We have just spent the last few weeks implementing our 16-bit datapath. The simple 16-bit LC-2200 is capable
of performing advanced computational tasks and logical decision making. Now it is time for us to move on to
something more advanced. We have invested a great deal of time and money into developing a more powerful
LC-2200 computer. This one is 32-bit and supports interrupts. The only trouble is that the interrupt support does
not appear to be completed. We are quite disappointed by this, and so it is your assignment to fully implement
and test interrupts using the provided datapath and Logisim. In this project, you will add the additional support
needed to make all this work properly. Your job will be to hook up the interrupt acknowledgment lines to the
input devices, modify the datapath to support interrupt operations, and write an interrupt handler to increment
a clock value at a designated memory address.
1 Requirements
• Part 1 – Add hardware support for handling interrupts.
• Part 2 – Add microcontroller support for handling interrupts.
• Part 3 – Code an interrupt handler for the clock.
• Extra Credit – Implement support for another interrupt!
• Use the VirtualBox VM Image you previously downloaded for Project 1.
• Alternatively, use 32-bit Ubuntu or Debian. Click here to download Ubuntu 14.04 32 bit.
• Download build essentials for linux as needed. If you are using Mint/Ubuntu/Debian type in sudo apt-get
install build-essential.
• Download the proper version of Logisim. Be sure to use the most updated version. DO NOT USE
BRANDONSIM FROM CS 2110! Click here to go to the download page. The VM image we provide
you has Logisim ready to go.
• Logisim is not perfect and does have small bugs. In certain scenarios, files have been corrupted and students
have had to re-do the entire project. Please back up your work using some form of version control, such as
a local git repository.
2 What We Have Provided
• A reference guide to the LC 2200-32 located in Appendix B: LC 2200-32 Processor Reference Manual.
• An INCOMPLETE LC 2200-32 datapath circuit. You’ll need to add interrupt support for this.
• An intergenerator subcircuit which will generate an interrupt signal every so often (this is also called the
• The complete microcode from project 1, to which you will have to add interrupt support.
• The compiler for the microcode.
• An INCOMPLETE assembly program (prj2.s) to run on the datapath to test interrupt support.
• An assembler to assemble your interrupt handling program.
• A example.s file that shows how to use the bonus instructions – For extra credit only
Project 2 CS 2200 – Systems and Networks
3 Initial Interrupt Hardware Support
For this part of the assignment, you need to add hardware support for interrupts to the LC2200-32 datapath.
You have been provided with a completed LC2200-32 datapath from project 1. Keep in mind this is a 32-bit
implementation; the LC2200 in project 1 was a 16-bit implementation.
You must do the following:
1. Create an Interrupt Enabled Register (IE) so we can keep track of whether or not interrupts are currently
enabled or disabled.
2. Sometimes the processor might be busy when an interrupt is raised. (Think of some cases that might cause
this behavior for our simple processor.) So, we need to keep track of whether or not an interrupt is pending.
Additionally, we need to continue asserting it to the microcontroller until the processor responds with an
IntAck signal to let the device know it is ready to handle the interrupt. (What happens if we don’t catch
the interrupt? Hint: Consider how long (in clock cycles) the device is raising its interrupt. Analyze the
intergenerator circuit if you need to.) Once the INTA signal is received, the device should drive its device
index onto the bus. Use 0x1 as the device index.
3. Modify the datapath so that the PC starts at 0x10 when the processor is reset. Normally the PC starts at
0x00, however we need to make space for the interrupt vector table. Therefore, when you actually load in
the code you wrote in part 2, it needs to start at 0x10. Please make sure that your solution ensures that
datapath can never execute from below 0x10 – or in other words, force the PC to drive the value 0x10 if
the PC is pointing in the range of the vector table.
4. Create hardware to support selecting the register $k0 within the microcode. This is needed by some interrupt
related instructions. HINT: Use only the register selection bits that the main ROM already outputs to select
4 Microcontroller Interrupt Support
Before beginning this part, be sure you have read through Appendix B: LC 2200-32 Processor Reference Manual and Appendix A: Microcontroller Unit and pay special attention to the new instruction set.
In this part of the assignment you will modify the microcontroller and the microcode of the LC 2200-32 to support
interrupts. You will need to to the following:
1. Be sure to read the appendix on the microcontroller and look at its implementation in the LC-2200-32.circ
file as there are instructions and guidance for what needs to be supported.
