SOEN 6441 Advanced Programming Practices Assignment 1


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The assignments focus on applying the concepts covered in the lectures, such as functional programming,
lambdas, streams, asynchronous programming with futures, and actor-based programming, in the context of
a web application.

The assignments have to be developed based on the Play Framework, a full-stack reactive framework for the
JVM, which is also used in large-scale commercial deployments by companies such as LinkedIn or Walmart.

Play Application: “TweetAnalytics”.

Your goal is to develop a simple web interface that takes a keyword
(input text field at top of the page) and then displays the latest 10 tweets on the keyword. Adding another
keyword will add a second set of 10 tweets, and so on.

Each tweet must contain the name of the Twitter
account it was sent from, hyperlinked to a page that shows the user’s profile information and the last 10
tweets from that user.

You have to use the (free) Twitter API to access the tweet information, see
Note: for this assignment, you do not need to stream updates to the user interface. In other words, the
front-end page is static until a “refresh” is triggered.

Coding guidelines. Your submission must satisfy the following requirements:
a) Your application must be based on the Play framework and it must be possible to build and run it using
the standard sbt run command. Any required third-party libraries must be automatically resolved through

b) Document all your classes and methods with Javadoc (including private methods).
c) Your controller actions must be asynchronous, using Java 8’s CompletionStage/CompletableFuture. Do
not use .get()/.join() to block for the future’s results anywhere in your code (only exception are unit
tests, see below).

d) Create JUnit tests for all your classes. You must have tests for every method in your controller and every
controller action, as well as any additional classes you wrote. Compute your test coverage with JaCoCo.

Notes: (i) within a test, you can use .get()/.join() to wait for a result; (ii) do not call the life Twitter
API from a unit test, use a mock class for testing instead.

d) You must include a README.txt file with: (i) Group member information (names, IDs); (ii) Contributions
of each group member (classes, methods – also include the names in the relevant Javadoc @author tags);

(iii) any technical notes about your app (compiling, running, etc.).

Submission. You must submit your code electronically on Moodle by the due date (late submission will
incur a penalty, see Moodle for details). You must also demo your code to the marker in one of the lab
sessions (time slots for the demo will be reserved through Moodle). Note that all group members must be
present for the demo and ready to answer questions about the code.