT need to implement remove() (can throw UnsupportedOperationException ). Optionally, if you are confident that your StoutListIterator is correct, you can return an instance of StoutListIterator from your iterator() method and forget about StoutIterator . However, you are encouraged to keep them separate when you first start development, since the basic onedirectional Iterator, without a remove operation, is relatively simple, while the add and remove operations for the full ListIterator are tricky.

4. Suggestions for Getting Started 1. Implement add(E item) . Adding an element at the end of the list is relatively straightforward and does not require any split operations. (e.g. see Figures 3 – 5). You can use toStringInternal() to check. 2. Implement the hasNext() and next() methods of StoutIterator and implement the iterator() method. At this point the List methods contains(Object) and toString() should work.

3. Start StoutListIterator. Implement ListIterator methods nextIndex() , previousIndex() , hasPrevious() , and previous() . These methods are straightforward. Implement the listIterator() method. You should then be able to iterate forward and backward, and you can check your iterator position using toStringInternal(iter) . The indexOf(Object obj) method of List should work now.

4. Implement the set() method of StoutListIterator . You will need to keep track of whether to act on the element before or after the cursor (and possibly throw an IllegalStateException ), but the method is not complicated since it doesn’t have to change the structure of the list or reposition the cursor.

5. Implement a helper method such as the “find” method described above under finding indices. Then you can easily implement the listIterator(int pos) method. After that, the get(int pos) of List should work.

6. Implement the add(int pos, E item) method. Now you will need to carefully review the rules for adding elements. Here is a suggestion for keeping things organized. Write a helper method whose arguments include the node and offset containing the index pos at which you want to add, e.g., private NodeInfo add(Node n, int offset, E item){…} (If pos = size, the arguments should be the tail node and offset 0.) The return value should be the actual node and offset at which the new element was placed. (In some cases this will be the given node and offset, in some cases it will be the previous node, and in case of a split there might be a completely new node.) You don’t need the return value for the add method, but you will need it in the iterator.

7. Implement the remove(int pos) method. Again, you will need to carefully review the rules for removing elements and merging. 8. Implement the add() method of listIterator. This is not too bad if you have the helper method from (6). The catch is that after adding an element, you have to update the logical cursor position to the element after the one that was added. 9. Implement the remove() method of listIterator. The tricky part is that you have to update the cursor position differently depending on whether you are removing ahead of the cursor or behind the cursor, and depending on whether there was a merge operation. 5. The add and remove Rules

5.1. Adding an element (see Figures 3 – 8) The rules for adding an element X at index are as follows. Remember that adding an element without specifying an index is the same as adding at index i = size. For the sake of discussion, assume that the logical index = size corresponds to node = tail and offset = 0. Suppose that index occurs in node n and offset off. (Assume that index = size means n = tail and off = 0) if the list is empty, create a new node and put X at offset 0 otherwise if off = 0 and one of the following two cases occurs, if n has a predecessor which has fewer than M elements (and is not the head), put X in n’s predecessor if n is the tail node and n’s predecessor has M elements, create a new node and put X at offset 0 otherwise if there is space in node n, put X in node n at offset off, shifting array elements as necessary otherwise, perform a split operation: move the last M/2 elements of node n into a new successor node n’, and then if , put X in node n at offset off if , put X in node n’ at offset

5.2. Removing an element (see Figures 9 – 14) The rules for removing an element are: if the node n containing X is the last node and has only one element, delete it; otherwise, if n is the last node (thus with two or more elements) , or if n has more than elements, remove X from n, shifting elements as necessary; otherwise (the node n must have at most elements), look at its successor n’ (note that we don’t look at the predecessor of n) and perform a merge operation as follows: if the successor node n’ has more than elements, move the first element from n’ to n. (mini-merge) if the successor node n’ has or fewer elements, then move all elements from n’ to n and delete n’ (full merge)

