Project 2 CSCI 1913: Introduction to Algorithms, Data Structures, and Program Development


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1 Essential information
Project 2 is designed as an approximately 2 week assignment. It builds upon Lab 8 and
focuses on three core ideas: Classic String cipher algorithms, Simple, but useful, java objects
(I.E. java objects that abstract an algorithm or operation), Polymorphism, and a powerful
way to use Polymorphic code.
Project 2 is split into three “phases” which should be done in-order. Aim to be done
with phase 1 by Nov 14, Phases 2 and 3 are less overall programming, but rely on your
understanding of inheritance and polymorphism.
Project 2 is due on Wednesday November 23rd at 6:00pm. Late work will not be accepted,
however a small grace period will be available on gradescope to allow for technical difficulties.
This is version 0.9 of the project writeup.
1. (10/07) v0.9 First version – grading and submission information have not been provided
1.1 Learning Goals
This project is designed with a few learning goals in mind
• Practice building several useful and interesting java classes.
• Practice thinking about complicated behaviors with strings.
• Practice reading formal java documentation and finding the most useful functions from
those lists.
• Practice working with polymoprhism
• Writing code that is explicitly polymorphic
• Like the last lab – we will be limiting your access to automatic testing. This will help
you learn healthy programming habits (namely, running tests on your own, and looking
manually at those results). In general, you should never need the autograder to tell
you that your code doesn’t meet expectations.
2 Introduction
In lab 8 we saw the basic Caesar Cipher. One of the comments in this lab was that Caesar
ciphers are easy to break automatically (we even built a basic piece of the code for this)
Letters are not used at the same rate in common English text, so you can simply try the 25
valid cipher rotations and see which one leads to a pattern of letter use that most matches
English language. While this was a time-consuming task when the Caesar cipher was invented
– it can be done reliably, automatically, and FAST in the modern era.
This is all to say that, if we wish to use these ciphers to communicate securely, we need
more. In this lab we will start by adding two additional types of ciphers – a letter shuffle
cipher, in which the order of letters in the message is changed, and a replacement cipher, in
which certain “secret” words are replaced with other less-secret words. Each of these ciphers
alone can be easily broken, but taken together, these ciphers can be relatively useful.
Superencipherment is the idea of creating secure ciphers by combining many simpler
ciphers together. If we take our three ciphers and combine them in clever ways we can make
ciphers that would be actually difficult to decrypt, especially with minor use. Supporting
Superencipherment in Java is easier if we make use of polymorphism. This is the java
programming language feature in which we can make all three cipher objects subclasses of a
parent “BaseCipher” class. By doing this we can have BaseCipher variables which can refer
to any cipher at all. We could even have an array of type BaseCipher which stores any given
ordered series of ciphers. This doesn’t add much complexity to the individual ciphers, but
allows us to write powerful functions that work with any Cipher, or a SuperCipher class,
which applies arbitrarily ordered ciphers.
This project is designed in three phases. The first phase is to simply implement the core
ciphers, Caesar (which you will be implementing as part of Lab 8), and EvenOdd (a cipher
built on reordering letters) a word replacement cipher. This can be done before we have
fully explored inheritance and polymorphism in class. The second phase is to modify these
classes to use inheritance, you should also fully debug these classes at this point. The third
and final phase is to add a SuperCipher class, and an EncryptUtils class which use the other
ciphers polymorphically, allowing powerful and customize superencipherment.
3 Details of the encryption algorithms themselves
The three base encryption algorithms you are asked to implement are the Caesar cipher
(described in lab 8), the word replacement cipher, and the evenOddCipher. The code for
these has a lot of similarities. Like in lab8, all of these algorithms should turn uppercase
letters into lowercase letters. This helps keep the ciphers working, especially when they need
to work together.
3.1 CaesarCipher
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
+4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4
e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z a b c d
The only added feature of this class is that it will need to support java-standard equality
checking methods. See Lab 8 for more information on this cipher.
3.2 Word Replacement Cipher
The word replacement cipher is relatively simple, it swaps each occurrence of one word for
a pre-chosen replacement.
For example, if the cipher replaces “cat” to “dog”, it would encode the text “I got a
new cat! I love it’s ears!” to “I got a new dog!, I love it’s ears!”. Decoding simply involves
reversing the replacement (so changing dog back to cat).
This cipher is great at disguising secret text when code words are well chosen, and really
shines when a relatively long list of code words is adopted. This is also quite hard to decode,
as there is often no pattern or rhyme to these replacements, making them hard to automatically detect or undo. In our implementation we will focus only on performing one word’s
worth of replacement, with multiple code words being treated as many separate instances of
a word replacement Cipher. The downside for these benefits is that this encryption is not
guaranteed to be reversible (unlike the others).
