Project 3: Docker Cluster Setup CSE 291


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This quarter we will be using Docker containers to enable you to simulate a distributed system on your
laptop or home computer. Ubuntu Docker containers will serve as the nodes. They will be networked
via the Docker bridge network. And a Docker data volume container will be used to enable the nodes
to share data, simulting a distributed file system.
This lab is designed to help you to bootstrap that process. You will (i) complete the Docker tutorial,
(ii) create Dockerfiles to describe a node, (ii) develop a really simple client and server, (iii) modify the
Dockerfile into two files, one for a client and one for a server, (iv) demonstrate that your client andserver
can interact.
Individual Project – No Partners, No Teams
We need to make sure everyone can use the infrastructure, so this is an individual assignment.
Docker Installation and Tutorial
The following page contains installation instructions:
The following page contains the tutorial, please complete it up to, and including, the section titled,
”Learning by doing: Network configuration”:
Basic Configuration
Use a Dockerfile to define an Ubuntu image with whatever development tools you need. You will
eventually create two derivatives of this, one for the client and one for the server.
Using the same Ubuntu image, but without adding the tools, create a data volume container. This
data volume container will be mounted at “/data” by your other containers to simulate a distributed
file system.
The volume should contain a single file name “string.txt”, which will be used by each of your client
and server. It should be placed into the data volume with either an ADD or a COPY.
At this point, you should be able to instantiate two of the client/server containers that mount the
volume from the data containers. Connect to each image, verify that you can “cat” the data file from
within each image, find each image’s IP address (ifconfig), and “ping” each image from the other image.
Write a “hello world” program using your choice of languages and test it.
At this point you know that you have created the basic containers, installed your language of choice,
successfully mounted the data volume to simulate a DFS, successfully populated the data volume, and
can use the network between them. You now have a testbed for writing distributed systems (and simple
network code)!
Network client and server
You should write a simple network server, called ”catserver”. When it receives ”LINE” followed by a
new line, it should reply with the next line of the file, followed by a new line – except that the reply
should be in all UPPERCASE. With each call, it should work its way down the file. If it gets to the
bottom, it should start over at the top. The path to the text file should be the first command-line
argument. The port number should be the second, e.g. ”catserver /var/datavol/sample.txt 2000”
You should write a client called, ”catclient” that queries a ”catserver” every 3 seconds for 30 seconds.
Upon receiving each response, it should check to see if the response is in a text file. If it is, it should
echo ”OK”. If it isn’t, it should echo ”MISSING”, in either case followed by a newline. The path to
the text file should be the first argument. The server’s port number should be the second.
You should test everything by starting a server, then starting the client, and verifying in an automated
way that the output is correct. The client and server should share a common data file via a shared data
container. Don’t forget to daemonize the server. Similarly, remember you’ll need to use ”docker logs”
to see the output of the client.
You will turn in a .zip of the directory contaning your code, the Docker files that build the client and
server images from scratch, your text file, and a script that runs the demo. The script can be in whatever
language is native to your operating system, e.g. VBA, shell script, etc.