The primary task of Project 3 is to implement the website for our markdown-based blogging service
that (1) lets anyone read blogs written by our users through public URLs and (2) lets our registered
users create and update their own blogs after password authentication. Through this process, we will
learn how to develop a back-end service using NodeJS, Express and MongoDB.
Note that your implementation of Project 3 will be used for your Project 4 as well. Since Project 4 is
dependent on Project 3, it is important that you follow instructions on this spec exactly to
avoid any potential issues later in Project 4.
Development Environment
All development for Projects 3 (and 4) will be done on a Docker container based on the
“junghoo/cs144-mean” image:
$ docker run -it -p3000:3000 -p4200:4200 -v
{host_shared_dir}:/home/cs144/shared –name mean junghoo/cs144-mean
Make sure to replace {host_shared_dir} with the name of the shared directory on your host. The
above command creates a docker container named mean with appropriate port forwarding and
directory sharing. Once created, you can start the container simply by issuing the following
command in a terminal window:
$ docker start -i mean
This container has MongoDB (v3.6.8), NodeJS (v8.12.0), Express application generator (v4.16.0),
and Angular CLI (v7.0.3) pre-installed. Make sure that they run fine through the following
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$ mongo –version
$ node –version
$ express –version
$ ng –version
Project Requirements
Our back-end blogging service should be accessible at the following URLs:
# URL method functionality
1 /blog/:username/:postid GET Return an HTML-formatted page that shows the blog
post with postid written by username.
2 /blog/:username GET Return an HTML page that contains first 5 blog posts
by username.
3 /login GET,
Authenticate the user through username and
4 /api/:username GET This is the REST API used to retrieve all blog posts
by username
5 /api/:username/:postid GET,
This is the REST API used to perform a CRUD
operation on the user’s blog post
1. The URL patterns 1-3 should be publicly accessible by anyone. No prior user authentication
should be required to access these URLs. More detailed requirements for the URL patterns 2
and 3 will be given in Parts B and C, respectively.
2. The URL patterns 4-5 should be protected behind authentication. More detailed specifications
on this API will be given later in Part D.
3. The implemented server should listen on port 3000 for HTTP requests.
All blog posts and the users’ authentication credentials should be stored in the MongoDB server. The
MongoDB server should have at least the following two collections, “Posts” and “Users”, in the
database “BlogServer”. The two collections must have two initial documents shown below:
1. Collection: Posts
{ “postid”: 1, “username”: “cs144”, “created”: 1518669344517, “modified”: 1518669344517,
“title”: “Title 1”, “body”: “Hello, world!” }
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{ “postid”: 2, “username”: “cs144”, “created”: 1518669658420, “modified”:
1518669658420, “title”: “Title 2”, “body”: “I am here.” }
The first collection “Posts” stores all blog posts created and saved by our users. As users write
more blog posts, more documents should be inserted into this collection. Note that “created”
and “modified” fields of the two documents are all integers, whose values are milliseconds since
the the Unix epoch (Jan 1, 1970 UTC).
2. Collection: Users
{ “username”: “cs144”, “password”:
“$2a$10$2DGJ96C77f/WwIwClPwSNuQRqjoSnDFj9GDKjg6X/PePgFdXoE4W6” }
{ “username”: “user2”, “password”:
“$2a$10$kTaFlLbfY1nnHnjb3ZUP3OhfsfzduLwl2k/gKLXvHew9uX.1blwne” }
The second collection “Users” stores the users’ authentication credentials. They should be used
for authenticating any user to our server through the URL pattern 3. Note that users’
passwords must NEVER be stored in plaintext. Instead, we have to store them only after
we apply a cryptographic one-way hash function. This ensures that even if a hacker breaks into
our system and gets a hold of our database, they won’t be able to obtain the users’ passwords
easily since it is time-consuming to recover the plaintext passwords from the hash values. The
downside of this approach is that when a user tries to login, we will have to apply the same
cryptographic hash function to the user-provided password and then match the equivalence of
this hash value to what is stored in our database. This can potentially increase the
computational overhead of authenticating a user, but given the potential security risk of saving
plaintext passwords, it is the cost that we are willing to pay. In our case, we applied bcrypt hash
function to each user’s password (“password” for “cs144” and “blogserver” for “user2”,
respectively) using the bcryptjs module of node.js.
