Content: JavaScript tying into HTML and CSS
Objectives: To obtain a solid understanding of client-side scripting and how it can be used to
create dynamic content within a webpage.
Coverage: Client side programming with JavaScript, access Web page elements (DOM elements
and CSS attributes), and change their content or values.
Exercise 1
The following set of short questions will focus on getting you familiar with JavaScript functions.
All your JavaScript functions must be declared in the document head section and each functions
name must be as specified below. To demonstrate the functionality of each method, you must
make function calls in the document body. Include a heading (h1… h6) that indicates which
function is being tested before each function demonstration. The use of Global Variables is
A. Function: addNumbers
Parameter(s): Array of numbers
Each element in the array must be added and the summation (answer) must be returned.
B. Function: getCurrentDate
Parameter(s): None
Retrieve the current date in the format similar to: Monday, May 10, 2010 and return it.
C. Function: arrayToString
Parameter(s): Array of words
All the elements of the array must be concatenated into a single string and returned.
D. Function: findMaxNumber
Parameter(s): Use an arguments array of numbers
From the arguments array, find the element that is the largest and return it.
E. Function: getDigits
Parameter(s): A String
Scan the string and find all the digits (0-9), concatenate them into a string in the order
that they are found and return the string of numbers.
F. Function: reverseString
Parameter(s): A String
Reverse the entire string (character by character) and return the resulting string.
Exercise 2
Part 1
Given the following Regular Expressions, explain in detail the pattern accepted by each. Pay
attention to all the characters being used. Your answers need not appear within an HTML page.
A. /[a-z]*\s[0-9]*/
B. /\d+\.\d*/
C. /^\d{3}\-\d{4}$/
D. /^[A-Z]\d[A-Z]\-\d[A-Z]\d/
E. /(July|August)\s+\d{1,2}(\s|,)\d{4}/g
Part 2
Given the following descriptions, write a possible regular expression that expresses each of
them. Your answers need not appear within an HTML page.
A. Matching a Name – First name must begin with a capital letter and be at least 2
characters long followed by either a ( , ) or a whitespace. The Last Name should begin
with a capital letter and be at least 2 characters long but no greater than 20 characters
B. Matching an Email – First section should match word characters of any length except
zero and must be followed by a @ symbol. The last section should match word characters
of any length except zero and must not include an underscore ( _ ). A single period ( . )
must follow along with the word com at the end. No spacing is allowed within the
pattern. The pattern need not match exactly (pattern can be a substring of a larger string).
Exercise 3
Given the following HTML page:
User Information:
Create an embedded JavaScript function named getUserInfo that prompts the user with the
following two questions after the HTML page has loaded:
• What is your full name?
• How old are you?
The function should then build a string in the form of:
Hi, my name is FULL-NAME and I’m XX years old.
The string must then be inserted into the container div with id: content.
Exercise 4
Copy and paste the following XHTML code into a new document:
Order Books Online
Write JavaScript code that is executed during form submission to calculate the cost of each book
(based on quantity specified) and the overall total cost. The results should be displayed on the
same page beneath the form submission button. Use any CSS at your discretion if desired.
All JavaScript code must be external. If any fields are left blank or do not contain a number, an
alert box should display an appropriate error message upon form submission.
Exercise 5
Copy and paste the following XHTML code into a new document:
Search a Course
The above XHTML code validates as 1.0 Strict and must not be modified in anyway.
In an external JavaScript file write code that, upon form submission, scans the list of courses for
a match (case should be insensitive). If a match is found, change the div’s background color to
yellow. If no match is found, add the course name to the bottom of the course list (Hint:
Read/Write into DOM and Nodes). If the search field is left blank, return focus to the search
field and display an alert box with an appropriate message. New searches must clear any yellow
background before anything.
Exercise 6: Project
The last exercise of each assignment will be continuous from assignment to assignment and will
have the goal of building an e-store website by the end of the course.
Date & Time
In the header area of your website, use JavaScript to display the current date and time. The time
should automatically refresh every second.
Items on Sell
In the inside content area (see assignment 1) of your sites home page, you should create a small
list of items that your store will be selling (your website can be a seller of whatever products
you’d like). Each item should have a small thumbnail picture, an associated price, short
description and a form button labeled “Add to Cart”. The button need not do anything when
clicked at the moment.
Registration / Sign-up
In the side menu area (see assignment 1) add a link labeled “Register”. When clicked, the link
should direct the user to a new page: register.html. This new page should include all the elements
of your home page. In the inside content area, create a form with the following fields:
Text Fields: First name, Last name, Email Address, Phone Number
Password Fields: Password, Confirm Password
Use JavaScript to create some basic client-side validation. When the forms submit button is
clicked, you should check to make sure that none of the fields are left blank. You must also
check to see if both passwords match entirely. If validation fails, use an alert box to display an
appropriate message that informs the user on what needs to be corrected. If validation is
successful, do nothing for the time being.
Submission Criteria
Your submission must include a README.txt file that includes the following information:
• Students Full Name
• Students ID
• Difficulties (outlining difficulties will help the TA’s focus on repairing weaknesses)
• Additional comments (anything deemed important for marking purposes)
Please give meaningful names to each html file, folder to make the feedback process easier. All files
relating to each Exercise must be placed in its own folder named EX-# where # is the number
corresponding to the exercise. All the exercise folders must then be placed into a single
assignment folder named: studentIDs-assignment2
The assignment folder must be compressed into a zip file and submitted through EAS on the correct
folder (Programming Assignment#2). For example, for the first assignment, student 123456 would
submit a zip file containing all the files and folders related to this assignment named, and
will upload it to EAS.
Please note that the markers reserve the right to deduct marks if the submission
format is not followed as specified. Late submissions are not accepted; penalty for late
submission will be 100% (Assignments submitted after the due date will receive a
mark of 0). Also, email submission of assignments will not be accepted under
any condition.
Academic integrity:
Students are encouraged to study and work in groups and discuss and share
their knowledge with each other. However, copying is strictly prohibited and all
assignments to be copies would not receive any marks. Also, those students who
are found copying will face severe consequences. Students should be aware and
observe the academic integrity & the university’s code of conduct. For more
information please refer to the course outline.
Evaluation Criteria: Marking schema of assignment no.2
Exercise Description Points
Ex. 1 2 points/each
Part 1 2 points/each
Part 2 2 points/each
Prompt questions (3
string display (3
Display the cost of
books (3 points)
Display alert box (3
Three cases: match is
found, no match is
found and the search
field is left blank.
(2 points/each case)
Date&Time 2
Items on
Four elements: a
picture, a price, a
description and a
form button (1
point/each element)
Registration Form display (2
points); non-blank
validation(2 points);
password validation
(2 points)
Total points 56
Wishing you success
July 21, 2017