SE319 Exercise03: Javascript


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To learn to use Javascript objects, functions, and closures – and put them to use!
Work with your group (or by yourself). Each group is to upload only one submission.
Satish, Simanta and Zahra 2017/02/09 Page 2 of 4 pages
1. Warm Up: Try Some Examples
1. First, open blackboard, go to Course Contents, and then download file
into your workspace (U:\workspace or something like that!). Then, unzip.
Play with each of the given examples (in examples directory). Open them using a text
editor of your choice and modify parts of the html or js files to learn how the different
instructions work. Please do the TODO segments for each example.
NOTE01: One suggestion (to help you play with javascript) is to use online Javascript
code tool like or They are very useful for
trying javascript examples as you can change the html or javascript directly on the
website, and you can immediately see the results of your changes.
NOTE02: You will need to also learn how to use the available tools for JS
• Firefox has tools->WebDeveloper->Debugger,
• Chrome has Tools->Developer Tools (ctrl-shift-I).
01: shows js is loosely typed
02: shows use of === and also how conditions are always evaluated to true or false.
03: shows the two ways of declaring functions. Shows how variables store pointer to
functions. Start using the browser developer tools to figure out why the FOURTH print is
04: shows function declaration hoisting. Also, shows correct and incorrect uses of
function expressions.
05: shows named function expressions.
06: shows local and global variables in js and also order of execution of javascript
07: shows functions are first class objects in javascript
08: shows closures
09: shows an example of use of closure to create hidden variables
10: shows an example on what to watch out for in using closures
11: shows example of code reuse using functions as first class objects
12: shows how to create an object. Also, shows the use of the THIS object in javascript!
13: shows object attributes can be accessed like arrays.
Satish, Simanta and Zahra 2017/02/09 Page 3 of 4 pages
2. Simple Calculator
A complete example of another program (Matching game) is provided in folder
04_SampleProgram. A starting template is provided in folder 03_ExerciseHelp. Your
assignment is to use this template to create two simple calculator programs (one decimal
and other binary) using Objects, functions, and closures. These calculators should look
approximately like the below pictures.
1. For binary calculator,
a. You can assume that only positive binary numbers are represented. For example,
9 is represented as 1001. Negative 9 will be represented by ‘–’ operator followed
by 1001.
b. ~ not (invert the binary value)
c. % mod or remainder (divide the first value by the second, what is remaining)
d. << one bit-shift left (insert zeroes in the vacated positions on the left)
e. >> one bit-Shift right (insert zeroes in the vacated positions on the right)
f. – minus
g. & and
h. | or (or two binary values together)
i. * multiply
j. / division
k. Note that for some operations on binary calculator, it may be more convenient
to convert the binary numbers to integers and then do the operation.
2. Look at the normal calculator to figure out the functionality of M+, M-, MR and MC.
Satish, Simanta and Zahra 2017/02/09 Page 4 of 4 pages
3. Assume that the calculator does not need to calculate complex operations such as 5 + 5
* 5. Instead, expect users to press ‘=’ operator after a basic operation. So, press 5 + 5
followed by =. At this point it should show 10. Then, press * and then 5 followed by =.
At this point show 50. In other words, assume that we are only expecting “operand1
operator operand2″ operation. However, we can use the results of the previous
operation as the first operand for the next operation.
[ ] Your javascript files should be named “calculator.js” and “calculatorBinary.js”.
[ ] Name your Objects based on their purpose. Do the same with your JavaScript functions.
[ ] MR (shows memory value on screen)
[ ] MC (clears memory value)
[ ] C (clears screen value)
[ ] = (shows results of an operation) (repeatedly pressing ‘=’ repeats the last operation – this
part is extra-credit worthy)
[ ] M+ (Whatever is on screen gets added to memory)
[ ] M- (Whatever is on screen gets subtracted from memory)
Make sure that your variables are not global (so that if someone includes some other js files
with same names for variables, then your code still works ok). You do this by using closures.
After a few days, if you are unable to make progress – please contact TAs!
Make sure your solutions work on Chrome (which is what TAs will use to grade the assignment).
1) calculator.html and calculator.js
2) calculatorBinary.html and calculatorBinary.js
3) a README.txt file describing any specifics of how to run your program. It also should
indicate any “extra-credit” worthy parts that were attempted.
4) a participation.txt (a simple txt file, which clarifies the specific participation of group
Zip the above six files and submit this zip file on blackboard. Remember there is only one
submission per group. Make sure to include all the files that are needed in order to run your