Part A: Create Initial MongoDB Data
In Project 3, all blog posts must be managed by MongoDB. Unlike MySQL, MongoDB doesn’t have
the concept of schema. All types of data are saved as documents in a collection. Since MongoDB
document is essentially a JSON object, it is often a preferred back-end data storage engine for
JavaScript-based development.
When you start the Docker container, it starts MongoDB server in the background. So you can start
the “MongoDB command-line shell” simply by:
$ mongo
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Once you are inside the shell, you can issue most MongoDB commands interactively. Go over class
notes on MongoDB to review the basic MongoDB commands. If needed, review online tutorials on
MongoDB, such as this one.
Now write a script named that includes the sequence of mongodb shell commands that load
the following documents into the two collections, “Posts” and “Users”, in the “BlogServer”
1. Collection: Posts
{ “postid”: 1, “username”: “cs144”, “created”: 1518669344517, “modified”: 1518669344517,
“title”: “Title 1”, “body”: “Hello, world!” }
{ “postid”: 2, “username”: “cs144”, “created”: 1518669658420, “modified”:
1518669658420, “title”: “Title 2”, “body”: “I am here.” }
2. Collection: Users
{ “username”: “cs144”, “password”:
“$2a$10$2DGJ96C77f/WwIwClPwSNuQRqjoSnDFj9GDKjg6X/PePgFdXoE4W6” }
{ “username”: “user2”, “password”:
“$2a$10$kTaFlLbfY1nnHnjb3ZUP3OhfsfzduLwl2k/gKLXvHew9uX.1blwne” }
We also provide two JSON files that contain the above documents, posts.json and users.json, in case
they are helpful.
Note that “created” and “modified” fields of the first two post documents are all integers, whose
values represent the milliseconds since the the Unix epoch (Jan 1, 1970 UTC). You must store all
date fields in this format. Also recall that the above password values are obtained by applying the
bcrypt cryptographic one-way hash function.
Note that your provided script will be executed through the following command
$ mongo <
before we grade your submission to initialize the MongoDB database for the server.
Your script must strictly follow the instructions above. Please make sure that the database
names, the collection names, and their contents are exactly the same as this instruction
including their case. Since MongoDB is CASE SENSITIVE, your submission will fail our test
script even for a minor case mismatch and lead to a very low grade.
Notes on CR/LF issue: If your host OS is Windows, you need to pay attention to how each line
ends in your script file. Windows uses a pair of CR (carriage return) and LF (line feed) characters to
terminate lines, but Unix uses only a LF character. Therefore, problems may arise when you feed a
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text file generated from a Windows program to a Unix tool such as mongo. If you encounter any
wired error when you run your script, you may want to run the dos2unix command in the
container on your script file to fix line end characters.
Part B: Implement Public HTML Blog Web Pages
As the second task of Project 3, we now implement the public URLs by which any user can view blog
posts published on our website. In particular, we will implement a server that returns an HTML
page to an HTTP request to the following URL patterns:
# URL method functionality
1 /blog/:username/:postid GET Return an HTML-formatted page that shows the blog
post with postid written by username.
2 /blog/:username GET Return an HTML page that contains first 5 blog posts
by username. If the user has more than 5 posts, the
page should contain a “next” button that link to the
next 5 posts (according to the postid) by the user.
We use node.js JavaScript runtime engine and its express module to implement our back-end
server. Node.js is built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine, which uses an event-driven, non-blocking
I/O model to make it lightweight and efficient. Express is a module that provides an easy-to-use
routing mechanism, HTML template integration, and third-party middleware integration. You may
want to go over the class lecture note on node.js to brush up on node.js and express. If you need
more detailed instruction on how to use them, online tutorials like this can be helpful. Express web
site has more detailed documentation on routing and using a template engine.
Generate Server Skeleton Code
To generate the skeleton code for our web server, we will use the Express application generator.
Initialize the project under a project directory (e.g. blog-server):
$ express -e blog-server
Here -e option makes the generated code use the “EJS” template engine for generating HTML
pages from JSON. You are welcome to use other template engine for your development, but our
project spec gives instructions for “EJS”. When the above command is executed, you see the
following folder and file structure within the blog-server directory:
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+- bin
+- public
+- routes
+- views
+- package.json
+- app.js
Here the app.js file serves as the entrance of the whole project. If you define other .js files, you
need to reach them starting from app.js. The package.json file contains some meta information
on the project including its “package dependencies”. When you add new dependencies to this file
and run npm install, npm will install all dependent modules into the subdirectory
node_modules. The public directory contains static resources that are made available on the
developed web site, like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and image files. The views directory contains
HTML template files. The routes directory contains “middleware” that processes the requests. The
bin directory contains the executable file. As you develop your code, you are welcome to add or
modify any directory or file as needed.