5.3 Examples: adding some elements to a list off ≤ M/2 off > M/2 (off − M/2) M/2 M/2 M/2 M/2 Figure 3- an example list Figure 4 – after add(V) Figure 5 – after add(W) Figure 6 – after add(2, X) Figure 7 – after add(2, Y) Figure 8 – after add(2, Z) 5.4. Examples: removing some elements from a list Figure 9 – example list Figure 10 – after removing W Figure 11 – after removing Y (mini-merge) Figure 12 – after removing X (mini-merge) Figure 13 – after removing E (no merge with predecessor node) Figure 14 – after removing C (full merge with successor node)

6. Sorting Implement the following two sorting methods within the StoutList class: public void sort(); public void sortReverse(); The sort() method implements insertion sort by calling a private generic method: private void insertionSort(E[] arr, Comparator<? super E> comp); On return from calling sort() , the elements in the stout list are in the non-decreasing order, and every node (except the last one) stores the maximum number of elements. One implementation consists of the following steps: Traverse the list and copy its elements into an array. Destroy all storage nodes in the list during the traversal. Sort the array. Create new nodes in the list and add elements back from the sorted array. The reverseSort() method sorts elements in the non-increasing order using Bubble Sort, which is described in Section 6.1. It calls another private generic method: private void bubbleSort(E[] arr); In bubbleSort() you are required to use the compareTo() method from an expected implementation of the Comparable interface by E or ? super E . The list must, after the sorting, have every node (except the last one) storing elements to its full capacity, just as is required for the sort() method.

6.1. Bubble Sort Bubble sort is performed in multiple passes. Suppose we want to sort an array of elements in the nondecreasing order (which is opposite to the order in bubbleSort() ). In every pass, it steps through the entire list, comparing each pair of adjacent numbers and swapping them if the preceding number in the pair is greater than the succeeding one. If no swaps have been performed during a pass, the list is sorted and the algorithm terminates. Intuitively, the algorithm works in a way that smaller elements “bubble” to the front of the list. Wikipedia offers a step-by-step example to illustrate the working of the algorithm. It also has some cool simulations.

Below is a bigger example from The Art of Computer Programming, vol. 3, 2nd edition, p. 106, authored by Donald E. Knuth. 503 087 512 061 908 170 897 275 653 426 154 509 612 677 765 703 (input) 087 503 061 512 170 897 275 653 426 154 509 612 677 765 703 908 (pass 1) 087 061 503 170 512 275 653 426 154 509 612 677 765 703 897 908 (pass 2) … 061 087 154 170 275 426 503 509 512 612 653 677 703 765 897 908 (pass 9) As illustrated in the above, each pass of bubble sort guarantees to put the next biggest element in place. The algorithm has worst-case complexity for an input of n integers. 7. Unit Tests You are strongly encouraged to write unit tests as you develop your solution. However, you do not have to turn in any test code. You may therefore post your tests on Piazza, should you wish to share them with your colleagues. 8. Documentation and Style Up to 10% of the points will be for documentation and style. See the style guidelines posted on Canvas.

9. Grading You are strongly encouraged to develop your code incrementally as outlined in the Suggestions for getting started. You can get partial credit for working features at the top of the list, since they can be tested even if features toward the bottom of the list are not implemented. We will be unit testing your code to check conformance with the List and ListIterator API methods, and many of these methods will work correctly even if your iterator does not support add and remove. Note that we will also check the internal structure of your list (conformance with the add and remove rules) via the toStringInternal methods.

The iterator’s add and remove methods, which can be somewhat challenging to get right, will be worth at most 10% of the total points. 10. What to Turn In All of your code should be in the one class edu.iastate.cs228.hw3.StoutList .

Submit a zip file, containing your source code only, in the correct package structure: edu/iastate/cs228/hw3/ O(n ) 2 Remember: CHECK your submission after it is uploaded to Canvas by downloading it and looking at it. Do not submit .class files. Submit a zip file, not a rar or tar or gzip or 7z or anything else. For detailed instructions on how to create a zip file and submit it via Canvas, see the assignment submission guidelines or consult a TA.