2. Modify the microcontroller to support asserting three new signals:
(a) LdEnInt & DrEnInt to control whether interrupts are enabled/disabled
(b) IntAck to send an interrupt acknowledge to the device.
3. Extend the size of the ROM accordingly.
4. Fully hook up the microcontroller to the datapath before continuing (our version is not 100% hooked-up).
5. Add the fourth ROM described in the appendix to handle onInt.
6. Modify the FETCH macrostate microcode so that we actively check for interrupts. Normally this is done
within the INT macrostate (as described in chapter 4 of the book and in the lectures) but we are rolling
this functionality in the FETCH macrostate for the sake of simplicity. You can accomplish this by doing the
(a) First check to see if an interrupt was raised.
Project 2 CS 2200 – Systems and Networks
(b) If not, continue with FETCH normally.
(c) If an interrupt was raised, then perform the following:
i. Save the current PC to the register $k0.
ii. Disable interrupts.
iii. Assert the interrupt acknowledge signal (IntAck). Next, take the device index on the bus and use
it to index into the interrupt vector table at (0x01) and retrive the new PC value. This new PC
value should the be loaded into the PC. This second step can either be done during the same clock
cycle as the IntAck assertion or the next clock cycle (depending on how you choose to implement
the hardware support for this in part 1).
Note: To do this new conditional in the FETCH macrostate, we have supplied you with a
new attribute of the state tag called onInt. onInt works in the same manner that onZ did in
project 1. The processor should branch to the appropriate microstate depending on the value
of onInt. onInt should be true when interrupts are enabled AND when there is an interrupt
to be acknowledged.
7. Implement the microcode for the three new instructions for supporting interrupts as described in Chapter 4.
These are the EI, DI, and RETI instructions. You need to write the microcode in the main ROM controlling
the datapath for these three new instructions. Keep in mind that:
(a) EI sets the IE register to 1.
(b) DI sets the IE register to 0.
(c) RETI loads $k0 into the PC, and enables interrupts.
5 Implementing the Interrupt Handler
Our datapath and microcontroller now fully support interrupts BUT we still need to implement an interrupt
handler within prj2.s to support interrupts without interfering with the correct operation of any user programs. In
prj2.s we provide you with a program that runs in the background. For part 3 of this project, you have to write
an interrupt handler for the clock device (Intergenerator). You should refer to Chapter 4 of the textbook to see
how to write a correct interrupt handler. As detailed in that chapter, your handler will need to do the following:
1. First save the current value of $k0 (the return address to where you came from to the current handler),
and the state of the interrupted program.
2. Enable interrupts (which should have been disabled implicitly by the processor in the FETCH macrostate).
3. Implement the actual work to be done in the handler. In the case of this project, we want you to increment
a clock variable in memory.
4. Restore the state of the original program and return using RETI.
The handler you have written should run every time the clock interrupt is triggered. Even though there is only
one interrupt for this project, the handler should be written such that interrupts can be nested (higher priority
interrupts should be allowed while running handler). With that in mind, interrupts should be enabled for as long
as possible within the handler. Furthermore, you will need to do the following:
1. Load the starting address of the handler into the interrupt vector table at address 0x00000001.
2. Write the interrupt handler (should follow the above instructions or simply refer to chapter 4 in your book).
In the case of this project, we want the interrupt handler to keep time in memory at some predetermined
(a) 0xFFFFFC for seconds
(b) 0xFFFFFD for minutes
Project 2 CS 2200 – Systems and Networks
(c) 0xFFFFFE for hours
Assume that the clock interrupt fires every second.
3. Complete the two FIXMEs located in prj2.s. You should read through this file as it contains more information
about this part of the project.
6 Extra Credit – Implement Keyboard Interrupt (25 Bonus Points)
Make sure that everything upto this point is working correctly before you attempt this section
For extra credit, Once you have a working clock interrupt handler, as described in the above sections, you may
wish to add support for another interrupt. Use the Keyboard located in the Input/Output sub menu of logisim,
to create a keyboard device. Now you will need to add support in your computer to do the following:
1. Add support in the datapath for the second device
2. Add support in the microcontroller for the second device, that is choose between which interrupt to handle.
The clock has a higher priority than the keyboard.