Make sure that the generated code works properly on our container by executing the following
$ npm start
The npm start command executes “test” script specified in package.json (which is node
./bin/www in the auto-generated package.json file). Open a web browser on your host machine
and make sure that you see a page similar to the following image at http://localhost:3000/:
Install mongodb and commonmark Modules
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To generate public HTML blog pages using node.js, express, and MongoDB, we need a MongoDB
client library for node.js and a markdown-to-HTML rendering library. We will use the official
MongoDB driver for node.js and the commonmark.js library for this purpose. Install these two
packages using npm
$ npm install --save mongodb
$ npm install --save commonmark
Make sure that you add the --save option, so that the packages are added as dependencies to
package.json. Note that commonmark.js’s API is almost identical to the Java version, so you will
find it easy to use.
In case you are not familiar with the MongoDB native client API, go over MongoDB native drive
quick start tutorial and read the MongoDB tutorial on CRUD operations to learn the basics.
Note: Due to a strange interaction between node, Docker container, and shared folder, you may
sometimes get an error similar to the following when you run node or npm:
cwd = process.cwd();
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, uv_cwd
If you get the above error, you can “fix it” by cd ../, cd back, and try again.
Learn the Template Syntax
The responses to the two URL patterns shown above should be all in HTML. For generating an
HTML response, you can use a template engine. When you use a template engine, you just need to
write a static “template file”, and “render” the final HTML response by combining the template with
EJS (Embedded JavaScript) uses a template syntax very similar to Java ServePages (JSP). Like JSP,
you can use the standard HTML tags in the template, and sprinkle your JavaScript code inside <%
... %>, <%= ... %>, or <%- ... %> tags. <%= ... %> or <%- ... %> can include any
expression and is replaced with the output string of the expression. The difference between the two
is that <%= ... %> escapes HTML tags in the output, so that the HTML tags are displayed as
strings, while <%- ... %> does not escape HTML tags, so that the browser can interpret them as
HTML tags. <% ... %> can include any arbitrary JavaScript code, not just expressions.
Here is an example of a valid EJS template:
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For more EJS examples, look at the generated template files in the views directory. You may also
want to go over an online tutorial like this to learn more on EJS.
Implement /blog/:username/:postid and /blog/:username
Now that you know the basics to implement Part B, go ahead and implement it. The responses from
these two URL patterns must meet the following requirements:
1. All blog posts returned from the two URL patterns should be rendered in HTML from
markdown using the commonmark.js module, both title and body.
2. The second URL pattern /blog/:username must return the first 5 posts by username. When
there are more posts from the user the returned page must contain a “next” link, which points
to a page with the next 5 posts according to the postid by the user. Make sure that the
“next” link is implemented as an HTML element with id=”next” and href
pointing to the URL of the “next page”.
3. The second URL pattern /blog/:username must take an optional query string parameter
start=:postid, like
When this optional query string parameter exists, the response must include the next 5 posts by
cs144 whose postid is 3 or above.
1. In implementing this part, remember that a request can be “routed” to a callback function
through app.METHOD(URL, callback), like app.get(‘/blog/:username’, callback).
Inside the callback function, you can reference the HTTP request through the first req
parameter, and you can generate the response through the second res parameter.
2. In our project, all dates are stored as a number in MongoDB, which represents milliseconds
since the the Unix epoch (Jan 1, 1970 UTC). You can convert a JavaScript Date object to this
number using its getTime() method. Conversely, you can convert this number to a Date
object by passing it as the constructor parameter of Date or by calling a date object’s
setTime() method.
<% for(let i = 0; i < books.length; i++) { %>
- <%- books[i].isbn %>
<% } %>
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3. Please remember that all MongoDB commands must be executed asynchronously either using
callback functions or using a Promise object (with await keyword).
4. To minimize the overhead from creating a connection to the database server, we strongly
recommend that you create a connection to the MongoDB server when the your application
starts up and reuse the created connection for all MongoDB commands. If you are unclear
about how this can be done, see this page (This page is a slightly modified version of the original
blog post published here.) Note that if you decide to add app.listen() to app.js file, you will
have to remove the call to listen() from the “bin/www” file.
