SOEN 6411-AA: Comparative Study of Programming Languages Assignment 2 on Lisp


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3 Problems
1. Consider function consR which creates a new list with its arguments by places an
element to the right of a list, just as function cons creates a new list by placing an
element on the left of a list. For example,
consR(ha, b, ci, d) = ha, b, c, di.
(a) Provide a recursive computable function definition for consR(L, e) (in mathematical notation).
(b) Translate the above definition into function consr(lst elt). Do not use append
or list.
2. Define a utility function, fn, that will read an argument and return a function based
on the type of the argument. If the argument is a number, then the function will return
+, otherwise if the argument is a list, then the function will return append.
Define function combine that takes any number of arguments (note that the assumption
is that all arguments are of the same type and are either numbers or lists) and will
call the utility function fn to read in the first argument and return a function that will
in turn be used to combine all arguments accordingly: If the arguments are numbers,
then they will be added. If the arguments are lists, then they will be concatenated.
For example:
> (combine 2 3 4)
> (combine ’(a b) ’(c d))
(A B C D)
3. Define function combine-max that takes two lists as arguments and returns a list constructed by the maximum elements after a pairwise comparison, i.e. it compares the
corresponding first elements, then it compares the corresponding second elements. For
> (combine-max ’(4 6 8 9 2) ’(5 1))
(5 6 8 9 2)
> (combine-max ’(3 4 5) ’(1 2 3))
(3 4 5)
> (combine-max ’() ’(6 1 9))
(6 1 9)
4. Consider function dist that accepts an atom n and a non-empty list lst, and returns
a list composed of lists of two elements, the first being n and the second being each
successive element of lst. For example,
dist(a,hb, c, di) = hha, bi,ha, ci,ha, dii
(a) Provide a recursive computable function for dist.
(b) Unfold the definition for dist(w,hx , yi).
(c) Define the function.
(d) Trace the execution of function dist for (dist ’a ’(b c d)).
5. Define function rem-if-dupl that receives a list as its argument, and proceeds to
return its argument having removed all its repetitive elements. Consider the following
; Test:
(print (rem-if-dupl nil))
(print (rem-if-dupl ’(1 1)))
(print (rem-if-dupl ’(1 2 2 3 4)))
(print (rem-if-dupl ’(1 2 3 4)))
(print (rem-if-dupl ’(1 2 3 4 2)))
; Output:
; (1 3 4)
; (1 2 3 4)
; (1 3 4)
6. Define function oseq that receives an integer n and returns a list that contains a
sequence of odd numbers less than n, starting from 1. Consider the following tests:
; Test:
(print (oseq 1))
(print (oseq 2))
(print (oseq 10))
(print (oseq 11))
; Output:
; (1)
; (1 3 5 7 9)
; (1 3 5 7 9)
7. Define function filter that takes two arguments, a) a non-empty list of integers, and
b) a positive integer, and produces a list whose elements are those elements of the first
argument that are larger than the second argument. For example:
> (filter ’5 3)
> (filter ’() 5)
> (filter ’(7 9 11) ’(2))
> (filter ’(3 4 5) ’0)
> (filter ’(3 4 5) ’2.5)
> (filter ’(3 4 5) ’0)
> (filter ’(5 9 3 2 11) ’7)
(9 11)
Trace the execution of the function for (filter ’(12 9 3 2 7) ’4).
8. Define function is-bst to check whether a binary tree is a Binary Search Tree. A
Binary Search Tree is a tree in which all the nodes follow the below-mentioned properties:
• The left sub-tree of a node has a key less than or equal to its parent node’s key.
• The right sub-tree of a node has a key greater than to its parent node’s key.
For example:
(print “YES”)
(print (is-bst ’() ))
(print (is-bst ’(1 (0)) ))
(print (is-bst ’(1 (0) (3)) ))
(print “NO”)
(print (is-bst ’(1 (2)) ))
(print (is-bst ’(1 (0) (3 (4))) ))
9. Consider a binary tree. No assumption is made whether or not the tree is balanced.
(a) Provide a recursive definition of a procedure to calculate the height of the tree.
(b) Define function height that receives a list representing a binary tree, and proceeds
to calculate the height of the tree.
10. Define a function that accepts a non-empty binary tree as an argument and returns a
list of nodes that represents the post-order traversal of the tree.
4 What to submit
You must submit a zip file containing the following two files:
1. File README.txt that contains the names and id’s of all contributing members of your
2. File functions.lisp that contains all functions.
3. File assignment.txt which contains all non-coding components of the problems.
Name the zip file after your team e.g. and submit it at the Electronic Assignment
Submission portal
under Programming Assignment 2.