3. Add support in the handler (prj2.s) to store the result from the keyboard to memory starting at location
0xEEEEE0 going towards increasing memory addresses. The processor has 16 IVT entries, one of them is
the clock handler make another one the keyboard handler address.
• A priority encoder might be useful in choosing between interrupts from different devices.
• The compiler supports bonus instructions (see appendix B and example.s file for how to use them). You
may find it necessary to implement these in the microcode and use them for controlling the second device.
Note: Both the clock and the keyboard interrupt should be working at the same time to receive credit
for this portion!!!
7 Deliverables
Please submit all of the following files in a firstNamelastName.tar.gz archive (please replace firstNamelastName
with you actual name…). You must turn in:
• prj2.s
• LC-2200-32.circ
• microcode lastName.xml (please replace lastName with you actual last name…)
• If you do the bonus portion of the project, please include a text file explaining how to use it
Don’t forget to sign up for a demo slot! We will announce when these
are available. Failure to demo results in a 0!
Precaution: You should always re-download your assignment from TSquare after submitting to ensure that all necessary files were properly
Project 2 CS 2200 – Systems and Networks
8 Appendix A: Microcontroller Unit
As you may have noticed, we currently have an unused input on our multiplexer. This gives us room to add
another ROM to control the next microstate upon an interrupt. You need to use this fourth ROM to generate
the microstate address when an interrupt is signaled. The input to this ROM will be controlled by your interrupt
enabled register and the interrupt signal asserted by the clock interrupt from the part 1. This fourth ROM should
have a 2-bit input and 6-bit output. The most significant input bit of the ROM should be set to 0.
The outputs of the FSM control which signals on the datapath are raised (asserted). Here is more detail about
the meaning of the output bits for the microcontroller:
Table 1: ROM Output Signals
Bit Purpose Bit Purpose Bit Purpose Bit Purpose
0 NextState[0] 7 DrMEM 14 LdA 21 ALULo
1 NextState[1] 8 DrALU 15 LdB 22 ALUHi
2 NextState[2] 9 DrPC 16 LdZ 23 OPTest
3 NextState[3] 10 DrOFF 17 WrREG 24 chkZ
4 NextState[4] 11 LdPC 18 WrMEM 25 LdEnInt
5 NextState[5] 12 LdIR 19 RegSelLo 26 DrEnInt
6 DrREG 13 LdMAR 20 RegSelHi 27 IntAck
Table 2: Register Selection Map
RegSelHi RegSelLo Register
0 0 RX
0 1 RY
1 0 RZ
1 1 $k0
Table 3: ALU Function Map
ALUHi ALUlLo Function
0 0 ADD
0 1 NAND
1 0 A – B
1 1 A + 1
Reminder: Logisim implements the typical edge-triggered logic used in modern digital circuits. This means that
stateful devices only change state when the clock makes a 0 to 1 transition.
This note pertains to the microsequencer implementation of the control logic. NOTE: Logisim has a
minimum of two address bits for a ROM, even though only one address bit is needed for the OnZ ROM and
the new interrupt ROM. You may want to do something so that the high address bit for these two ROMs are
permanently set to zero.
Project 2 CS 2200 – Systems and Networks
9 Appendix B: LC 2200-32 Processor Reference Manual
The LC-2200-32 is a 32-bit computer with 16 general registers plus a separate program counter (PC) register. All
addresses are word addresses. Register 0 is wired to zero: it always reads as zero and writes to it are ignored.
There are four types of instructions: R-Type (Register Type), I-Type (Immediate value Type), J-Type (Jump
Type), and O-Type (Other Type).
Here is the instruction format for R-Type instructions (ADD, NAND):
Bits 31 – 28 27 – 24 23 – 20 19 – 4 3 – 0
Purpose opcode RX RY Unused RZ
Here is the instruction format for I-Type instructions (ADDI, LW, SW, BEQ):
Bits 31 – 28 27 – 24 23 – 20 19 – 0
Purpose opcode RX RY 2’s Complement Offset
Here is the instruction format for J-Type instructions (JALR):
Bits 31 – 28 27 – 24 23 – 20 19 – 0
Purpose opcode RX RY Unused (all 0s)
Here is the instruction format for S-Type instructions (HALT, EI, DI, RETI):
Bits 31 – 28 27-0
Purpose opcode Unused (all 0s)
Table 4: Registers and their Uses
Register Number Name Use Callee Save?