Part C: Implement User Login Page
In this part, we will implement the user login page available at the following URL:
# URL method functionality
1 /login GET, POST Authenticate the user through username and password.
Here are more detailed descriptions of the above API:
1. GET /login: The request may optionally include redirect=:redirect parameter. Given the
request, the server should return an HTML page that contains an HTML form with at least two
input fields, username and password. When the user inputs their username and password in
these fields, and presses the submit button, the page should issue a request POST /login with
username=:username&password=:password&redirect=:redirect, where the redirect
parameter is added only if it was included as part of this GET request.
2. POST /login: The request body must contain username=:username&password=:password
parameters, and optionally the redirect=:redirect parameter. When the provided
username and password match our record, the server must (1) set an authentication session
cookie in JSON Web Token (JWT) (more on this later) and (2a) redirect to redirect if it was
provided in the request or (2b) return status code “200 (OK)” with the body saying that the
authentication was successful. If the records do not match, the server must return the status
code “401 (Unauthorized)” and an HTML form with username and password input fields in the
response body.
Recall that our MongoDB server stores all users’ credentials in the “Users” collection of the
“BlogServer” database. In addition, recall that the stored user passwords are all hash values
obtained by applying the bcrypt hash function. Therefore, to match a user’s stored password against
what she provides during authentication, you will need to use node.js bcryptjs module. Install the
module through the following command:
$ npm install –save bcryptjs
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Read the bcrypt package page to learn how you can use it to compare a user’s password against a
hash value.
JSON Web Token (JWT)
Once the user’s authenticity is established through the user-provided password, our server must
establish a “authenticated session”, so that it can recognize that any future request coming from the
same browser comes from the authenticated user. There are a number of ways to implement this. In
this project, you must use JSON Web Token (JWT) for this purpose. If you are not familiar with
JWT, go over the JWT introduction page to learn what it is and how it can be used.
In your implementation, once the user is authenticated, you must set a transient session cookie (a
cookie that has no expiration date, so that it is forgotten once the browser is closed) whose name is
jwt and whose value is the following JWT:
1. Its header must have two claims, ‘alg’ (algorithm) and ‘typ’ (type), with the following values:
2. Its payload must have two claims, ‘exp’ (expiration time) and ‘usr’ (user)
where expiration should be two hours from now (in seconds since Unix epoch, Jan 1, 1970)
and username should be the authenticated username. Note that the unit of time here is seconds
not milliseconds. According to JWT standard, this is how the expiration time should be
3. The signature must be generated using the HS256 algorithm (HMAC-SHA256 hash function)
with the following secret key
Once this JWT cookie is set, our server will be able to recognize that any future request from the
browser comes from the authenticated user username.
You can use the jsonwebtoken module to construct a JWT. Install it with the following command
“alg”: “HS256”,
“typ”: “JWT”
“exp”: expiration,
“usr”: “username”
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$ npm install –save jsonwebtoken
and learn how to use it by going over examples in the jsonwebtoken module page.
Now implement the login page. Remember that after a successful authentication by the user (i.e., the
user’s username and password match), the server should generate an appropriate JWT, set it as the
value of the cookie jwt, and redirect the request to the redirect query parameter in the request.
If the authentication fails, (username or password is missing or they don’t match with our record),
the server must return a page with the username and password input box, so that they user can try
Remember that the user “cs144”’s password is “password” and “user2”’s password is “blogserver” in
testing your authentication page.
Part D: Implement Blog-Management REST API
In this part, you will have to implement the REST API that will be used by an Angular-based editor
(that will be implemented in Project 4) to save, retrieve, update, and delete the blog posts from the
# URL method functionality
1 /api/:username GET This is the REST API used by the Angular blog editor
to retrieve all blog posts by username
2 /api/:username/:postid GET,
This is the REST API used by the Angular blog editor
to perform a CRUD operation on the user’s blog post
Here are more detailed descriptions of the above API:
1. GET /api/:username: The server should return all blog posts by username. The returned
posts should be included in the body of the response as an array in JSON even if the user has
zero or one post. Each post in the array must have at least five fields, postid, title, body,
created, and modified (case sensitive). The response status code should be “200 (OK)”.