As an example, consider the text “I love cats and dogs equally”, this encodes to “I
love dogs and dogs equally” (cat replaced with dog) and decodes again to “I love cats and
cats equally”. (note that Every occurrence of secret words should be replaced). This is
an inherent weakness of the cipher, and not a bug we will be addressing. The best way to
fix this is by careful consideration of the code book. Our version will also work simply on
“strings” and not words, it would be valid, therefore, to replace each “th” in any word with
“ taco “ (spaces included), while this breaks word boundaries, it works fine for software.
The following website contains a list of methods available on Java’s String class https:// You should plan on looking over this website to find java’s built-in String replacement methods. A few notes on
• If you’ve never sat down to look at java’s formal documentation it can be a bit intimidating at first, nonetheless, you should know enough by now to understand the
information being presented. The ability to read formal documentation like this and
learn from it is viewed as a key programmer skill – do not run from this if you wish
to excel in this field. Therefore, to be clear: we are expecting each student to go to the
formal documentation to find the most appropriate method to use here.
• This problem is deceptively complicated – The function whose name suggests it’s mostuseful is actually incorrect. You may need to read the full description, and even look
breifly to see what related ideas “regular expressions” and “CharSequences” mean in
order to know which function would work correctly.
• Don’t forget to put the science in computer science! – write yourself small test programs to make sure you know the right way to use the replacement methods, and reach
out for assistance if you really can’t sort through the formal documentations to find
your answer after a few hours of trying.
3.3 EvenOdd Cipher
Even Odd Cipher is a “Scramble” cipher, that disguises text by shuffling the letters up. The
idea is quite simple, first list all the even letters, then list all the odd letters.
h e l l o f r i e n d !
h l o f i n ! e l r e d
h e l l o f r i e n d !
The code for encoding in this algorithm is pretty simple, simply make an empty string,
add all the even indexed letters (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, . . .), then add the odd indexed letters (1, 3, 5,
7, . . .)
The code for decoding is a bit more challenging, you will want to compute the “crossover”
point in the string where it goes from “even” to “odd”. This is at dlength/2e (note, that’s
round up, not round down). Then you need to take the first even letter, then the first odd
letter, and so forth.
The charAt and length string methods may be specifically useful for this task. You can
look these up in the String documentation mentioned above. That said, you’ve likely worked
with these functions before now.
3.4 Super ciphers
A super cipher is a cipher that is formed by doing multiple ciphers in steps. For example
you might have a super cipher formed by first replacing “cat” with “dog”, then applying a
Caesar cipher (+4) to the result, and finally applying an even-odd cipher to that.
“I like cats a lot” becomes “i like dogs a lot”, which then becomes “m pmoi hskw e psx”,
which then becomes “mpo swepx mihk s” (two spaces between k and s).
Decryption needs to go in backwards order, first undo the even-odd, then undo the
Caesar, then undo the word replace. If you get the order wrong some decryptions will work
fine, but any decryption combining even-odd and replacement ciphers will not work.
In our code, we will do this with an array of type BaseCipher. Due to polymorphism,
this array can store any object that is a subtype of BaseCipher. If we make the other three
ciphers extend BaseCipher, then we can represent the above chain of ciphers as
new BaseCipher [] { new WordReplacementCipher ( ” cat ” , ” dog ” ) ,
new CaesarCipher (4) ,
new EvenOddCipher ()};
The SuperCipher class itself will not actually be in charge of doing much encryption, instead
it’s job is to arrange other ciphers to encrypt the text (in the right order)
4 Phase 1
The first phase of this project is to implement CaesarCipher (as seen in Lab 8), WordReplacementCipher, and EvenOddCipher classes, at least at a basic level. For now, don’t worry
about the BaseCipher class, or the SuperCipher class.
The formal requirements of these are as follows: Note – all functions are listed in
this PDF with only the type of their parameters specified (you will need to pick
parameter names).
4.1 CaesarCipher
A Phase 1 CaesarCipher will implement the following:
• A public constructor that takes one parameter, (an int) the amount to rotate by.
• A public method isValid() that returns a boolean indicating if the amount to rotate
by is valid (between 1 and 25).
• A public method encrypt(String) that returns a String, the result of applying a Caesar
cipher to the input.
• A public method decrypt(String) that returns a String, the result of reversing a Caesar
cipher on the input.
• A public method toString() that returns a String, which describes the object, the
format for this must match what is seen in the tests.
• A public method equals(Object) that returns a boolean, which is true if it is passed
a another Caesar cipher with the same rotation amount, and false in all other circumstances.
Once implemented most, but not all, of the CaesarCipherTest should run correctly.