0 $zero Always Zero NA
1 $at Reserved for the Assembler NA
2 $v0 Return Value No
3 $a0 Arg or Temp Register No
4 $a1 Arg or Temp Register No
5 $a2 Arg or Temp Register No
6 $a3 Arg or Temp Register No
7 $a4 Arg or Temp Register No
8 $s0 Saved Register Yes
9 $s1 Saved Register Yes
10 $s2 Saved Register Yes
11 $s3 Saved Register Yes
12 $k0 Reserved for OS and Traps NA
13 $sp Stack Pointer No
14 $fp Frame Pointer Yes
15 $ra Return Address No
Project 2 CS 2200 – Systems and Networks
Table 5: Assembly Language Instruction Descriptions
Name Type Example Opcode Action
add R add $v0, $a0, $a2 0000 Add contents of RY with the contents of
RZ and store the result in RX.
nand R nand $v0, $a0, $a2 0001 NAND contents of RY with the contents
of RZ and store the result in RX.
addi I addi $v0, $a0, 7 0010 Add contents of RY to the contents of
the offset field and store the result in RX.
lw I lw $v0, 0x07($sp) 0011 Load RX from memory. The memory address is formed by adding the offset to the
contents of RY.
sw I sw $a0, 0x07($sp) 0100 Store RX into memory. The memory address is formed by adding the offset to the
contents of RY.
beq I beq $a0, $a1, done 0101 Compare the contents of RX and RY. If
they are the same, then branch to address
PC + 1 + Offset, where PC is the address
of the beq instruction. Memory is word
jalr J jalr $at, $ra 0110 First store PC + 1 in RY, where PC is
the address of the jalr instruciton. Then
branch to the address in RX. If RX = RY,
then the processor will store PC + 1 into
RY and end up branching to PC + 1.
halt O halt 0111 Tells the processor to halt.
bonr R bonr $a0, $a1, $a2 1000 Optional bonus R-Type instruction
bono O bono 1001 Optional bonus O-Type instruction
ei O ei 1010 Enable Interrupts
di O di 1011 Disable Interrupts
reti O reti 1100 Return from interrupt by loading address
stored in $k0 into the PC and then enabling interrupts.
boni I $a0, (0x01)$a1 1101 Optional bonus I-Type instruction.
bonj J $a1, $a2 1110 Optional bonus J-Type instruction.
Finally, the assembler supports pseudo-operations. These operations aren’t actually supported by the ISA, but
the assembler will produce the appropriate instructions to get the desired instructions.
Table 6: Assembly Language Pseudo-Instructions
Name Type Example Opcode Action
noop Pseudo-Op noop N/A No operation, this does nothing. It actually just spits out “add $zero, $zero,
.word Pseudo-Op .word 32 N/A Fill the word at the current location with
some value.
la Pseudo-Op la $sp, stack N/A Loads the address of the label into the
register. It actually spits out “addi $sp,
$zero, label”
The provided datapath follows the following diagram:
Here is a description of each datapath component:
Project 2 CS 2200 – Systems and Networks
Figure 1: LC 2200-32 Datapath Diagram
1. PC is the program counter register.
2. Z is the zero detection register (used for deciding if a branch should occur).
3. ALU performs four functions: ADD, NAND, SUBTRACT, and INCREMENT.
4. Register File stores the 16 32-bit registers.
5. IE is the interrupts enabled register (interrupts on = 1, interrupts off = 0).
6. MAR memory address register (address to read/write from memory).
7. IR instruction register, which contains the 32-bit instruction currently being executed.
8. Sign Extender extends the 20 bit offset in the IR to 32-bit values suitable for driving on to the bus.
9.1 Interrupts Support
Note that some items mentioned in this section are not implemented yet. The implementation is part of
your assignment for this project. You must handle the following:
1. Memory Mappings
Project 2 CS 2200 – Systems and Networks
(a) For the purposes of this assignment, we have chosen to keep the interrupt vector table to be located
at address 0x00000000. It can store 16 interrupt vectors. Program memory starts at 0x00000010.
2. Hardware Timer
(a) The hardware timer will fire every so often. You should configure it as device 1 – it should place the
assigned index (its driver is located on the vector table) onto the bus when it receives an IntAck signal
from the processor.