2. GET /api/:username/:postid: The server should return the blog post with postid by
username. If such a post exists, the response status code should be “200 (OK)”, and the post
should be included in the body of the response in JSON with at least four fields, title, body,
created, and modified (case sensitive). If not, the response status code should be “404 (Not
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3. POST /api/:username/:postid: When the server gets this request, it must insert a new blog
post with username, postid, title, and body from the request. The request must include
title and body in its body in JSON. The created and modified fields of the inserted post
should be set to the current time. If the insertion is successful, the server should reply with “201
(Created)” status code. If a blog post with the same postid by username already exists in the
server, the server should not insert a new post and reply with “400 (Bad request)” status code.
4. PUT /api/:username/:postid: The request must include title and body in its body in
JSON. When the server gets this request, it must update the existing blog post with postid by
username with the title and body values from the request. The modified field should be
updated to the current time as well. If the update is successful, the server should reply with
“200 (OK)” status code. If there is no blog post with postid by username, the server should
reply with “400 (Bad request)” status code.
5. DELETE /api/:username/:postid: When the server gets this request, the server must delete
the existing blog post with postid by username from the database. If the deletion is
successful, the server should reply with “204 (No content)” status code. If there is no such post,
the server should reply with “400 (Bad request)” status code.
6. All dates transmitted should be in milliseconds since the the Unix epoch (Jan 1, 1970
UTC) in number type.
7. If a request does not meet our requirements (such as not formatting data in JSON, not
including required data, etc.), the server must reply with “400 (Bad request)” status code.
9. This REST API must be protected behind authentication. That is, if the request to this API does
not contain a valid jwt cookie with matching username (i.e., if the jwt cookie is not included in
the HTTP header, if the included jwt has expired, or if the username in jwt does not match the
username in the URL), the server must reply with “401 (Unauthorized)” status code.
Now add the appropriate routing instruction to your app and implement the above API. Make sure
that the implementation works as intended before you proceed. You can test your implementation
using the curl command (available within our Docker container) or Postman, which makes it easy to
send an HTTP request to a server.
Once you made sure that everything works fine, protect this REST API behind authentication. That
is, before you process any request to this API, first make sure that the request contains a valid jwt
cookie with the matching username.
Note: Please make sure that you return the correct status code according to our spec. If
your status code is diffrent from our spec you will get zero point for the part, even if
the response body may contain reasonable content.
What to Submit
Before you create the submission zip file for Project 3, please make sure that your server can be
executed simply by running the following sequence of commands at the project root directory:
$ mongo <
$ npm start
Since this is how our grader will run and test your code, it is essential that your code runs fine
without any problem through the above commands.
You may assume that the MongoDB server is running with no documents inside the “BlogServer”
database when your your server is executed in the grader’s machine.
After you have checked there is no issue with your project, you can package your work by running
our packaging script. Please first create the TEAM.txt file. This file must include the 9-digit
university ID (UID) of every team member, one UID per line. No spaces or dashes. Just 9-digit
UID per line. If you are working on your own, include just your UID. Please make sure TEAM.txt, and are placed in the projectroot directory, blogserver, like this:
+- bin
+- public
+- routes
+- views
+- ...
+- package.json
+- app.js
+- TEAM.txt
When you execute the packaging script like ./, it will check whether a few mandatory
files are there, and package everything within the project directory (except the files in
node_modules/) and create a file named
If everything goes smoothly, you will see something like the following:
[SUCCESS] Created '/home/cs144/shared/blog-server/', please submit
it to CCLE.
Please only submit this scriptcreated to CCLE. Do not use any other ways
to package or submit your work!
Grading Criteria
The grading of Project 3 will be based on the following aspects:
The server can work: You will get 0 if your server fails to work with npm start!
Interaction with Database: The grader should be able to load the initial documents into the
two collections using your script as is described in this spec. All the posts should be
stored into and retrieved from MongoDB.
Functionality: It should implement all the specified functions, i.e. list, insert, read, update
and delete in the required way. You must implement REST APIs.
URL Navigation: Users should be able to visit the corresponding contents by directly typing
the corresponding URL as is described in this spec.
Access Control: The HTMP pages must be public; while the REST API can be accessed only
after login.
Error Handling: Your server should handle different kinds of errors properly.
Other Requirements in Description: For example, the next button in the
/blog/:username page, which shows 5 posts each time.