4.2 WordReplacementCipher
A Phase 1 WordReplacementCipher will implement the following:
• A public constructor that takes two parameters, both strings, representing the word
to replace from, and the word to replace to.
• A public method encrypt(String) that returns a String, the result of applying the
word replacement to the input.
• A public method decrypt(String) that returns a String, the result of reversing the
word replacement on the input.
• A public method toString() that returns a String, which describes the object, the
format for this must match what is seen in the tests.
• A public method equals(Object) that returns a boolean, which is true if it is passed
a another WordReplacement cipher with the same from and to words.
Once implemented most, but not all, of the WordReplacementCipherTest should run correctly.
4.3 EvenOddCipher
A Phase 1 EvenOddCipher will implement the following:
• A public method encrypt(String) that returns a String, the result of applying the
even odd cipher to the input.
• A public method decrypt(String) that returns a String, the result of reversing the
even odd cipher on the input.
• A public method toString() that returns a String, which describes the object, the
format for this must match what is seen in the tests.
• A public method equals(Object) that returns a boolean, which is true if it is passed
a another EvenOddCipher.
Once implemented most, but not all, of the EvenOddCipherTest should run correctly.
5 Phase 2
The second phase of this project is to make all three Cipher objects extend the provided
BaseCipher class. This will require only minor changes to the other cipher classes, in particular the constructors will likely need changing. You should also try to leverage the inherited
code from the base class wherever possible, if the base classes implementation of a method
is sufficient, just use that version. NOTE we will be reviewing your code manually and will
dock points for unnecessarily overridden functions.
Once phase 2 is complete the tests for the base classes should run completely. This is a
good moment to stop and check each class carefully to be sure it’s correct.
6 Phase 3
The third and final phase involves leveraging the work in the last phase. By making each
simple cipher a subtype of BaseCipher you can now use polymorphism to make more powerful
ciphers. If you do this right you should be able to make these functions work with any of your
cipher classes with no specific or special code. So you should be able to call the encryptMany
function with a Caesar cipher without the encrypt many function having any knowledge of the
Caesar cipher! In fact, the functions in Phase 3 should even work with new cipher classes
you program after phase 3 (without any change to the original code for phase 3). There are
three classes to implement here:
6.1 EncryptUtils
This class has two static methods that handle repeated encryption or decryption over sequences of strings. A complete EncryptUtils must implement the following functions:
• a public static function encryptMany(BaseCipher, String[]) which takes a BaseCipher
variable (which of course may be any subtype as well), and an array of strings. The
function should return a new array of strings that is the result of encrypting each String
using the cipher. The input array should remain unchanged.
• a public static function decryptMany(BaseCipher, String[]) which takes a BaseCipher
variable (which of course may be any subtype as well), and an array of strings. The
function should return a new array of strings that is the result of decrypting each String
using the cipher. The input array should remain unchanged.
Once written the test EncryptUtilsTest file should pass.
6.2 SuperCipher
The SuperCipher class represents a supercipher formed by applying a chain of other ciphers.
It will store an array of type BaseCipher indicating which ciphers and in what order the
super cipher should apply. This class should also extend BaseCipher.
A complete SuperCipher class must:
• extend BaseCipher
• have a public constructor that takes one parameter, an array of type BaseCipher indicating which ciphers and in which order this supercipher should use.
• a public method isValid() which returns a boolean. A SuperCipher is valid if, and
only if, each base cipher is valid.
• a public method encrypt(String) which returns a String, the result of applying each
cipher provided to the constructor, in the order provided.
• a public method decrypt(String) which returns a String, the result of reversing each
cipher provided to the constructor, in the correct order.
• a public method toString() which returns a String. The format for this can be found
in the test files.
• a public method equals(Object) which returns a boolean. A superCipher is equal to
another SuperCipher if and only if it’s chain of ciphers match (I.E. are the same length,
and are equal at each position). You may find the equals function on java’s built in
class Arrays useful for this.
Once done, the SuperCipherTest should pass.
6.3 FinalDecoding
The final decoding class contains a mostly complete main method. This describes some
intercepted messages and what we know about how the messages were encoded. Your job
is to setup a supercipher object to use when decrpyting these messages. It will be pretty
obvious if the messages decrypt correctly.
7 Files on Canvas
The following files will be posted on canvas for you to use when starting:
• – a complete base cipher class
• – a test for the CaesarCipher class
• – a test for the EncryptUtils class
• – a test for the EvenOddCipher class
• – the final decoding class
• – a test for the SuperCipher class
• – a test for the WordReplacementCipher class.
8 Testing and Grading
Testing and Grading information is not yet public. You should be able to program following
the instructions without this information. We will post proper grading information at least
7 days before the proper deadline.