In this assignment, you will apply the principles you have learned thus far to create two learning-based controllers.
Install [Gymnasium]( and familiarize yourself with the gym interface. This should look similar to the interface you used in the last assignment.
1. Create a Q-learning agent that learns to solve the “Cart Pole” environment. The agent should balance the pole for 100 time steps.
– How will you handle the continuous state space?
2. Evolve a neural network to solve the previous task.
– What will you use for your evaluation function?
– What mapping should the network learn?
Your report should include:
– Answers to previous questions
– Performance over time curves for each experiment.
– A description of your algorithms.
– Similarities and differences in performance for the two algorithms + an explanation.
Extra-Credit Bonus: Use these two learning methods to solve another gym task. Choose your favorite environment from either the “Classic Control” or “Box2D” sets.
– What environment did you choose?
– What changes did you have to make to adapt your learning algorithms to this new environment?
– Describe the resulting behaviors each controller learned.
Or Implement a new learning algorithm of your choice like Deep Q-Learning Network. You may choose to implement a new algorithm from the literature or a new algorithm of your own design. Describe your algorithm and compare its performance to the two algorithms above.